I read about the first dozen pages, then skipped to the end.....cause it seemed most angles had been covered.
Just wanted to add: I voted that the nMP is a success, but don't feel that this bi-polar pole has any serious value. As has been hashed and rehashed....some folks are fine with the new design, and some are not. We can only vote our opinion on the design, but neither liking it or not liking it really has anything to do with success or failure.
To add to the discussion a bit:
When the nMP gets refreshed, what would folks like to see? Yes, you can say a traditional tower design with expansion slots. I hope to see, in the same nMP form factor:
- Standard (cost effective options) M.2 solid state storage slot on all models to replace current proprietary slot
- 2 major models: one with current Xeon CPUs, and one with high end i7 CPUs
- Nvidia GPU option (for all models)
Yes, it may be wacky, but some of us wished for a headless iMac for years....and along came the Mini.
Apple could really lower the price point, and we all know plenty of professionals are happy with i-based iMacs and MBPs. At a tempting entry level price, the notion of external TB storage or even break-out boxes with roll-your own PCIe cards becomes more tempting.
Ideal? Perhaps not, but a step in the right direction to lowering the cost of the entire setup: computer + peripherals + monitors
I would actually like to see the nMP follow a bit in its grand daddy's foot steps: A slightly bigger case, but still similar to current design, but with2 PCIe slots for std GPU choices...or 1 GPU + something else. Yes, the Cube. A failure because of the price point at the time, but a fabulous design of compact, quiet computing, yet still retaining some ability to configure and upgrade.