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The whole ordeal with the App store at the moment is a little shaky. I think they bit off more than they could chew when they decided to approve each app individually. They should approve developers and then let them update at will. That'd be nice. As long as someone doesn't have a change of heart and start putting out malicious code.
Heard anything from Apple yet?
I thought their support was supposed to be very good.
I haven't. :mad: I sent them an email on August 8th, at 4:30PM, and I haven't heard back. It's really a bummer, since I keep getting emails for the same requests, and I'd really like to be able to get this update out. :(
could you give a quick run-through of new features/improvements - 6 pages is a bit too much to read! Thanks :)
Still no response from Apple. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, I promise this is just as hard for me as it is for you. :p

If I don't hear from them by later this afternoon, I'm going to send them another email.

And to an above poster, here's what made it into the 1.1 release (straight from the iTunes Connect upload page):

- Badge Icon with Active Tasks
- Cool new color picker with suggested colors
- Improved the layout of the subjects and tasks views
- Subjects now display overdue tasks
- Quick-complete task items
- Automatically begin editing new items
- Step counter on tasks

- Auto-capitalization removed
- Spell check added
- Fixed preferences cell deletion
- Fixed date updating
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a preference item would navigate to the tasks view
I suggest adding some way to input grades. It would be great to be able to put a grade that you get for an assignment and then the app could calculate your average for you.
I suggest adding some way to input grades. It would be great to be able to put a grade that you get for an assignment and then the app could calculate your average for you.

But wouldn't a grade book of some sort be more appropriate since many grades have weights to them?

But wouldn't a grade book of some sort be more appropriate since many grades have weights to them?

On my Macbook, I use Schoolhouse 2 (or I did when it worked) and it had the ability to input the weight for each type of assignment and then the app would calculate the average based on that. You could set it up on the iPhone app so when you add a subject, you then add what kind of assignments you have for that subject and their weight.
hello hello :) i've been reading this thread for a while now, and i'm so excited to see that the app is continuously being improved!

before i continue, i've gotta say first that iprocrastinate mobile is really one of my favorite iphone apps and i thank you craig SO much for it!! You are GENIUS :p

Here's a thought tho, since Apple is delaying the update anyway, i think you should wait a little more (maybe a week or two?) to finish polishing and refining the app based on others' comments and suggestions, because I think there are still great ideas out there to improve the app to its full potential and suggestions keep coming.. so instead of updating repeatedly, i think it'd be easier for users to adjust to if there was just one big update with all the new, awesome features in it by the time school starts..

and i know highschool students won't need this app until early september, but then again, i don't really know how schedules go for university/college students.. hmm :confused: haha
I suggest adding some way to input grades. It would be great to be able to put a grade that you get for an assignment and then the app could calculate your average for you.

btw, that's a really good idea... it'd be great to keep track of grades and how i'm doing in all of my classes at the same time i keep track of assignments.. awesome! :)
Hey guys, thanks for the comments and suggestions! :D

Bit of a status update: I sent another email to Apple this morning, asking them again how I should go about uploading my update. (It's getting really frustrating.) When I hear back from them, I'll let you guys know.

Grades are a great idea, they'll definitely be in the next update. (Or maybe in 1.1, if Apple continues to take their sweet time dealing with all the issues they're having. :mad:)

On another note, I need your opinion. Last night I successfully got the app to communicate with itself wirelessly over the network, so synchronization is on its way. :) I have a couple scenarios that I was hoping you guys could help define app behavior for:

First, I want all devices to be "independent." That is, you can synchronize with your Mac at home, your friend's iPod, a stranger's Phone, (with their permission of course), etc. This introduces a bit of an issue. Since there will be no "memory" of previous sync's, the status of two versions of iProcrastinate will be determined on the fly. So take this for example:

1) You create two Subjects on your Mac, "Biology" and "Chemistry." You sync this with your empty iPhone. It will see that the two Subjects don't exist on the Phone, and will create them. But lets say after that, you delete one of the Subjects from the Mac, and sync again. What should happen? Should that Subject be replaced on the Mac? Or should it be removed from the iPhone? Or should the user be prompted?

2) Should there be an option to "wipe" a device with data from another? This would require confirmation from both ends, and I think it's a worthwhile feature.
hey there.. I dont mean to interrupt.. but i have been thining about downloading this app since you first made this thread, and i figured since i havent used YOU NOTE in a while, i might as well TRYIN your app to see if i would use it more often.. if it has a better UI and all that..

Im not a student BTW and wanted to try to use it for normal tasks.

ANYWAYS< i uploaded it to my phone through my iphone's app store and it will NOT OPEN! I tried to delete and reinstalla few times, but NOTHING> It shows LOADING and then quits..
hey there.. I dont mean to interrupt.. but i have been thining about downloading this app since you first made this thread, and i figured since i havent used YOU NOTE in a while, i might as well TRYIN your app to see if i would use it more often.. if it has a better UI and all that..

Im not a student BTW and wanted to try to use it for normal tasks.

ANYWAYS< i uploaded it to my phone through my iphone's app store and it will NOT OPEN! I tried to delete and reinstalla few times, but NOTHING> It shows LOADING and then quits..
Did you install it and then upgrade your iPhone to the latest software update? I've gotten a few emails from users who installed a bunch of third party apps, upgraded their firmware, and then all their apps were broken. :(


oops.. never mind. I got it to open after two restarts.
Phew, glad to hear it. :)
Hey guys, thanks for the comments and suggestions! :D

Bit of a status update: I sent another email to Apple this morning, asking them again how I should go about uploading my update. (It's getting really frustrating.) When I hear back from them, I'll let you guys know.

Grades are a great idea, they'll definitely be in the next update. (Or maybe in 1.1, if Apple continues to take their sweet time dealing with all the issues they're having. :mad:)

On another note, I need your opinion. Last night I successfully got the app to communicate with itself wirelessly over the network, so synchronization is on its way. :) I have a couple scenarios that I was hoping you guys could help define app behavior for:

First, I want all devices to be "independent." That is, you can synchronize with your Mac at home, your friend's iPod, a stranger's Phone, (with their permission of course), etc. This introduces a bit of an issue. Since there will be no "memory" of previous sync's, the status of two versions of iProcrastinate will be determined on the fly. So take this for example:

1) You create two Subjects on your Mac, "Biology" and "Chemistry." You sync this with your empty iPhone. It will see that the two Subjects don't exist on the Phone, and will create them. But lets say after that, you delete one of the Subjects from the Mac, and sync again. What should happen? Should that Subject be replaced on the Mac? Or should it be removed from the iPhone? Or should the user be prompted?

2) Should there be an option to "wipe" a device with data from another? This would require confirmation from both ends, and I think it's a worthwhile feature.

Sounds like some good progress. Here are my thoughts. Rather than a Sync, maybe a object push would be a little better. Here are a few scenarios:

Mobile to mobile: You select send task> chose Chemistry> chose nearby phone. Their phone asks Do you want to accept Chemistry by (phone IP)? Then, if tasks conflict it gives a Keep Old/Overwrite option and then an option for Overwrite or Keep all or something.

For a computer, you could set it up more like a sync option and keep the push for when you're on a friends computer. I'm pretty sure everyone wants to sync with their own systems but just send single items to friends.
Sounds like some good progress. Here are my thoughts. Rather than a Sync, maybe a object push would be a little better. Here are a few scenarios:

Mobile to mobile: You select send task> chose Chemistry> chose nearby phone. Their phone asks Do you want to accept Chemistry by (phone IP)? Then, if tasks conflict it gives a Keep Old/Overwrite option and then an option for Overwrite or Keep all or something.

For a computer, you could set it up more like a sync option and keep the push for when you're on a friends computer. I'm pretty sure everyone wants to sync with their own systems but just send single items to friends.
That makes a LOT of sense. Pairing to a single desktop, pushing to many stranger mobile devices. Mucho thanks amigo :D
Downloaded it a while ago, looks like it should be a pretty good application for once the school year starts, and I am looking forward to the features your have been mentioning in potential future updates.
my iPhone hasnt arrived yet. but ive already downloaded your app! everybody loves it, so i had to make sure its one of the first apps i put on my phone, especially since classes start in a couple weeks
Hi Craig,

Awesome app! Thanks for creating this.

I have one suggestion: Can you add the iPhone text suggest function? I am used to iphone auto-correcting my typos..but with iProcrastinate I now have lots of typos in my notes :)
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