The 2025 equivalent of $499 dollars in 2007 is about $635 dollars today, so the 16E at $599 dollars is actually a savings of about $35 bucks to you. Taking inflation into account, you can look at it this way; Apple has refined its product and improved its technology and they still were able to drop their price to consumers by about 5.7%
This is before sales promotions and such as well, so one can do even better when rolling in promotional and bundle deals.
The U.S. CPI inflation calculator puts $499 in June 2007 dollars at over $760 in today's dollars. Additionally, the $499 price required a 2 year AT&T contract.
AT&T today is offering the 16e for as little as $215.64 ($5.99/month x 36 months) with unlimited plan. Adjusting for inflation, you can get the 16e (through AT&T) for less than 1/3rd of the launch price of the original iPhone (through AT&T) in 2007.