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Verizon and Apple (both whom, incidentally, acknowledge the problem even though many posters seem to think otherwise) are aware of it and are working on it, a fix may be coming.

Oh really? See the very next post after yours.
Oh really? See the very next post after yours.

Yeah, the problem is that both company's awareness of the flaw varies from one employee to the next. Wouldn't surprise me if the occasional pronouncements made by tech support about fixes and whatnot are just lies.
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Go to settings > general > about and wait. If there is an update, you will get a prompt.
How long do you have to wait? And can I be on my house's wifi or do I have to be connected to Verizon's LTE network? Because I am staring at my screen for several minutes and nothing.
How long do you have to wait? And can I be on my house's wifi or do I have to be connected to Verizon's LTE network? Because I am staring at my screen for several minutes and nothing.

You only have to wait a few seconds. If there is a carrier update available, you'll get a popup within a few seconds of going to the General>About screen. I say this as an iPhone user for 8+ years who regularly checks for carrier updates. :)
EVERYONE - If you are experiencing this issue with the iPhone 7 on Verizon's network and haven't yet called Apple, here's what I would recommend:

1. Call Apple iPhone Support @ 800-694-7466

2. Explain the issue and tell them that you'd like to talk to a senior advisor because the problem is widespread and you've already tried replacing your phone, etc. (basically, you need to get past having them walk you through a ton of useless troubleshooting steps). Tell them that the phone goes to "no service" for no reason and that you can reboot the phone in the exact same spot and then see several bars of LTE signal afterwards (this rules out the possibility that you are truly in an area with no service).

3. Discuss with the senior advisor and explain that there are tons of people having this issue (people on various forums, etc.) and that you would like them to send you a "profile" to install on your phone to log these signal dropouts.

4. Install the profile, recreate the problem and work with your advisor directly until the problem is fixed (they should schedule call-back times with you, etc.)

The more people that do this, the quicker we're going to see a fix!

Just got off the phone with support. The senior advisor had no idea what I was talking about when I asked for a profile to log the signal dropouts.
Just got off the phone with support. The senior advisor had no idea what I was talking about when I asked for a profile to log the signal dropouts.

That's ridiculous!

Well, you know what they say...

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!
lol I love basically telling the reps don't even ask me to do "xyz" because I already have and know more that you do about the phone. send me to tier 2 please.
Here are two replies I received from Verizon customer service on Twitter.

"Thank you so much for the additional information. We are aware of the issue and we are working with Apple on this as it seems to be an issue with the newest update. Apple has advised to complete a Restore through iTunes to see if any of the issues correct itself. Have you tried that at all?"

This is after telling them that I've had some success turning off VoLTE

"You are most welcome. We have found a few temporary fixes but not all are working for everyone. One thing to try is also turning off Data Roaming. Definitely test out the Restore and let us know how it goes. Was there anything else we can assist you with today?"
Talked to apple last night and had a call back tonight. Let them know that I was still having issues so they set me up an appointment for Saturday. Real curious to see what they say because replacing the phone isn't going to fix the problem.
Talked to apple last night and had a call back tonight. Let them know that I was still having issues so they set me up an appointment for Saturday. Real curious to see what they say because replacing the phone isn't going to fix the problem.

don't even waste your time. they won't even know of the issue.

pop some popcorn and sit back for the ride like everyone else lol
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Wow, everyone's patience with the problem here is unbelievable. I'da told them they can take their signal dropping phone and stick it after the first week at most, then fire up my backup device or get something else till all this is sorted out.
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Wow, everyone's patience with the problem here is unbelievable. I'da told them they can take their signal dropping phone and stick it after the first week at most, then fire up my backup device or get something else till all this is sorted out.

A lot of us don't have that option. We either have no back up phones or our phones aren't in stock for a swap (JB color). This has to be software related. Hoping for a resolution soon. I'm on the IUP program. Would hate another credit check or having my phone wrapped under warranty when it's fine (minus the signal dropping).
Wow, everyone's patience with the problem here is unbelievable. I'da told them they can take their signal dropping phone and stick it after the first week at most, then fire up my backup device or get something else till all this is sorted out.

I would love to do this. however, I have a feeling its not Verizon's issue. their network is working properly, just not for the iPhone 7. I blame apple more. but as other have said, what am I gonna do? I've already turned in my iPhone 6. also, my phone works 98% of the time and haven't seen a service drop in 3 days. so I mean whats it gonna do for me to complain about it? nothing will get resolved quicker.
I would love to do this. however, I have a feeling its not Verizon's issue. their network is working properly, just not for the iPhone 7. I blame apple more. but as other have said, what am I gonna do? I've already turned in my iPhone 6. also, my phone works 98% of the time and haven't seen a service drop in 3 days. so I mean whats it gonna do for me to complain about it? nothing will get resolved quicker.

Gotcha, will be interesting to see who's problem it turns out to be. Could be some of both.

A lot of us don't have that option. We either have no back up phones or our phones aren't in stock for a swap (JB color). This has to be software related. Hoping for a resolution soon. I'm on the IUP program. Would hate another credit check or having my phone wrapped under warranty when it's fine (minus the signal dropping).

Well since swapping has shown not to work I'd have opted for a refund. Understand your concerns tho.
In these days of not having landlines anymore as a fall back device it does make good sense to keep a backup device around just for those unforeseen issues. Like a fall into water or worse can toast a phone pretty quick. Had a lady friend who dropped hers in the parking lot, didn't notice till she had gone 2 blocks, went back to look and found it run over and smashed. She thinks she did it her self backing out, LOL!
I wish everyone the best of luck with a resolution coming sooner rather than later hopefully.
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don't even waste your time. they won't even know of the issue.

pop some popcorn and sit back for the ride like everyone else lol

I'm only doing it to show that there is a problem before I can't get a replacement for free. I'm gonna tell them a replacement device won't work and show them the articles stating that it's not the hardware.
Did they give you a hard time?

Not a hard time but plenty of questions asked and of course this was the first time they'd heard of this in store.

They wanted proof of purchase which I had in PDF format in my emails from Apple and because it was within 14 days they had to offer me a replacement rather than a repair.

They hadn't my colour in stock so said I'd have to check every day for a reserve to pickup in my local store from the Apple Store app and they made a note on my account to extend the 14 days by a further 4 weeks.

I had only left the store 10-15 minutes when they supposedly had a cancellation of one from a reserve to collect customer but I didn't get their message obviously because of NO SERVICE oh the irony hahaha I got the message once on wifi at home and decided to drive back straight away again to collect it.

Not the best scenario in the world but at least I've now a working phone.
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Only GSM phones are Intel CDMA devices are still Qualcomm modems
Ah ok yeah I did read that somewhere. I forgot, thanks. Oh well. I suppose if its a different Qualcomm chip than previous iPhones it still could be a driver issue though. Hopefully it will be determined and resolved soon.
Lol told you

AT&T 256g 7+

My 2nd was actually worse than my 1st. Now when it has signal, as it does now, it's VERY slow to the point of not working most of the time. My 6+ right next to it can load, say GoogleNews, instantly. The 7+... just spins and spins and is still trying after 5 mins. Same signal strength.

If I reboot it I get no service for 5-30 mins or more then finally lock a signal. This is while sitting at my desk in a 4-5 bar area. Not moving.

I took it to Apple for the 2nd time yesterday and they ordered me a 3rd phone.

Will it make a difference? I have no idea, but it can't possibly hurt. And since not everyone is having the issue, that lends some support to it being a hardware issue. Maybe there is an issue with only 1 of their parts supplies or a given part?

My 7+ spends most of it's time with NoService. It's an expensive iPod.

I saw everyone demand replacements from apple. Cycling their inventory like that will light a fire under their asses. The Apple Store employees have gladly ordered me a new one twice, no hesitation. This makes me think Apple does know and knows that there is a chance a new one could work.

Probably won't get the new one in until early next week.

A friend of mine is getting his today, 128g also on AT&T. I twill be interesting to see if he has any issues. Another friend has a 128g AT&T and hasn't had any issues.
So like everyone else I have had the same issue.

I called apple and they sent me a warranty replacement.

Receive the new phone, its working great, connecting to LTE all the time... then I notice, it connects to LTE a lot but I havent seen it go to 1X or 3G.... its either LTE or No Service

Then it starts asking for activation randomly, like 10 times in the past 2 days....

So i flick LTE off and guess what? it never receives 3G or 1X service....

Call in and it turns out the activation profile for my replacement device was WRONG.... its the correct hardware but the activation is not for Verizon, effectively disabling the CDMA portion of the radio.

So now they are saying it can take up to 24 hours to get that changed, I will HAVE to restore again. I will have to set up my apple watching again. I will have to activate this device on my corporate exchange policy again...

This is ridiculous, and in all honesty the fact that Verizon or Apple hasnt said a WORD about this makes me think that its not an easy software fix, in fact with the recall that Samsung just did, if its a bunch of bad modems and radios or something, apple is probably busy trying to figure out what to do without having a major PR nightmare on their hands.
Call in and it turns out the activation profile for my replacement device was WRONG.... its the correct hardware but the activation is not for Verizon, effectively disabling the CDMA portion of the radio.

So now they are saying it can take up to 24 hours to get that changed, I will HAVE to restore again. I will have to set up my apple watching again. I will have to activate this device on my corporate exchange policy again...

Wait what? How is that possible?
Wait what? How is that possible?

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