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It happens on 10.0.1 as well as 10.0.2 and even the 10.1 beta. This thread was started long before 10.0.2 was released.

The problem will come back. It's intermittent. Give it a day or two of testing.

forgot to mention i'm in Northern NJ.. I've been following this since last weekend so i know all the ios versions have problems. some of my friends don't have this problem tho with verizon iphone 7 so hopefully this new iphone somehow works!
Went to Verizon store and they wanted to replace phone but they have no stock so they sent me to Apple. They claimed not to have heard of this issue. Waiting to see Apple support later today and will report back. Have a feeling replacement phone won't resolve issue.

I got a replacement iPhone 7.. did not fix the issue.
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Here is my experience, copied from another thread:

I have a matte iPhone 7 on Verizon.

I use Waze when driving to work each day, around 1 hour each way. On almost every trip, the GPS signal disappears, followed by the phone displaying 'No Service'. The service comes back after some period of time (30 seconds to a few minutes). I usually turn airplane mode on and off to try and get it to recover the signal.

I took the phone to the apple store to have them check it. They ran diagnostics and said the phone was fine. The apple employee told me that the GPS and the Cell modem are on the same chip. I have noticed that I will get an approximate location when the GPS is not working, probably from the wifi triangulation.

I have been taking screen shots every time it happens since that visit, 5 days ago. It has happened 6 times.

I hope that Apple diagnoses what is wrong and gets it fixed asap. It is extremely annoying!
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Here is my experience, copied from another thread:

I have a matte iPhone 7 on Verizon.

I use Waze when driving to work each day, around 1 hour each way. On almost every trip, the GPS signal disappears, followed by the phone displaying 'No Service'. The service comes back after some period of time (30 seconds to a few minutes). I usually turn airplane mode on and off to try and get it to recover the signal.

I took the phone to the apple store to have them check it. They ran diagnostics and said the phone was fine. The apple employee told me that the GPS and the Cell modem are on the same chip. I have noticed that I will get an approximate location when the GPS is not working, probably from the wifi triangulation.

I have been taking screen shots every time it happens since that visit, 5 days ago. It has happened 6 times.

I hope that Apple diagnoses what is wrong and gets it fixed asap. It is extremely annoying!

I have the exact same issue while I am commuting and my VZW, JB, 128GB, iPhone 7+ acts almost the exact same way. However, I don't toggle airplane mode. i just let it reconnect. It usually takes several minutes or it comes back in 15 seconds. There is no rhyme or reason for it and it cuts out in random areas. I have also seen where i may be outside walking and my phone is stuck on 3G while my wife's iPhone 7 has LTE. This usually happens 6-8 times during my total commute to and from work which is about 1.5 to 2 hours. I too hope that they come out with a fix soon. I love this phone and would hate to return it.
Also the 7 has new modems (Intel) so still could be a driver issue only (or hardware too). That would explain why only the 7's are having the problem as well.
Only GSM phones are Intel CDMA devices are still Qualcomm modems
Verizon 7+ here, Lehigh Valley area of eastern PA. Having signal dropouts as well!

Does anyone know when Verizon will push the 25.2 carrier settings update?
I am a T-mobile customer with a 7+ and am having the same problems. I have IOS 10.0.2. T-mobile is on the 25.2 carrier settings. I have been in contact with T-mobile and Apple support. The last thing I want to do is return the phone but I may have to.
Verizon 7+ here, Lehigh Valley area of eastern PA. Having signal dropouts as well!

Does anyone know when Verizon will push the 25.2 carrier settings update?

May not even be the case. I'm on 25.5 with 10.1 beta 1 and it's got the issues too.
It worked perfectly fine with my iPhone 6S the day before I activated the 7 too. Clearly an issue with the 7 because I was running iOS10 on the 6S
I've shared my theories and analysis many times over now. but what I do know is people shouldn't waste their time with replacements and restores. they have PROVED to be useless.

Well as of tonight I have a replacement iPhone 7 Plus and all is working perfectly. So this replacement didn't prove to be useless thankfully.
Did they give you a hard time?
well I am not the op but when I went they did not give me a hard time, they just asked a few questions and when I went back to a few days latter to find out the status of the replacement, the manager talked to me and I told him the issue he also said they would replace it so they are not giving a hard time.
EVERYONE - If you are experiencing this issue with the iPhone 7 on Verizon's network and haven't yet called Apple, here's what I would recommend:

1. Call Apple iPhone Support @ 800-694-7466

2. Explain the issue and tell them that you'd like to talk to a senior advisor because the problem is widespread and you've already tried replacing your phone, etc. (basically, you need to get past having them walk you through a ton of useless troubleshooting steps). Tell them that the phone goes to "no service" for no reason and that you can reboot the phone in the exact same spot and then see several bars of LTE signal afterwards (this rules out the possibility that you are truly in an area with no service).

3. Discuss with the senior advisor and explain that there are tons of people having this issue (people on various forums, etc.) and that you would like them to send you a "profile" to install on your phone to log these signal dropouts.

4. Install the profile, recreate the problem and work with your advisor directly until the problem is fixed (they should schedule call-back times with you, etc.)

The more people that do this, the quicker we're going to see a fix!
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For me, a surefire way to recreate the problem is to drive around for 30-60 minutes while using Waze for navigation. I will almost always get a "no service" dropout at some point when doing this. I believe that this issue is related to the phone's inability to search for the best available signal and/or handoff properly when moving between towers.

If I'm stationary in a spot where I have a good signal, the problem almost never occurs. Likewise, if I kept my phone in my pocket while driving and only pulled it out when I got to work or when at home, I probably wouldn't notice the issue. I'm wondering if this is what is happening to a lot of those people who claim to have no issues?
Same problem as everyone else. Verizon iPhone 7+ (black, not that that matters). Have gotten a replacement phone from Apple but it was no better. Taking voice off LTE helped but did not solve the problem. Am now trying taking of HD on Verizon account page. Also, swapping out for my old iPhone 6 SIM card didn't help. Also having Verizon reset my number didn't help. Have ordered a new phone with Verizon which will come in a few weeks. Frustrated but am hoping that since Verizon and Apple (both whom, incidentally, acknowledge the problem even though many posters seem to think otherwise) are aware of it and are working on it, a fix may be coming.
Made a call to Verizon today to follow up on a trouble ticket that been opened regarding the signal dropouts. Not surprisingly, the ticket was closed with the following resolution: (I'm paraphrasing) customer has very strong signal strength near home address and no known problems exist with local towers; advise customer to perform factory reset.

So there you have it, folks. A problem that occurs when moving between towers likely doesn't exist, and I should just wipe my phone to ease my mind. Or perhaps Verizon thinks I should remain in my apartment all day tethered to WiFi. I think it's the arrogance of these companies that annoys me more than my brand new phone not really working.
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