Cognitive Dissonance is pretty common on new purchases, especially in the advent of new technology. While the iPad does indeed have some things missing that a lot of people would like; it is still a good device. For what it is. It does what it does admirably and is enjoyable. I have not even touched one yet and I can safely say these things based on numerous videos and first hand reviews from friends.
I also believe that Apple would, could, and maybe someday will make a netbook clone with OSX on it. Either that or make the iPad more full featured. Right now for light web browsing, emailing, games, and having a photo gallery on the go, as well as ebooking, the iPad does it and well. Could it be more? Yes.
This is only the first generation of the device. Believe me Apple will take note of what is missing, what is wanted, and implement it in later generations. Why? Because they want your quarters. They want you to plunk your money in the device and buy apps. They want to keep that stock up and the way to do it is through customer satisfaction. The iPad is a great product. A netbook it is not.
If you got it thinking that it could do the majority of netbook applications then you will/would be sorely disappointed. The iPad in my book gets a 10 out of 10 for what it is, and what it does. It has no competition. You really can't compare it to a netbook because it is not one. It's a pad, its a reader, its a game machine, and photo gallery.
I expect the next gen to possibly have a webcam. Who knows. The majority of people are satisfied with the iPad right now as it is. If you want a netbook, buy a netbook.
For all else, get an iPad.
And that is the bottom line.