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of course worth! I can't live with 1password,
the BIG question is: one payment or suscription???

I need the app in desktop $69 and mobile $9.99 > I already pay that.

but I'm thinking switch to suscription, why? in some way I don't like have my 1password database on dropbox, also I need pay for each device, also suscription give me web access and forever updates.

mmm but I still thinking what do,

what do you think? standalone or suscription?????
of course worth! I can't live with 1password,
the BIG question is: one payment or suscription???

I need the app in desktop $69 and mobile $9.99 > I already pay that.

but I'm thinking switch to suscription, why? in some way I don't like have my 1password database on dropbox, also I need pay for each device, also suscription give me web access and forever updates.

mmm but I still thinking what do,

what do you think? standalone or suscription?????
I have my data in Dropbox and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm not sold on a subscription because every hacker out there knows 1Password has passwords. It's a prime target for hackers and I just don't feel good about it.
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I have my data in Dropbox and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm not sold on a subscription because every hacker out there knows 1Password has passwords. It's a prime target for hackers and I just don't feel good about it.

the problem to me of have the 1password on dropbox, is in my work I have a computer station, and I need put dropbox on, so the 1pass file in on that computer and is not my computer, even the 1pass file have pass, I don't like have my file around... so in some way I like the 1pass on the 1password servers, but yes for hackers is a prime target! but they give a lot security (well they said that on the site)

I still not take a decision if move to subscription.
the problem to me of have the 1password on dropbox, is in my work I have a computer station, and I need put dropbox on, so the 1pass file in on that computer and is not my computer, even the 1pass file have pass, I don't like have my file around... so in some way I like the 1pass on the 1password servers, but yes for hackers is a prime target! but they give a lot security (well they said that on the site)

I still not take a decision if move to subscription.
LastPass got hacked twice so far. I don't care how good the security is, it seems like anything can be hacked in time.
LassPass is a horrible product, I don't compare 1pass company with lastpass.

I've used 1Password for a year or two and absolutely love it. Couldn't live without it. We use LastPass at work, and I absolutely hate it.
The perpetual single-user license for Mac/Windows (you get individual licenses for each OS) costs about the same as 2 years of subscription for one person. And add iOS or Android into that too, which means that being a perpetual license holder equals about 2.5-3 years of subscription.
Please forgive me, you've already been extremely helpful. I hate being the "clueless guy" but I'm too busy with other stuff to on top of circumnavigating the ever changing world of software. I took the plunge (based on your advice) and downloaded the trial version of 1password.

After setting it up I realized as soon as I start creating better passwords for myself I'll need to have the iOS app otherwise I'll be locked out of all my accounts on my mobile phone. I tried to setup dropbox sync and of course the "sync" button is missing from preferences. And of course after 15 minutes of searching on google I find unhelpful references to a "dropbox sync" button under preferences>General which is also missing. I find no mention anywhere as to why they are missing and what the new process is. After searching 15 minutes for a phone number I go onto their help center. It appears I might need to install the mobile version first before I have a sync option? (wish they could make this process simpler to understand).

I then realize I ultimately want the perpetual license version, and reread this thread. The quote I pasted above mentions "add iOS... (and) a perpetual license holder equals about 2.5-3 years of subscription". So I thought, screw the trial, perhaps if I buy the license I'll be prompted for the proper way to install a perpetual license for iOS and all will make sense. License was purchased, but nothing more has become clear. So I install the mobile version. Still no sync option. Further I am confused by you saying the quote above? It appears this app is free, so where is the cost that equals another 1/2 - 1 year subscription?

This is a great case study on why I hate computers -- that may annoy you. But I'm not sure how someone such as yourself is able to navigate this overly complicated process. I've searched another 15 minutes for a phone number and even tried to post a question in their forum-- that process is entirely new thread.

I don't understand why this has to be some difficult. And if it's just me, how on earth did you find this so simple to understand?

Edit: I failed to mention my desktop 1Passwords application still shows I am using the trial version. Even though I've authenticated that I have purchased the license twice already..... WTF...
Never used it, but heard great things about it. The only thing that worries me is not being able to remember my password say I need to log in on a public computer of something of the sort.
Pretty good but too pricey.
Please forgive me, you've already been extremely helpful. I hate being the "clueless guy" but I'm too busy with other stuff to on top of circumnavigating the ever changing world of software. I took the plunge (based on your advice) and downloaded the trial version of 1password.

After setting it up I realized as soon as I start creating better passwords for myself I'll need to have the iOS app otherwise I'll be locked out of all my accounts on my mobile phone. I tried to setup dropbox sync and of course the "sync" button is missing from preferences. And of course after 15 minutes of searching on google I find unhelpful references to a "dropbox sync" button under preferences>General which is also missing. I find no mention anywhere as to why they are missing and what the new process is. After searching 15 minutes for a phone number I go onto their help center. It appears I might need to install the mobile version first before I have a sync option? (wish they could make this process simpler to understand).

I then realize I ultimately want the perpetual license version, and reread this thread. The quote I pasted above mentions "add iOS... (and) a perpetual license holder equals about 2.5-3 years of subscription". So I thought, screw the trial, perhaps if I buy the license I'll be prompted for the proper way to install a perpetual license for iOS and all will make sense. License was purchased, but nothing more has become clear. So I install the mobile version. Still no sync option. Further I am confused by you saying the quote above? It appears this app is free, so where is the cost that equals another 1/2 - 1 year subscription?

This is a great case study on why I hate computers -- that may annoy you. But I'm not sure how someone such as yourself is able to navigate this overly complicated process. I've searched another 15 minutes for a phone number and even tried to post a question in their forum-- that process is entirely new thread.

I don't understand why this has to be some difficult. And if it's just me, how on earth did you find this so simple to understand?

Edit: I failed to mention my desktop 1Passwords application still shows I am using the trial version. Even though I've authenticated that I have purchased the license twice already..... WTF...

There is no sync button within the desktop app, it just shows where you have the primary vault and the statement "Sync Primary Vault with" is kind of rhetorical insomuch as this is where it will sync and this is automatically done whenever you make changes like adding a new password for a site, changing a password for an existing site etc.

On the iOS app under settings; and you can find the settings within the app at the bottom of the screen 3rd icon (a Cog) from the left, under settings you will see Sync which is 5 icons down and is orange in colour, tap once on the sync icon and you will see the name of your vault and by default this is 'Primary' and underneath that the words "Sync Now" tapping that will sync with your Primary vault in Dropbox. It will automatically sync anyway but if it doesn't for whatever reason you can initiate a manual sync this way.

Re the trial period, wait for it to expire and see if it asks you to buy a licence if it does just enter your licence details. Or just uninstall it and reinstall and when it asks for a licence install the one you have purchased.

Remember nobody is perfect and as a newbie to 1Password you can help make other newbies lives less stressful by contributing to the forum, I know you shouldn't have to but life isn't perfect that’s why we have forums for practically everything we do as humans.

A hamfisted example of tasks that we think are simple or should be...

Write a list of instructions to explain to another person how to make a cup of tea, bear in mind this person has never made a cup of tea and doesn't know what a cup of tea, a cup, a kettle, a teabag or a tap is. I guarantee you will continually make amendments to that list refining it as you miss simple instructions.
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I think I might be "holding it wrong" when it comes to 1Password. I've had it for a trial period on my new MBP and haven't been blown away by it - I think iCloud Keychain works pretty damn well now and the missing part of the jigsaw is proper integration of TouchID in MacOS. I found 1Password's integration to be a bit hit and miss - it seemed to lack consistency in how it worked, particularly with TouchID and I'm not sure if that's down to MacOS or 1Password.
To update everyone and hopefully relieve some stress for others going through this -- The reason I had no sync button was because I needed to checkmark in preferences > Advanced > Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts.

What is frustrating is how the hell was I supposed to know that? It wasn't written anywhere. In fact I asked the kind person helping me multiple times if there was a manual or some instructions I could read but he never responded to that specific question.

I believe this application will be awesome to use and I already like it a lot. I am very puzzled about the lack of proper instructions though.
To update everyone and hopefully relieve some stress for others going through this -- The reason I had no sync button was because I needed to checkmark in preferences > Advanced > Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts.
Strange, although that option is greyed out for me it appears to be already checked.
I am a bit worried cause I started the trial and it is about to expire but it only lets me sign up for the subscription plan. I emailed them two days ago but they have yet to get back to me (it expires tomorrow).

Can I still get the standalone license, even though I did the trial? Is the main difference that I'd have to sync through iCloud instead of their system? I don't care for the online 1password tbh.
The 1Password website used to make it hard but now it is it impossible to find the standalone license. The easiest way is to purchase it from the Mac App Store. you can sync through iCloud or Dropbox with the standalone instead of their servers.
The other easy way is purchasing it right from the app itself: 1Password 6 > Purchase 1Password.
The other easy way is purchasing it right from the app itself: 1Password 6 > Purchase 1Password.

Get OneSafe. Used it for five years. NO subscriptions, works perfect via iCloud. iCloud could be hacked bu so can almost everything.

Fast support, great user interface and not expensive.
The 1Password website used to make it hard but now it is it impossible to find the standalone license. The easiest way is to purchase it from the Mac App Store. you can sync through iCloud or Dropbox with the standalone instead of their servers.

The other easy way is purchasing it right from the app itself: 1Password 6 > Purchase 1Password.

The trial version does not have the "Purchase 1Password" option. :( Or will that come up once my trial expires today?

I do see under Preferences "subscribe now" and it leads me towards a window where I can subscribe only. Maybe I can download the program via App Store and then import everything? Wouldn't want it to affect anything though.

Now, the only difference between it and the standalone is that I won't be synced through 1PSW's servers, right? Is it just better all around to go with the subscription, just less-expensive to do the standalone? Cause I might just keep their subscription if it is safer to the standalone.
The trial version does not have the "Purchase 1Password" option. :( Or will that come up once my trial expires today?

I do see under Preferences "subscribe now" and it leads me towards a window where I can subscribe only. Maybe I can download the program via App Store and then import everything? Wouldn't want it to affect anything though.

Now, the only difference between it and the standalone is that I won't be synced through 1PSW's servers, right? Is it just better all around to go with the subscription, just less-expensive to do the standalone? Cause I might just keep their subscription if it is safer to the standalone.
I wish I could answer your questions, but I only used the standalone and never tried the subscription because I did not like the subscription costs.
Maybe you could find your answers by posting or searching on the AgileBits forum Purchasing section:
or the
AgileBits knowledgebase:
Get OneSafe. Used it for five years. NO subscriptions, works perfect via iCloud. iCloud could be hacked bu so can almost everything.
Enpass, KeePass, etc. are far better contenders since they keep your data local and give the user the choice of putting it in the cloud or some other way of syncing. When it comes to features Enpass is very close to 1Password and you can use it on a number of platforms (even Linux). And the best thing of all: they are not a US company (neither is Agilebits btw, they are Canadian), any legal department of a business outside the US is going to love that.

OneSafe cannot be run on Windows unlike 1Password, KeePass and Enpass so I don't think that in many cases it is even an option. Using it on a number of platforms is one of the great features of 1Password.

The trial version does not have the "Purchase 1Password" option. :( Or will that come up once my trial expires today?
I simply downloaded 1Password from their website, installed it and ran it. Next I clicked in the menu. Perhaps you need to sign out first or re-download it without setting it up. You still have that cloud account so it might be set up to renew that account and thus not show you the option to buy the standalone version.
Wouldn't go a day without it anymore!

Ever since the first day, felt in love with it. ♥️
Long time EX 1 password user here. Left them at the end of 2016. Why? Their darn GREED. I'm getting tired of subscriptions for software. Their latest push has them emphasizing that and leaving those of us who don't want a monthly payment out in the cold. It was always expensive but good software.

Recently added a Windows machine to the mix and wanted the 1PW client for it. The only one that supported non subscription sync was some ancient version (4.x, IIRC) and it was very flakey. Their answer - buy a subscription. No thanks.

Stumbled on Enpass - . It's got all the 1PW features (Windows, OSX, iOS, Android, Apple Watch, browser extensions, etc) and is free on the desktop and $4.99 for each mobile platform. Got my passwords imported and syncing with OneDrive on the PC and Mac and happy as a clam.

I'd look hard at them before shelling out the $$ for 1PW.
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