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there is nothing the ipad can do in terms of productivity that this cant

however, this netbook will destroy the ipad in terms of functionality, performance, and scalability

you can even run windows 7 ultimate x64 at decent speeds on the new N450 Atom CPU while still getting 10+ hours battery

personally Ubuntu Netbook Remix is the way to go,i highly doubt the ipad will be able to beat a 200MB/s read speed SSD for any kind of test including bootup.

on my 3 year old laptop that same SSD made my laptop go from 1.6 minute boot up to 34 seconds (thats power off to inside outlook + open new email msg)

For heavy work, my desktop is way better than that net book. For many mobile tasks, the ipad is better than that net book because of the instant on (without having to wait 34 seconds), and the lighter weight/form factor.
I was very enthusiastic...

After the widely expected launch, the mainly positive reviews here and on other sides, I planned to buy one. As it happens my wife is working in Seattle, I am from the UK, I went to the Apple shop nearby she lives. Actually I went four times, spending more then one hour on the machine.

It just didn't felt right. I accept it will work very well for a lot of people, because people use computers mainly to serve, write blogs, listen to music etc. and I am one of them - although I can't play poker on it..

I found it slower then I expected it. The graphics were nice but not exceptional. The memory is too small (my iTunes is already 100GB+ - i like my music). So I would still use my iPod (music), my Iphone (web serving), my MBP (poker, photo editing etc) so it would be a fourth thing I would carry around.

The iPad is clearly a success, there is no doubt about it. It will probably improve with hopefully more memory, faster processor, 4G and hopefully Stevie Jobs or more likely his successor will drop their moral ban on certain apps ( and I mean poker) together with a drop in price (there is a crisis going on...) then I probl will buy one.

FYI I bought actually two iPads, one for my fathers 70 birthday and one for a friend (I sold it to him) and they seem very happy about it, so maybe I made a mistake...
BTW: I still can't figure out why the iPad needs USB ports. :confused:

I have great reverence for my iPad, but one USB port would make it more convenient to upload pictures w/o needing an extra cost adapter or to upload/download documents to a memory stick. At the very least it would have been a nice touch if Apple included the adapter in the 32 and 64GB models.
You are kidding, right?

In one word. NO. If you remove all the silly posts by folks who have NEVER touched one, folks who claimed to have bought one and took it back (but never really bought one), I am betting the actual number of dissatisfied owners is very low. While not perfect, it is an outstanding REV1 product... Much superior to the first effort for the iPod or or iPhone.

I bought mine the first day, it arrived on Friday, and I am smitten.

The device is a game changer...

PS: I am writing this on the iPad now. Also given your join date, I say trolling...
HP have realized they now have to think out the box. That specs belie user experience. The iPad if anything has highlighted tis disconnect. Hence HP taking the slight back to the drawing board. Hence the sudden investment of companies looking at Android.

Yup, with HP's purchase of WebOS and cancellation of HP Slate, I am fairly confident that they are putting WebOS into their "Slate".

It is clear that tablet has not taken off after years of trying. I'd like to contribute this on one thing factor, the lack of EXCELLENT "build from ground up touch-based mobile OS".

iPad is significant because it is probably one of the first few that garnered much anticipation and it defies the common notion that "tablet is a smaller laptop" replacing it with "tablet is a bigger smartphone". As you mentioned, Mobile OS such as iPhone OS, Android (and now WebOS) are being prepared... one more time... to create and expand this elusive middle-ground between smartphone and laptop.

I for one, cannot wait to see what's coming up in the pipeline...

Basically it boils down to this.

The iPad is great at what it does. I can pretty much do everything on it most 'non techie' people do everyday on their net book/laptop or desktop.

Its fairly safe to say that the majority of pc users are not gaming on sli setups. Are not debugging kernels and programming algorithms. Most are not video editing. Most are not running Photoshop or designing layouts in indesign.

Yes there are plenty of folks who do so and they have a work tool. This is not what the iPad is aimed at.

Most folks are watching movies, flicking through YouTube. Keeping connected with Facebook. Checking emails. Buying gifts and stuff online, buying holiday/plane tickets etc, Listening to their music, Writing the odd document or two, messing about with v.basic photo editing or drawing packages.

The iPad can do all that. It is for those things the iPad is targeting.

There is a big disconnect between specs of a machine and what people actually use the machine to do. I've seen many many folks walk into a store, be advised they should buy this machine as it has dual processor, DVD burners, lots of ram, 600 USB ports etc, oh and of course 'free virus protection for 6/12 months)...

However.. When you look at what most of these users end up actually doing with the hardware once purchased it often falls back into the same category as I highlighted above. So often the hardware specs are irrelevant because they are not using the full hardware regardless. But they were told this is standard spec requirements, this is what is needed in a computer in this day and age. These are the important things that we all should use to purchase a good computer or a bad computer. 6 USB ports has to be better than 2 doesn't it. Even if you never use them??

People are told to think inside the box. The iPad is outside the box.

I imported an iPad and nearly everyone I know who has seen it have realized it pretty much would do them. Yes there are sacrifices, having to buy dongles to plug their camera in etc.. But these are small sufferings compared to benefits.

When they realize they can finally surf safely and quickly. Not worry about boot up times and start up applications that are now slowing the computer to a crawl. Erroneous software and applications they don't need that insist on installing themselves. When they see they can check their emails without worrying an attachment is a virus, that they do not have to worry about installing drivers, and actually not worry about installing full stop or more importantly uninstalling procedures. How quickly it responds in a logical 'what you see is what you get' manner. How they don't have to be spending annual subscriptions on virus protection with the device and it wont slow down the computer thats super specced to a crawl.

Yes a netbook can be cheaper and 'technically better specced' but user end user experience and specs are not mutually inclusive.

After the ghz myth was bust open, the next big step is the specification myth. People will eventually realise that there is far more to actual usability than a spec sheet and a myriad of USB ports.

Yes the iPad won't be for everyone, yes there will be things a computer will be a better choice for. However I imagine there are more folks out there that the iPad would actually fit with than they realise themselves.

HP have realized they now have to think out the box. That specs belie user experience. The iPad if anything has highlighted tis disconnect. Hence HP taking the slight back to the drawing board. Hence the sudden investment of companies looking at Android.

The amount of folks I also know that are attending computer classes which boils down to simply learning 'the operating system' and basics like surfing and email, but are bogged down learning about installing, control panels, virus updates etc.. rather than using the software to email, to read, to listen to music, to simply keep in touch. These folks are not learning to be Photoshop experts, they want to feel confident to do basic most useful things, and the iPad could revolutionise that area. Because it does away with the nonsense, and let's people get on with the things they want to do very easily and in a logical common sense manner. With the iPad and the iPhone OS they learn how to do things in a simple painless way that does away with decades of 'windows thinking'....

Those that rile on the iPad the most, tend to be those that have never actually used one. It's quite silly really. Would you ask someone to review a book, movie or song without reading, seeing or listening to it?

One of the best statements I have read about owning an iPad.

I do political consulting and collect all the New gadgets.

My wife is an author and when she saw my iPad immediately said, WHY.

Two days later, I have to wrestle the iPad out of her hands every night. We both have laptops for travel and external monitors and drives we hookup to when at home. But for email, web browsing, reading and 70% of the work I do on my laptop I can do on my iPad.

The form factor was key for me for couch work, backyard work and late night from the bed emailing.

Could a "netbook" have done this yes but the form factor of the iPad is hands down the better then a mini laptop.

Most of the iPad bashers I think fall into the "I can't play WOW or run Photoshop it isn't a real computer" category.

They make up a small percentage of the computing populace. A majority will find the iPad does almost everything they need to do from a desktop.
With gadgets, it's sometimes a self fulfilling prophesy

One of the best statements I have read about owning an iPad.

I do political consulting and collect all the New gadgets.

My wife is an author and when she saw my iPad immediately said, WHY.

Two days later, I have to wrestle the iPad out of her hands every night. We both have laptops for travel and external monitors and drives we hookup to when at home. But for email, web browsing, reading and 70% of the work I do on my laptop I can do on my iPad.

The form factor was key for me for couch work, backyard work and late night from the bed emailing.

Could a "netbook" have done this yes but the form factor of the iPad is hands down the better then a mini laptop.

Most of the iPad bashers I think fall into the "I can't play WOW or run Photoshop it isn't a real computer" category.

They make up a small percentage of the computing populace. A majority will find the iPad does almost everything they need to do from a desktop.

A common reaction. If you compare the first and last iPhone/iPod etc with the upgraded version, you could never imagine that you bought/used/were happy with it.
For what it is designed to do (consume media and browse the web) it seems to be pretty good. 1 Million in the first month is a pretty big success wouldnt you say?
And this is what I hear 20+ times a day.^^

When they talk about the things a netbook can do that an iPad can't, they forget that most people (millions of them) actually need very little functionality in their day to day computing. They talk about features being there just in case they are needed. There are far more computer users out there that only check email, look at pictures, and browse the web than those that need USB ports, replaceable batteries, or the ability to run Linux. :rolleyes:

I have yet to talk to anyone who has bought the iPad that was disappointed or underwhelmed. Quite the contrary, everyone I know who bought it constantly raves about it.

People are told to think inside the box. The iPad is outside the box.

That was a great post.
If you're happy with your iPad what do you care if other people think it's any good?

One will see this alot around here. I like this, what about you? This is scratched what about ... what would you do? Etc.

It is human nature, but what you say is what will keep people buying them, and they are. When it gains even more momentum is when we will see people start breaking out of the box, in terms of thinking.

So many of the detractors at this point don't understand computing in the cloud without the need for 'files', saving, or having an object exist that must be maintained outside of an application.

I still use my iPhone, Macbook and iPad. I just use my laptop less over the last month.
When I first saw the iPad launch, I was disappointed. I was one of those that hoped Apple would release a $999 OS X tablet.

I'm still waiting for a chance to play with one in person (the Canadian release is still a few weeks away) but the more I read about it, and browse iTunes to see what apps I could potentially run, the more excited I am getting.

And we all know that it's only going to get better. In fact, the real decision I need to make is whether to buy one now or wait another year or two for the update.

Look at the very first iPhone or iPod touch (which didn't even have apps!) and compare that with the capabilities of the current 3GS or even the "Gizmodo edition" 4G rumorPhone. Night and day, right? Now imagine similar progress on the iPad over the next two years. Exciting!

Virtually every product Apple releases gets the same reactions from me:
1. Wow, that looks amazing!
2. They want HOW much? Yeesh, that's WAY too much. No way I'm getting one of those.
3. Well... actually... maybe it's worth the extra money...
4. (After buying one) WOW! This is incredible! I wish I'd bought one sooner!
When I first saw the iPad launch, I was disappointed. I was one of those that hoped Apple would release a $999 OS X tablet.

I'm still waiting for a chance to play with one in person (the Canadian release is still a few weeks away) but the more I read about it, and browse iTunes to see what apps I could potentially run, the more excited I am getting.

And we all know that it's only going to get better. In fact, the real decision I need to make is whether to buy one now or wait another year or two for the update.

Look at the very first iPhone or iPod touch (which didn't even have apps!) and compare that with the capabilities of the current 3GS or even the "Gizmodo edition" 4G rumorPhone. Night and day, right? Now imagine similar progress on the iPad over the next two years. Exciting!

Virtually every product Apple releases gets the same reactions from me:
1. Wow, that looks amazing!
2. They want HOW much? Yeesh, that's WAY too much. No way I'm getting one of those.
3. Well... actually... maybe it's worth the extra money...
4. (After buying one) WOW! This is incredible! I wish I'd bought one sooner!

I too wanted a OS X tablet, coulda paid 3k for that easily.
I believe most iPad owners will disagree with you and love their iPad. Using my iPad is part of my daily life.
Take in mind that people who have problems with a device typically go to message forums for help or comfort. The vast majority of purchasers are not having problems and are not unhappy.
Many people are afraid of change. The iPad represents change -- a paradigm shift in computing. And if the upcoming WWDC -- which is going to be highly focused on the iPhone OS -- is any indication, the iPad isn't going away any time soon.

The netbook people can compare specs and features all they want all day long. Ultimately it boils down to personal taste and needs. I happen to like Apple products because they get along very well with one another and there's a seamless continuity in terms of the user experience from one device to another. (i.e. if you've used an iPhone or Touch, you can pick up and use an iPad!) I don't need USB ports and SSD card readers -- it's a fricken touch-screen wireless device for f!*k sake. And it's damn sexy, unlike the bricks that netbooks are.

To each his/her own. All that matters is that he/she is happy with their device!
My earlier tongue in cheek response in this thread was that the iPad was a mistake because it is too good and will affect not only netbook, but laptop and desktop sales in years to come. :rolleyes:

Yesterday, my wife was cleaning out the kids' old school projects and taking pictures of then before tossing them. She used my dslr and the photos averaged six Meg each. I copied them to my iPad so I could show them to her.

You know how smooth it is when you flick through photos that are 1024 x 1024? Well this doesn't happen when browsing 12 megapixel photos. Each swipe was followed by a 15 to 20 second delay before the next picture was up. It drove home the limitations of the iPad for me. Today's iPad is no threat to the desktop but in a couple of years, when there is plenty of ram but still great battery life, then we will start to see erosion of the computing market to the iPad form factor. I'm still delighted with my device. Next time I just need to downsize photos before viewing them on my iPad. Just a brief extra step and no big deal, really.

Btw, there was an article in late march or early April that noted netbook sales had fallen off a cliff in the first quarter this year, presumably due to the introduction of the iPad. I'll come back and add a link later if i find the time. Wow, that was fast. It was on business week.
most people with issues and regrets post about them. misery wants company. most people who love it simply go about using it.

me, i hate it.

I hate that we have had it for 24 hours and aside from setting it up I haven't been allowed to play with it yet. can't get it away from the wife or the kids.

I hate that i wish i had upgraded the family desktop rather than getting a laptop because with a nice central "server" and 3 iPads the entire family would be set up. rather than having an old desktop and a heavy laptop.

I hate that it seems (remember i haven't used it yet) to be able to handle 85% of what I do just as well as the laptop and cost almost exactly half the price.

and lastly I hate that my wife just went to DC with it so I am trying to figure out if she will kill me if I buy a 16g wiifi only while she is gone..... ;)
Yesterday, my wife was cleaning out the kids' old school projects and taking pictures of then before tossing them. She used my dslr and the photos averaged six Meg each. I copied them to my iPad so I could show them to her.

Just out of curiosity, did you copy them to the iPad using the camera connection kit or did you sync them over in iTunes?
I'm seeing so many disappointed people on here, I'm wondering if the iPad should have never been released. Maybe the netbook people are right and Apple should have just made the iPad a netbook with a lite version of Snow Leopard. As a person still relatively new to Apple products, I'm beginning to think the release of iPad was a big mistake. :(

Go buy a Slate or Courier...Oh, you can't. Your post = FAIL!
I have to agree that once some real Apps are starting to be developed for the iPad it will come closer to be able to replace a laptop for school. I wonder when we will see programs like Matlab, R or Mathematica developed. I could use an iPad then, use that instead of having to bring up my computer whenever I need to find an inverse to some matrix.
I too wanted a OS X tablet, coulda paid 3k for that easily.

Manufacturers have failed to integrate tablet to the market because they keep trying to shove desktop OS that's fundamentally designed for keyboard/mouse into a touchscreen device (Multitouch or Pen based). Windows/OSX/Linux at its current form is a pitiful thing on a touchscreen device. Unless Microsoft/Apple/Distros are able to rewrite the OS to take advantage of touchscreen, any desktop OS will not succeed as a tablet.

I am very excited to see what Android/WebOS tablet can offer...
Manufacturers have failed to integrate tablet to the market because they keep trying to shove desktop OS that's fundamentally designed for keyboard/mouse into a touchscreen device (Multitouch or Pen based). Windows/OSX/Linux at its current form is a pitiful thing on a touchscreen device. Unless Microsoft/Apple/Distros are able to rewrite the OS to take advantage of touchscreen, any desktop OS will not succeed as a tablet.

I am very excited to see what Android/WebOS tablet can offer...

I see no problem with them running an iPhone OS with an option for me to run a OS X OS as a dual boot or whatever, so I can use the device for something more productive then play around :p.
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