This pic should be on billboard. Excellent
This pic should be on billboard. Excellent
What's that thing you cooking
Awesome thanks
Wow so much clarity
That's a great photo, the detail on each one stands out. Did you edit it in any way?
Oh No!! This time of year again with people posting the dopey pics of flowers, bugs and food drinks to show off the camera. I can't believe people really like looking at that stuff. Lol.
Am I crazy thinking this way? I picture grown men standing with their dopey phones bending over to get a pick of a butterfly. No one else would ever care or want to look at these pics except for Macrumors
I took this last night with my iPhone 7 plus. I love this phone !
Interesting outcomes today...the first picture is stock, taken with iOS camera, no filters. The second is also with the iOS camera, but I applied filter edits to try to match the first. I'm really liking the natural blue/depth of field effect on this one. I found it odd that the pictures had such drastic changes or differences between them.
How did you upload the picture like that?
Great pics which site do you use?