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Not a fan of the look at all. I think it looks worse than Windows XP's. The features are good though and has been bug free so far.
Doesn't run too well on my 2010 MBA. Tried to revert to Mavericks using a Time Machine restore and all my applications were missing (pretty sure I had it back up everything). It also got rid of my Mavericks installers so I'm stuck. Trying to boot off a Snow Leopard disc won't work either, it just crashes the computer.

Regarding Yosemite, the system font is difficult to read on the crappy MBA's screen and the fan kept ramping up like crazy. CPU temps were much higher and lots of beachballs.

Hopefully it'll be better on 10.10.1 and there'll be a third party utility to change the system font.
I've got a 2013 13" MBP 2.5 i5 with 8gigs of RAM and since installing Yosemite, I get the spinning wheel of boredom in every app multiple times. Safari is NOT Snappier and as whole, while I DO like the UI, not happy with the performance.

There has to be a massive memory leak somewhere, because memory clean is activating all the time. I've got it set for cleaning when I get down to 500 MBs of available RAM...

If I have more than 2 Apps open, the system bogs down... Right now I've ONLY got Safari open and only have 750 MBs available... What the hell?

Anyone else out there?

Coachingguy :(

Whatever "memory clean" is, remove it.

In the best case, these kinds of things do little to no harm. They are never actually needed though.

In your case, it's probably what is screwing up the OS, killing performance.

(I've been using Yosemite through the public beta and haven't seen the beach ball.)
Everything pretty much works

I do not care for the translucent/flat trend, but there is not much to be done about that. Apart from Powernap waking up when it is turned off, everything seems to be working fine. There is a third party USB driver that no longer loads at boot time, but it does load when the device is plugged in, so that seems to be non-fatal.

I don't like the interface looks a little toyish.
Seems to take a bit longer to login after it's been asleep.
ONYX needs to be updated to work with this version.
Still looking at setting and making adjustments.
Ive has way too much power at Apple. I don't think Jobs would have let him touch OSX.
Why is this guy doing software? Judging by how hideous Yosemite is, he never should have been let anywhere near it.
Safari looks ridiculous, like a third grader designed it.
His obsession with thinness at the expense of functionality is so annoying I wish Apple would just get rid of him already.

I disagree. I love the way Ive changed the whole theme to minimalism in both iOS and MAC OS. Beautifully made. But hey, each to their own; They can't please everyone.
As with everything designed by someone else, I am happy with some aspects, annoyed at some, and apathetic about most.

Performance-wise, I have had no issues since installing it. I have 4 machines running it now, ranging from a Mac Pro to a MacBook Air, and everything is working well overall.

Aesthetics-wise, I am on the camp of the people who hate the new look. However, I am also very aware that any look they could have gone for would be hated by some. This is like politics, at any given time at least a third of the nation is going to truly hate the sitting president, regardless of who it is or what party they belong to.

Glitches-wise, I have experienced a few. My Mac Pro has 3 thunderbolt displays attached to it, and I keep getting weird window behavior on some apps. Messages, for example, sometimes does not restore its window at all when it starts up, and some other apps, like all of the new iWork, simply refuse to remember the window position.

When these major releases of software happen I go in it with no expectations. Corporations like Apple make their billions of dollars by largely ignoring rants and displeasure and simply looking at numbers - let me be clear: I do not mean this as a criticism or some deluded sense that consumers should rule the way businesses operate. To me, this model is perfectly logical when you have to release a product to millions upon millions of people. The goal is to make sure it works for most. If some hate it, so be it. If it breaks for some, so be it.

In the end, even those of us who think it looks like it was designed with crayons will probably end up running it on our machines, because the ecosystem requires it. Features we need, upgrades we want, new tech will all require we have the latest version.

I run Windows 8.1 on several machines. This is an OS that I truly detest (I am not a Microsoft hater) but I need to have it and use it because I don't live in a bubble and what I do for a living requires that I use many of the different operating systems that run the world.

Eventually I will get used to the childish look and feel of OS X Yosemite, and the rest of the problems I will also have to adapt to :)
… any look they could have gone for would be hated by some. … at any given time at least a third … is going to truly hate …

Compare the first Twitter search link in this list with the second and third. Forewarning: customers are profane about Yosemite.

Previously in Apple's Human Interface Guidelines (HIG):

People Expect a Great User Experience …
Attention to Detail Pays Off in a Superlative UI
There are myriad details you need to handle as you design the UI of your app, including choosing the right menu items, naming new windows correctly, and using the appropriate controls in a toolbar. Don’t be tempted to ignore the guidelines that govern the use of these UI elements, because users tend to notice even subtle differences in appearance and behavior. …​

With emphasis, again: don’t be tempted to ignore the guidelines.

Coinciding with last week's release of OS X 10.10, that phrase has gone. Apple ignored its own guidelines. There's now some shameful crap in what was previously a highly esteemed set of guidelines. The changes in appearance and behaviour are unsubtle. More than that: if I knew nothing of the changes, my first impression of Yosemite would be that its appearance is, in itself, unsubtle; I found it harsh, garish, unforgiving.

There appears to be an unprecedented level of negativity from customers in response to the unsubtle differences in appearance, the generally unsubtle appearance. Much of the negativity is the polar opposite of subtle, and I empathise with those customers. Public beta testers had it relatively easy; they hopefully knew what they were getting into.

I do feel sorry for some users of the released OS X 10.10. Many of those people understandably do "Expect a Great User Experience" and for too many people, the out-of-the-box appearance of 10.10 is nowhere near great.

Corporations like Apple make their billions of dollars by largely ignoring rants and displeasure and simply looking at numbers … The goal is to make sure it works for most. …

If we're to believe Tim Cook – and from what I heard of him in recent interviews, he seems genuine enough – then I must disagree somewhat with (at least) that goal.

Apple: the best is not necessarily the most popular

In the end, even those of us who think it looks like it was designed with crayons will probably end up running it on our machines, because the ecosystem requires it. …

My reaction was exceptional. Yosemite was so frequently intolerable that I chose to both (a) abandon the operating system and (b) avoid investment in Apple's 'ecosystem'. And so I no longer plan to buy an iPhone, and so on. I no longer have confidence in the company's long-term ability to produce the best.
As stated in my OP, I like the look. I was/am frustrated with the legginess. I've gotten rid of Memory Clean. I haven't seen much improvement in the last few hours. Could it be an OS conflict with other SW?

Anyways, I've always upgraded since OS 7... I remember 10.1... What a difference in UI both in look and getting things done.

I appear to be one of the few experiencing performance issues ;)

I also like the Dark look up top too.

Thanks for the advice about memory clean, it's worked for me for two OS's 10.8, 10.9.

Very good, like it.

Installed Yosemite on my late 2009 iMac 27", 12 GB memory. Runs great, very smooth, no problems.

I particularly like the integration with IOS devices - iPhone 6 and iPad Air. I can answer SMS messages on the iMac instead of the tiny iPhone screen. Notifications are very convenient - i expect to see app developers use these extensively.

The integration with 1Password is good.

For the last several months (under Mt. Lion and Mavericks) I have had trouble with the Mail app - it wouldn't retrieve mails unless I quit the app and restarted. Plus a couple of other issues. Now that is cleared up - Mail works fine now. Also an issue with the sleep mode is resolved.

Probably my favorite feature is the "view open tabs" feature in Safari. This works just like on the iPad under IOS8 - click the icon and you can see all of your Mac, iPad and iPhone open tabs. This really fits the way I work - I like to have a bunch of Safari tabs open for various web sites and blogs that I follow regularly. When it's time for bed I shut down the Mac, go to bed, pick up the iPad, and all of the tabs I was viewing on the Mac are right there! Very nice. Really.

Color me happy. It's hard for me to understand what some of you guys are complaining about. Griping about colors or whatever, with all of this new functionality and IOS/OS X integration? Get a grip.
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As stated in my OP, I like the look. I was/am frustrated with the legginess. I've gotten rid of Memory Clean. I haven't seen much improvement in the last few hours. Could it be an OS conflict with other SW?

Anyways, I've always upgraded since OS 7... I remember 10.1... What a difference in UI both in look and getting things done.

I appear to be one of the few experiencing performance issues ;)

I also like the Dark look up top too.

Thanks for the advice about memory clean, it's worked for me for two OS's 10.8, 10.9.


So you are unhappy with the performance of your Mac running Yosemite? i have a 2009 and 2011MBP both with SSD - running excellent with Yosemite, also have a 2013 iMac and MBP with HDD both of those run a bit slower with Yosemite.
… Griping about colors or whatever, with all of this new functionality and IOS/OS X integration? Get a grip.

Less about colours, griping more about appearance problems that caused annoyance – frequently enough to cause abandonment of the operating system. People fully understand that there are some great features, but if the looks are intolerable, or difficult to tolerate, then there's little or no pleasure in those features.
I've got a 2013 13" MBP 2.5 i5 with 8gigs of RAM and since installing Yosemite, I get the spinning wheel of boredom in every app multiple times. Safari is NOT Snappier and as whole, while I DO like the UI, not happy with the performance.

First lesson of being a mac user is wait 3 weeks before installing anything and read about it here. i haven't installed it yet and now I know I shouldn't.
I'm quite happy with the look of it, it had to change at some point, but I'm experiencing very slight performance issues when opening windows within applications - it just seems to be stuttering slightly, I would imagine it will get patched soon but it doesn't seem quite as snappy as Mavericks.

It's not my mac either - I'm rocking a 3.4ghz i7 iMac with 256GB SSD and 16GB ram.
So far, Yosemite is wonderful on my MBPr. I had a lot of problems with Mavericks, starting with it taking 2 weeks to index, and then many other things. It finally stablised with the last update, and i was tempted to stay there, not wanting to go through all these issues and hours on the phone with Apple Support again.

But, took the plunge, and although it all seemed fine, without a clean install, I repaired permissions and did the SMC and PRAM resets etc. So far, no problems, so much faster, no lag in anything (used to be very jerky scrolling in Safari and some other things).
I'm not a fan. List of complaints:

1. It doesn't play nice with my old wireless router. Mavericks did, on the same hardware. Posted about it here, but apparently nobody else is having the same issue.

2. Aesthetically speaking I find it less attractive than Mavericks. Don't like the new smaller font.

3. With disk encryption enabled (Mid-2013 MBA) it seems to take longer (compared to Mavericks) for a user to log in and get a usable desktop.

4. I like to have my apps maximized so that they take up the entire screen (minus the menu bar at the top) but not "full screen". Looks like I can't do that automatically with Mail anymore. Green button puts it into "full screen" mode when all I want it to do is maximize the app's window.

5. They finally removed the SystemStarter framework. Can't really complain about this one since it's been deprecated since forever, but it's causing me headaches at work. Have a couple things I need to rework to use launchd instead.
I think the color scheme is at the heart of Yosemite's ugly side. The design isn't bad and the new features are really solid. But the five year old in charge of the colors should be thanked for her serine, given ice cream and sent home. Wish there was an option for less saturated color scheme.
Not a fan of the look at all. I think it looks worse than Windows XP's. The features are good though and has been bug free so far.

Yosemite is awesome! It is fast, and I like the UI! I love the flat, bright, modern look!:)
Eventually I will get used to the childish look and feel of OS X Yosemite, and the rest of the problems I will also have to adapt to :)

It's not childish, it's neotenous.
I am

I like the cleaner look, but it drains my battery so much faster

I'll wait for a fix
Ive has way too much power at Apple. I don't think Jobs would have let him touch OSX.
Why is this guy doing software? Judging by how hideous Yosemite is, he never should have been let anywhere near it.
Safari looks ridiculous, like a third grader designed it.
His obsession with thinness at the expense of functionality is so annoying I wish Apple would just get rid of him already.

Get rid of Ive? :rolleyes:

Please, go buy a cheap dell machine or something. You clearly don't appreciate design.



Does anybody of you remember the OS look of only 10 years ago?
Colourful, smooth, 3D ....

Yeah I do... And it looks like crap in 2014. Great for the time but incredibly dated now.
I was really trying to hold out for 10.10.1 but I just couldn't control myself so I backed up on TM and installed Yosemite (created USB install stick, in case I wanted to change my mind and do a clean install) over Mavericks on late 2008 MBP.

Installation went smoothly, everything seems like it is working well (so far); color choices in the interface are going to take some getting used to.

Overall, I think I can live with it.

Yep. Really. But its cool. I don't boycott an OS just over looks, they're the least important thing to me. But Yosemite so far as been the most ugly and weirdly presented UI I've ever used.

And I didn't think anybody could do worse Windows XPs teletubbies theme or the classic Ubuntu brown theme.
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