Indeed. There aren't that many companies any more that use e-mail for support. Quite a lot use forums and a self service portal instead and/or let you create tickets directly in their issue tracking system.
In other words, make sure you understand how a company's support system works. That solves issues like this where people use a means that the company doesn't support. Do understand that this isn't done to make things more difficult but to make things more easy and quicker. The less means of contacting support you have, the easier and quicker the queue can be managed and addressed.
In other words, make sure you understand how a company's support system works. That solves issues like this where people use a means that the company doesn't support. Do understand that this isn't done to make things more difficult but to make things more easy and quicker. The less means of contacting support you have, the easier and quicker the queue can be managed and addressed.