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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
I just received my replacement retina macbook pro, which came as a brand new computer in original box with all accessories. So if I don't send one of the two chargers back is it free or will they charge me for it or something?
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macrumors 65816
Jun 20, 2006
I hope they would charge you. If not, you are a thief. What makes you think you can keep an extra charger? Return the same items that were replaced. It's a shame people even need to ask this type of question. Sad.


macrumors regular
May 11, 2012
at least attempt to return it.. they might tell you to keep it and then you are in the clear.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
Jesus guys its a frickin charger, probably cost them a few dollars...

I had an iPhone replaced and I know the box I sent that back in wasnt the original one so I ended up with an extra charger (No I'm not a thief, it wasn't actually me who sent it back).

Honestly though, like do you think apple expects everything perfectly in the box because if they did why would they send me all the extras again. Also, realistically it probably costs them as much to repackage the damn computer as a charger does. I was just wondering if Apple specifically requires everything to be sent back.

Edit: It is getting sent to their engineers, because it is defective. I'm not returning it to the store just because I didn't like it.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 5, 2012
Jesus guys its a frickin charger, probably cost them a few dollars...

I had an iPhone replaced and I know the box I sent that back in wasnt the original one so I ended up with an extra charger (No I'm not a thief, it wasn't actually me who sent it back).

Honestly though, like do you think apple expects everything perfectly in the box because if they did why would they send me all the extras again. Also, realistically it probably costs them as much to repackage the damn computer as a charger does. I was just wondering if Apple specifically requires everything to be sent back.

If you're going to send the device back for servicing, might as well do it proper.

If you're returning a product, then yes, EVERYTHING that originally comes with the product must be included.


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2012
I would contact them if you don't want to be charged for it. They probably won't, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

To all those jumping to burn OP, no need to overreact. Often when you do RMA's for defective electronics they'll tell you to keep all of the accessories and send just the unit itself. You sometimes get duplicate accessories. Perhaps apple doesn't operate that way, but it's the standard procedure.
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macrumors regular
Jun 16, 2010
Jesus guys its a frickin charger, probably cost them a few dollars...

I had an iPhone replaced and I know the box I sent that back in wasnt the original one so I ended up with an extra charger (No I'm not a thief, it wasn't actually me who sent it back).

Honestly though, like do you think apple expects everything perfectly in the box because if they did why would they send me all the extras again. Also, realistically it probably costs them as much to repackage the damn computer as a charger does. I was just wondering if Apple specifically requires everything to be sent back.

Edit: It is getting sent to their engineers I'm not returning it to the store because I didn't like it.

Just ask them then. They may tell you to keep it, but since they sent you a new one, I would expect that they want the original one back.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
I just received my replacement retina macbook pro, which came as a brand new computer in original box with all accessories. So if I don't send one of the two chargers back is it free or will they charge me for it or something?

Keep it if you want to. It is your morales that suffer. Be the better person...


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2009
Redford, MI
They sent you a new charger, not just a new computer. You have to send the computer back...what makes you think you shouldn't send the charger back, too? Whatever came in the new box, you should send back the same pieces from the old system. It's an even trade, not a bonus prize for you.

If you really want to keep it, the proper thing to do would be to call Apple and ask them if it's ok. But don't just assume that they don't want it back.


macrumors 68000
Jun 17, 2012
Jesus guys its a frickin charger, probably cost them a few dollars...

Doesn't matter of it cost a penny or a million dollars, it's still stealing if you keep it. No shades of gray when it comes to stealing, or any other crime for that matter. It's either black or white; that's it. At least that's what my parents taught me growing up...and I plan to teach my kids. At the very least, call Apple and ask them what they want you to do with it. If they want you to ship it back, they'll give you a shipping label and call it a day. No cost on your part. pretty easy decision if you ask me.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
Keep it if you want to. It is your morales that suffer. Be the better person...

Actually, my morale would most definitely benefit because I'd be receiving an extra charger. :D. Maybe my morals would suffer though... I mean it's gonna tough being a better person seeing as I am the ONLY person in this situation. Me. and Apple.

"Doesn't matter of it cost a penny or a million dollars, it's still stealing if you keep it."

By this logic, is it also stealing if i forget to send back the little piece of paper it comes shipped with the protect the screen from the keyboard? I don't think it's as black and white as you preach..

Regardless, thanks for your opinions. I will be sending the charger back. I think it would have been easier to consider your responses seriously though if they were more appropriate and less incrimination. My question was more meant to be, "does Apple care if I send the extra charger back?", because if they do not, I do not see any problem with keeping it. I honestly cannot imagine them caring. Maybe I'll just give them a call and check after all and ask exactly how they want it sent back. Thanks for your input though.

Edit: I hope you guys stick behind your words, because I would be very disappointed to learn if you have ever pirated music, movies, or software. This includes even putting your friend's CD in your iTunes. Keep the morals strong, and morale up! Peace.
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macrumors 65816
May 23, 2012
It's not free. Nothing is ever free. Just replace your defective parts and return the rest. They will charge you for it or at minimum ask you for it. Then you have to pay to return the rest of the parts or get charged retail pricing for it.

I just received my replacement retina macbook pro, which came as a brand new computer in original box with all accessories. So if I don't send one of the two chargers back is it free or will they charge me for it or something?


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
It's not free. Nothing is ever free. Just replace your defective parts and return the rest. They will charge you for it or at minimum ask you for it. Then you have to pay to return the rest of the parts or get charged retail pricing for it.

Actually, I had the same situation happen with the iPhone, and I ended up with an extra charger. When you bring an iphone into a store, and they replace it with a new box, do they ask you to bring your old charger back?

Also, I saw a lot of free stuff being packaged along with these new computers including mainly superdrives, coupons and free shipping, but I also saw a few extra chargers.


macrumors 68020
May 31, 2012
New England
I still don't understand why people come here, or any internet forum for that matter, to ask a question that they could get a definitive answer to by making a simple phone call.

Instead, we get subjected to hand-wringing, drama-filled threads like this one. (I know, I know...I didn't have to read it...or comment :D :eek:)


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
I still don't understand why people come here, or any internet forum for that matter, to ask a question that they could get a definitive answer to by making a simple phone call.

Instead, we get subjected to hand-wringing, drama-filled threads like this one. (I know, I know...I didn't have to read it...or comment :D :eek:)

Why make a phone call..., when we could simply use a forum to ask other people who have likely had similar experiences... ;)

Okay I know I'm just being a smartass now, I'll stop. Seriously thanks for the responses though. I'll forever be known as the criminal who maybe kept his extra charger debatably with Apple's permission amidst the other great criminals of the time such as Sandusky and that dickwad from Colorado.
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macrumors 65816
May 23, 2012
I can't speak for ALL DEVICES IN EXISTENCE. I can only say from experience that typically there's a fine line in the RMA that says "please return ALL items, documentation, chargers, etc any missing items will be billed to you" - paraphrasing of course but you should read the fine print.

Actually, I had the same situation happen with the iPhone, and I ended up with an extra charger. When you bring an iphone into a store, and they replace it with a new box, do they ask you to bring your old charger back?

Also, I saw a lot of free stuff being packaged along with these new computers including mainly superdrives, coupons and free shipping, but I also saw a few extra chargers.


macrumors 68020
Mar 10, 2011
Edit: I hope you guys stick behind your words, because I would be very disappointed to learn if you have ever pirated music, movies, or software. This includes even putting your friend's CD in your iTunes. Keep the morals strong, and morale up! Peace.

I don't pirate music, movies or software. I'd also send as much as possible that was in the original box, including the charger.


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2008
Richmond, Virginia
To get back to the OP's question, you definitely need to put the charger in there. They got really mad when I forgot to put my thunderbolt to ethernet adapter in the box!


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
To get back to the OP's question, you definitely need to put the charger in there. They got really mad when I forgot to put my thunderbolt to ethernet adapter in the box!

Thanks. Question answered.
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