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Are you drunk? It's a disappointment?

I'm sure Dell, hp, ect would love to have this sort of disappointment.
Yes, you're probably right. When I hear so many netbook fans say how happy they are with their purchase, plus the ridicule I get for getting an iPad without USB ports, only to come on here and read so many complaints...I was wondering if the iPad Was a mistake.

Where are these complaints you're referring to? Every single person I know who purchased an iPad couldn't be happier with their purchase.

The only complaint I have about my iPad is how this $599 machine is being used more than the MacBook I paid $1399 for. ;)
Loving my iPad

If you don't like it, don't buy it
If you already bought one, sell it

But you will have to pry mine out of my cold dead hand

Which hand? I just want to know how to plan my attack. ;)
I'll be honest. I don't think it's the right choice for everyone. I think netbooks are viable options for many people and that's fine. The shift in paradigm may throw some people. An iPad needs to be synced with a base computer and does not have a keyboard. It cannot easily read, much less burn, CDs or DVDs. etc.

It's a whole different thing and it's not guaranteed to be for everybody.

But I'm afraid you're also running up against fanboyism, an unfortunate aspect of human nature in which some people are inclined to advocate whatever they spent their money on, and bash whatever they didn't spend their money on. It is particularly acute when it comes to more expensive products. You see it here and you'll experience it in the real world also.

You can't live your life worried about what everybody else thinks. Understand what an iPad is, and if you think it'll make your life better, more efficient, more enjoyable, and if you can afford it, then buy one. Otherwise, don't buy one. There's not a war going on and you don't have to pick a side.
everybody has a right to their opinion and whether or not to buy this or that product.

I find this a rather amusing thread posted on an ipad dedicated forum.

Some people like to incite the masses!

What ever, clearly not a mistake from Apple's point of view or mine.
Cognitive Dissonance is pretty common on new purchases, especially in the advent of new technology. While the iPad does indeed have some things missing that a lot of people would like; it is still a good device. For what it is. It does what it does admirably and is enjoyable. I have not even touched one yet and I can safely say these things based on numerous videos and first hand reviews from friends.

I also believe that Apple would, could, and maybe someday will make a netbook clone with OSX on it. Either that or make the iPad more full featured. Right now for light web browsing, emailing, games, and having a photo gallery on the go, as well as ebooking, the iPad does it and well. Could it be more? Yes.

This is only the first generation of the device. Believe me Apple will take note of what is missing, what is wanted, and implement it in later generations. Why? Because they want your quarters. They want you to plunk your money in the device and buy apps. They want to keep that stock up and the way to do it is through customer satisfaction. The iPad is a great product. A netbook it is not.

If you got it thinking that it could do the majority of netbook applications then you will/would be sorely disappointed. The iPad in my book gets a 10 out of 10 for what it is, and what it does. It has no competition. You really can't compare it to a netbook because it is not one. It's a pad, its a reader, its a game machine, and photo gallery.

I expect the next gen to possibly have a webcam. Who knows. The majority of people are satisfied with the iPad right now as it is. If you want a netbook, buy a netbook.

For all else, get an iPad.
And that is the bottom line.
It was definitely a mistake. I can't believe I bought this piece of crud. [/sarcasm]
I'm seeing so many disappointed people on here....snip

It's a web forum. They are biased towards complainers.

Get out there and talk to real people who own them - you will find an overwhelming vast majority that are not just happy with their iPad, but had their expectations greatly exceeded.
The vast majority of people that are happy with their ipads are not going around posting about how happy they are with it. Alternately, the people with gripes are sure to post about it. So what you are witnessing is disproportional to the truth. It's not a mistake.
It's a web forum. They are biased towards complainers.

Get out there and talk to real people who own them - you will find an overwhelming vast majority that are not just happy with their iPad, but had their expectations greatly exceeded.
Exactly. The people who are enjoying their iPhones and iPads won't be on the forums, because they're too busy enjoying their devices!
Most people only feel compelled to post, when they have a grievance, or are seeking help/advice.
When someone posts about how much they love their device, it's always a breath of rare, fresh air.
Oh yeah, it's a BIG mistake and at the end of the day when I check to see how my Apple stock is doing I see just how big of a "mistake" it really is. ;)
I love my iPad.

Everything works great on it. I've watched movies, tv shows, downloaded software and movies, surfed the net, checked my email, been here at macrumors, all off and on since yesterday, and I still have 31% left on my initial charge.

No complaints about it's size, weight, or performance.

Went to a restaurant last night for a pizza, and while there waiting, used my iPad. Everyone was asking about it who saw it, and was very impressed w/it. As people see this in the real world, I think Apple has a real winner here, other than from just us computer geeks. :D

The only mistake is me buying all these damn apps that all do the same thing, but have 1ups on each other. I will wait till the end of the year before I beta test another crappy app. :mad:
Not to get too psycho-babble on you but it sounds like you're overly influenced by other people's opinions. Unless something changed, your other posts have always seemed like you enjoyed your iPad. Why does anything else matter?
master-ceo said:
The only mistake is me buying all these damn apps that all do the same thing, but have 1ups on each other. I will wait till the end of the year before I beta test another crappy app. :mad:

:confused: like which ones may I ask?
To the O/P I think the biggest mistake SJ made when the iPad was unveiled was the little dig he had at Netbooks: 'Netbooks aren't better at anything' etc. Not because I disagree with that philosophy but it made it seem like the iPad is Apples netbook. Is isn't. It's Apples iPad. It isn't their own take on a netbook product. It's their own tablet altogether.

I plan on getting an iPad but I'm awaiting the UK pricing and I need to clear some debts first, but an iPad covers all my bases for a so-called 'Sofa Surfer':

Apps (especially games)
TV Shows
The Web

I'm not defending the iPad here, I just some people have an incorrect perception of the market/user it's aimed at :)

(Just re-read the above, I know it sounds like rampant fanboyism but I'm completely harmless, I assure ;))
I think the discussion boils down whether you want:
1. "Mini" Desktop Computer with full blown OS (OSX/Windows)
2. "Jumbo" Mobile Device with Mobile OS (iPhone OS/Android)

Each categories comes with their own advantage/disadvantages and most of the time, people get disappointed because they expect iPad to be the first category machine when it's clearly not... and they are in denial about it.

In my opinion, the second category is a much better way to implement a tablet computer as you can always add more enhancement in the future (eg: printing support) whereas the trade-offs by making #1 device is usually in terms of performance (eg: Slow processor, unintuitive UI) and it's much harder to overcome... especially when your customer expects this to perform the same way as their desktop.

I'm sure HP feels the same way too as they have scrapped HP Slate right after they purchased Palm because they probably are going to put WebOS into their next "Slate" instead of Windows 7
:confused: like which ones may I ask?

I got 4 file browsers, 4 web browsers, 4 Sketch Books, 4 notebooks, 4 Picture Editors

Too many cooks serving unfinished food.

I got most of the basic stuff sorted, but my real gripe is with most of these audio related apps I been trying. crapola! So, i'll just chill for a while.

The iPad itself is not a mistake, but many people have made the mistake of buying it without understanding what it is and without understanding their own needs and usage habits. I had wanted a device like the iPad long before I found out that Apple would make one. The iPad is an answer to my wish. I knew what I wanted and what to expect, and I got exactly that, and a bit more (e.g. I did not expect to be able to stream Netflix). No mistake.
The vast majority of people that are happy with their ipads are not going around posting about how happy they are with it. Alternately, the people with gripes are sure to post about it. So what you are witnessing is disproportional to the truth. It's not a mistake.

Thank you for posting this. I guess I expected to see tons of positive posts and that's not what's happening...which means, that's what the haters see and base their comments on.

Netbook fans are always pointing out these called iPad flaws to me, like, 'why have an iPad AND a keyboard when you can carry an all in one device like a netbook?' or 'there are issues with the WiFi...a netbook doesn't have that problem' or '95% of the Internet is Flash so the iPad is a no one can play World of Warcraft' or 'the iPad isn't even a computer, it is just an overpriced media device'.

And yes, these are actual comments I have been told by people.
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