Every CS rep is giving you a totally different answer to the problem.But then others say that apple and Verizon haven't heard of the problem. I'm gonna call again today because the fix we tried yesterday did not work.
Every CS rep is giving you a totally different answer to the problem.But then others say that apple and Verizon haven't heard of the problem. I'm gonna call again today because the fix we tried yesterday did not work.
i've been following this thread for the last week or so... just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
i was getting signal drops even though i had voice/data LTE turned off, suffered for about 2 days (starting sept 23rd) --- then i went out and got a replacement phone and i am NOT experiencing any signal drops (got the phone last night).
i have HD voice turned on my account, iphone 7 256gb/black.
i was one verizon carrier version 25.1 (had no drops)
checked today and im on carrier version 25.5 (still no drops)
i was on 10.0.2 worked on there, updated to 10.1 works here as well.
I created an account just to add my 2 bits. Having the exact same problems on a 128GB iPhone 7 on Verizon in central Utah. Since I have my 6s still, I can say that it remains stable even when the 7 is bouncing between LTE/No Service/1x/3G. And, like others, if I disable voLTE, things work just fine, but that's a pretty big sacrifice. Unlike others, I haven't bothered replacing my phone because what's the point?
Is your 6S running iOS 10? Or are you still on iOS 9?
I'm back on my 6s-plus and haven't had any of these issues that my 7 plus has going on. I don't see how the 6s plus running the same iOS and carrier setting has no issues but the 7 did.
So I decided to try my Network provider 3 UK to see if they could help. I did a little check on my wife and daughters iPhones, one's an iPhone 5S and the others a 6S. When I go into Settings > General > About it shows their Carrier version as 25.5 but mine is 25.1 hmmmmm could this be a problem. I did tell them this but they never confirmed or denied but did post this![]()
Just went back to the Apple Store after support line had me perform network reset and factory restore over past two days without improvements.
Genius Bar ran full diagnostics but did not find any issues. They were not inclined to replace the hardware and instead advised me to reach out to verizon first and/or perform another factory reset. Mentioning threads like this and hundreds of similar issues did not change their recommended next steps.
Too much hassle, so I decided to return the phone.
(edit: typo)
In Houston (specifically West side) I get the following:
- No Service when transitioning from Wi-Fi to cellular (which stays at 3G for at least 10 or so minutes before upping to LTE)
- More 3G service where I know LTE is good
For the first few days of owning the 7 I would see no service in random areas while driving; I'm not seeing this anymore though. Maybe Verizon is making some changes on their end behind the scenes?
If you were within your 14 day period, they should've exchanged it. That is what happened with me. Granted it didn't resolve my issue but I tried.
Yes, was within 14 days. Store Employee indicated hardware replacement is only done when diagnostics show an issue with the hardware. Leaving on vacation tomorrow, so didn't have time to go through additional restores and tests to figure out what was wrong. Back to my iPhone 6 now.