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And Pwnage 2.1 is out today (lol)

The Apple 2.1 update does indeed work on a pwned 2.02, but:

- it MUST be on a FRESH restore of Apple' s 2.02 from iTunes 7.x
- THEN pwn it via Pwnage Tool or QuickPwn
- Then attempt the 2.1 from iTunes 8

Data preservation was not possible for me in the process, as existing personal data restores kept breaking the the 2.1 update (I kept it fresh and re-synced when I was done).

It will be interesting to see if we can continue to update firmware through iTunes going forward. NOTE - this method is no dis on the iphone-dev guys: they are gods on high for their work. This method might potentially be simpler for updating in the long run if all you are concerned with is the SIM unlock.
You need to just get pwnage tool and the 2.0 firmware and the 2.0 custom fimware once you do that you will need to unlock the 2.0. AFTER YOUR 2.0 IS UNLOCKED YOU CAN UPGRADE TO 2.1. if you go from 1.1.4-2.1 directly your #$%ED:eek:

Thanks, but I'm getting error 1600 when trying to go to the 2.0 firmware. Any ideas anyone? Tried it on two different pcs so far
I tried to upgrade 2.1 again this morning and it didnt work. I can recieve call and the phone recongizes my carrier as tmobile, but the phone is in emergency mode and itunes says the sim cannot be recognized. I downgraded to 2.0.2 again so Im ok now. I am wondering what I am doing wrong. I updated to 2.0.2 earlier in the week using quickpwn w/ itunes 8. Do I have to do a restore with an earlier version of itunes for this to work?

I originally ziphoned my iPhone back when I was on 1.1.4. When 2.0 came out, I was cautious as I had heard bad things that had happened to people that used ziphone, but I eventually bit the bullet and used Pwnage Tool to upgrade my iphone to 2.0, and that worked a dream. What with 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 coming out I decided to sit and wait as I didn't want to have to keep wiping my iphone and lose all my text messages, etc.
However, today I decided to bite the bullet and performed a standard iTunes upgrade from my Pwnage Tool unlocked 2.0 to 2.1
Just to report it worked fine for me and my iPhone is unlocked (I'm on Vodafone UK). True the jailbreak was gone, but actually I don't care for that any more - the important thing is that my iphone is unlocked.
I know that some others have had problems but just wanted to add my 2 cents - just in case there is any one else that has had the same unlocking route as me.

Well, me too I have a problem, what a surprise, hm:)

I have a 8gb iphone and i upgraded my phone from 1.1.4 straight to 2.1. And now nothing works. It's locked, unactivated and of course not JB.
After reading around I wanted to downgrade back to 2.0, to be able to pwne my phone, well that didn't work out very well. I can't downgrade, I can't unlock, I can't activate... what I can do, is asking you mates for advice, what I should do next.

Thanks in advance


Well, me too I have a problem, what a surprise, hm:)

I have a 8gb iphone and i upgraded my phone from 1.1.4 straight to 2.1. And now nothing works. It's locked, unactivated and of course not JB.
After reading around I wanted to downgrade back to 2.0, to be able to pwne my phone, well that didn't work out very well. I can't downgrade, I can't unlock, I can't activate... what I can do, is asking you mates for advice, what I should do next.

Thanks in advance


DFU the iPhone and manually downgrade to pwned 2.0 using iTunes 7.7?
Worked, for me, too!

1) iPhone 2G 16GB, unlocked and JB, firmware 2.0.1
2) iTunes 8 (Mac)
3) 'update' button in iTunes

As simple as that! I don't have Cydia anymore but I don't really care. It's faster now.

I've upgraded my iPhone 2G to 2.1 with iTunes 8 by mistake!
I've used Pwnage, did all the process but didn't notice to select pwange custom restore file for restoring ....
WHAT CAN I DO? My iPhone still has my carrier name but can only do emergency calls ... iTunes says that the SIM is not supported and can't use the iPhone....
Any ideas?
+ Help!

I've upgraded my iPhone 2G to 2.1 with iTunes 8 by mistake!
I've used Pwnage, did all the process but didn't notice to select pwange custom restore file for restoring ....
WHAT CAN I DO? My iPhone still has my carrier name but can only do emergency calls ... iTunes says that the SIM is not supported and can't use the iPhone.... DOES THIS MEAN MY IPHONE IS UNLOCKED BUT NOT ACTIVATED? IN THAT CASE, HOW CAN I ACTIVATE IT?
Any ideas?
Misterjon, don't despair. I did it once too.
Put your phone in DFU mode again (that's where you hold the two buttons down for ten seconds, then release the top button for another ten), and then restore again with the custom ipsw file.

With the phone in DFU, when iTunes asks you to restore, option click and navigate to that custom ipsw file. You'll be fine.
I've upgraded my iPhone 2G to 2.1 with iTunes 8 by mistake!
I've used Pwnage, did all the process but didn't notice to select pwange custom restore file for restoring ....
WHAT CAN I DO? My iPhone still has my carrier name but can only do emergency calls ... iTunes says that the SIM is not supported and can't use the iPhone.... DOES THIS MEAN MY IPHONE IS UNLOCKED BUT NOT ACTIVATED? IN THAT CASE, HOW CAN I ACTIVATE IT?
Any ideas?

This is why I did not jailbreak yet. I did the same thing with my 1.1.4 FW on my 1st Gen iphone, and my iphone stuck on the activation screen with itunes icon and the white USB cable asking to connect to iTunes. But since I haven't got the AT&T I was unable to pass the activation. And Ziphone fixed that. But with PwnageTool I see its different, you customize the firmware and then use it in iTunes (alt click) and that activates it. Try to rung PwnageTool again; may be after DFU mode you will be able to reinstall firmware on your iphone again with a custom firmware.
I originally ziphoned my iPhone back when I was on 1.1.4. When 2.0 came out, I was cautious as I had heard bad things that had happened to people that used ziphone, but I eventually bit the bullet and used Pwnage Tool to upgrade my iphone to 2.0, and that worked a dream. What with 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 coming out I decided to sit and wait as I didn't want to have to keep wiping my iphone and lose all my text messages, etc.
However, today I decided to bite the bullet and performed a standard iTunes upgrade from my Pwnage Tool unlocked 2.0 to 2.1
Just to report it worked fine for me and my iPhone is unlocked (I'm on Vodafone UK). True the jailbreak was gone, but actually I don't care for that any more - the important thing is that my iphone is unlocked.
I know that some others have had problems but just wanted to add my 2 cents - just in case there is any one else that has had the same unlocking route as me.

How come you didn't get the jailbreak if you upgraded to 2.1 wit hthe Pwnage Tool. Also did pwnage Tool activated your iphone for you or you had an official account with your iphone network provider?
How come you didn't get the jailbreak if you upgraded to 2.1 wit hthe Pwnage Tool. Also did pwnage Tool activated your iphone for you or you had an official account with your iphone network provider?

Hi - I didn't use the Pwnage Tool when I upgraded from 2.0 to 2.1 - just did a straight update in iTunes, hence why i lost the jailbreak.
With regards to activiation - well I'd had this sorted when I originally pwnaged it on 2.0, so I assume the activation hack and unlock both carried through from there.
Take out the SIM.
If you're on a Mac, run the Pwnage tool again but run it simplified and don't jailbreak it, just unlock it.
Some of the steps it goes through SHOULD get the iPhone reset to a degree where you can then restore it via iTunes and have a phone that's back to base level.

THESE ARE HUNCHES, somebody with more knowledge is going to have to chime in.

But if that all works, then see if your SIM works again. And worst case, if the SIM doesn't work and the phone does work, leave the SIM out and take it to Apple to get a replacement. BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE SURE THE PHONE IS BACK TO FACTORY SETTINGS.

Anyone else got a better idea?

Also, go look at iclarified for more info. They might have some suggestions.

This might sound like allot, but you might want to try and downgrade itunes to 7.7, use winpwn and try and unlock it with the 2.0 hope that work.

If that doesnt work then what you will have to do is get ziphone still downgrade to 1.1.4 and downgrade the baseband , then try and unlock it as a 1.1.4 just so you can have a working phone for now. THen if that works ill let you know what you can do from there.

make sure to unistall w/e software before you get the new or old one.and restart your system. or nothing will work. When going from 8.0 to itunes 7.7 uninstall and clean up .Then install 7.7

Sorry for the belated response, and thanks for the replies.
Thanks much, that does sound like good advice. I'll consider these answers and try them out, lets hope it works. I'll let you know if it worked, or what I'm having troubles with.
Orange Spain, non official

It's a 1st Gen iPhone from SA, 1.1.3, ziphoned, unlocked and jailbreaked to 1.1.4. and then using it with Orange Spain. Then pwnaged to 2.0 and worked perfectly; wanted to do the same yesterday to 2.1.; did everything in pwnage well but when restoring just forgot to ctrl+option for the custom ipsw file!! ****! 2.1. was instelled officially from iTunes. Orange logo on it, iTunes logo and USB logo, only emergency calls, tried to restore with the custom file several times but can't; Shoud I erase any file in Library/iTunes/iPhoneSoftware?????? There are two, 2.1 and 1.1.4.??
Thank you

How come you didn't get the jailbreak if you upgraded to 2.1 wit hthe Pwnage Tool. Also did pwnage Tool activated your iphone for you or you had an official account with your iphone network provider?
Another happy chap here. :)
Successfully upgraded from 1.1.4 Ziphone to 2.1 with PwnageTool. 2.1 is definitely better, keyboard responds to the ringer volume!
Hey guys,
This is my first time in this forum, it's a really great place to get questions answered and it's a really cool thing that you get to help other people.

I have a First Gen iPhone running on 1.1.3 (4A93) on TMobile, and would like to upgrade to 2.1. I've got iTunes 7 and Windows Vista :)mad:). What should I do?

I would really appreciate if you could keep it as simple as possible, since I'm not very experienced with all this, another person was the one that unlocked the phone for me.

Thank you in advance, and sorry for posting yet another question; I find it annoying too, but I just didn't read about another person with 1.1.3 and I guess we're all scared about having our phone turn into a brick.

Thanks again!
Successfully upgraded from 1.1.4 Ziphone to 2.1 with PwnageTool.

Good to know, since i'm in the same situation (1.1.4 ziphone),
and I haven't done the upgrade yet.

Two questions:
- Did you use iTunes 7.7?
- Are you on a Mac?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Good to know, since i'm in the same situation (1.1.4 ziphone),
and I haven't done the upgrade yet.

Two questions:
- Did you use iTunes 7.7?
- Are you on a Mac?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Yes I used iTunes 7.7 and yes I'm on a Mac.
Just for the record (so that others may succeed, too, hopefully).

I followed the tutorial from iClarified.
I tried to follow it by the word, but the tutorial deviated from PwnageTool in some places.
For instance, PwnageTool never asked me about the bootloader file.

Not everything went smooth from the point where iTunes took over.

I used iTunes 7.7 to upload the IPSW.
At one point, I got the error message "... could not be identified properly".
At another point, the extraction of the IPSW failed.

I tried several times, unplugged the iphone several times, etc., and eventually, iTunes did install the IPSW properly (I think).

Then iTunes complained that it needed to upgrade to version 8.0.

So I did that.
This incurred other problems, which seem to be well-known (and unrelated to the iphone upgrade): iTunes keeps crashing when creating the artwork thumbnails. Pressing stop quickly helps.

Then, the biggest obstacle was that iTunes would hang when syncing the contacts (and calendars, etc.).
This also seems to be a well-known problem; it seems to be related to the 2.x FW itself.
I tried several things recommended on the internet.
I removed several folders in ~/Library/Application Support/ that are related to iSync.
I also killed these processes with ActivityMonitor: SyncServer, Sync Services UI Daemon.
I tried several times. I synced several times with Contacts, Calendars, Mail Accounts, etc., unchecked.
Eventually, it worked. I hope it stays that way.
My iPhone 2G 1.1.4 to 2.1 Upgrade


I am a Windows iTunes 8/iPhone 2G user. I was able to easily upgrade my "ZiPhoned" unlocked iPhone 2G from 1.1.4 to 2.1 by first using PwnageTool on a Mac to build the custom 2.1 firmware, and then I restored it on my Windows PC that was already running iTunes 8 and is synced to my iPhone. I went straight to 2.1 from 1.1.4 and I restored the custom 2.1 firmware using iTunes 8 on Windows. I don't see why the whole thing won't work on the Mac though.

I used PwnageTool on the Mac to configure and build the IPSW file. Once the Mac PwnageTool prompted me to connect the iPhone, I copied the custom firmware file from the Mac to the PC, connected the iPhone to the PC and performed one last iTunes 8 backup and sync. I then closed iTunes, turned off the iPhone, and put the iPhone in DFU mode. I did the Shift-Click+Restore (Alt/Option-Click+Restore for Mac) to restore the custom firmware when iTunes launched automatically when the iPhone entered DFU mode. The 2.1 firmware was successfully restored, the iPhone rebooted and the Bootneuter SIM unlock program started to run on the iPhone. iTunes detected the iPhone and asked me if I wanted to restore from my backup. Once the Bootneuter process completed and the iPhone restarted (wait for the Bootneuter process to finish/restart the iPhone), I said yes to the restore then my data was restored, the iPhone synced with my library and the process was completed. No hassles, no issues or problems whatsoever!! No data was lost, the phone was unlocked and upgraded from 1.1.4 to 2.1. Easy as pie.

I recently bought my first Mac, but everything is still on my Windows PC. After this, I am very eager to finally migrate everything to my Mac.



Windows Vista, iTunes 8.0, 1st gen iPhone with 2.0.1 that was previously unlocked and jailbroken, T-Mobile.

Using iTunes updated phone to 2.1. Lost the jailbroken stuff but retained the unlock, which is all I want anyway.
I can recieve call and the phone recongizes my carrier as tmobile, but the phone is in emergency mode and itunes says the sim cannot be recognized. I downgraded to 2.0.2 again so Im ok now.

I have the same problem. How did you downgrade to 2.0.2?
Spoken in plain English

I have Upgraded/Unlocked/Jailbroken three 1G iPhones tonight.
a) 2.0.1 already Pwnage Unlocked/Jailbroken
b) 2.0.1 not yet Pwned at all (had information so I "Erase All Content and Settings"
c) 2.0.2 already Pwnage Unlocked/Jailbroken

You must...upgrade to 2.1 through iTunes the legit way (you will keep unlock but lose jailbreak). Then use the PwnageTool to build a Custom Firmware for each iPhone (it will 'see' the unlock and skip that and give you jailbreak). You will get an error 1600 if you attempt to Pwn/Upgrade or use another iPhone's custom firmware! Please use the applications great DFU mode helper. your screen should be black and iTunes should discover it in recovery mode. Then when it upgrades using your custom firmware it will flash white for a moment.

Here's a tip I ran into along the way:

Navigate to Users > Home Folder > Library > iTunes > Device Support

Delete the Recovery (x122220000_4_Recovery.ipsw) file in that directory without deleting the folder itself.
Just wanted to add my experience for posterity.

JB/UL 2.0.1 with Pwnage (has been unlocked since 1.0.2 with various unlocks)
Updated (did not restore) to 2.1

That's it. No problems!
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