I have been dealing with all these issues with a vzw iphone 7 since 9/16/16. I tried to work with VZW for a new replacement device and they sent me a scratched device that was older than my problem device. So I sent that back and started dealing with apple directly. They promised to send a "new" device but the device that I received had fingerprints on it which could not be a new device; also came in a white box. Some D#bag at customer relations David Wright claimed it is normal to have fingerprints and claimed the device was new even though it may have been worked on. Call or email this d*bag if you like to hear used car salesman mentality. This guy will not last long. He is with apple customer relations.
Thank you for speaking with me today. If you have any questions, my phone number is 877-388-0879 ex. 1101051 and my normal office hours are Monday - Friday 1:30 - 10:30pm CST.
If I’m unavailable when you call, please leave me a voicemail or send me an email. I’ll follow up no later than my next day in the office.
Best regards,
David Wright
My not new replacement from apple at home with lte reads -102 db. Verizon claims cell tower is .75 miles from house. No change if I go outside. When traveling phone changes between lte, 3g and 1x. If it stays on lte signal decreases in well covered areas to -120 db. Airplane mode togle improves signal strength but speed test on VZW lte is less than 2mbs in advanced lte area. All 3 iphone 7's that i have had acted the same. Original device was week 36, scratched replacement from VZW week 35 and week 40 "not new" device from apple. I don't know what to do from here. I previously had an iphone 6 VZW which had better signal strength everywhere. Apple customer care claims this is a known issue which they are working on 12/10/16. When asked for an ETA they clam up and give no known resolution. Clearly in this case a hardware issue that has not been improved by carrier updates and ios updates.