so i bought a verizon iphone 7 128gb last friday and restored it from my iphone 6 backup. i also updated the ios to 10.0.2. When I was on the road on Saturday, it went from LTE to 3g/1x to no service. toggling on airplane mode on and off didn't solve the problem. only restarting the phone helped but then it lost the signal not too long after. so went back to my iphone 6 with ios 10.0.1 and had ZERO problems. I ended up returning the 7 back to the apple store earlier this week. so today, i went back to the store and bought aother iphone 7 128 for verizon and restored from my iphone 6 backup again but this time, i didn't update the ios and stayed with 10.0.1. I was driving around for about 20 mins twice and it hasn't lost a signal yet. will see what happens on my way home after work later today and see if it still works fine!