where'd you come from
what goalposts? where were they initially pointing and where have i tried to move them to?
look.. this isn't moving goalposts:
i'm told i don't understand the difference between disposable consumer goods and workstations..
i'm told cmp is a workstation
i'm told cmp is "hopelessly outdated"
i'm not moving goalposts.. i'm legitimately confused by the point which is attempting to show my misunderstanding of workstation vs disposable item..
and i'm asking for clarification.
Good grief. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
"i'm told cmp is a workstation" -- Yeah, like ya know, lots of SATA ports and drive bays, several PCIe slots, duel socket option... that kind of thing
'i'm told cmp is "hopelessly outdated"' -- Which was probably stated by the fact that its capped at Westmere, SATA II, PCIe 2, DDR3, stuff like that.
It isn't so much that if someone bought their Mac Pro in 2010 that its hot garbage in 2016, its that to buy the thing today as if it were "new" or to compare it to a machine being sold as "new" today is absurd. What everyone here is talking about is the fictional, well-updated cMP vs nMP.
either that or for daisy to see what's right in front of our faces.. that all this PC electronic crap we're sitting here arguing about is entirely disposable and will be completely worthless in less than twenty years.
Well of course. Everything is disposable at some point. Nothing lasts forever; not much even lasts 20 years, sadly. The term "disposable" is usually thrown around because something doesn't last as long as predecessors or competitors. Arguably that's true on both counts for the nMP.
(and hey, if i'm stretching it on my wishes.. i'd also wish for people to quit placing blame squarely on the manufacturers for this phenomena.. at least half the blame is on us.. the consumers.. 'pro' or not.. we're all just a bunch of product sponges.)
Ah, the chicken and the egg argument. What comes first, what we want or what apple makes? Anyway, the blame is probably split a lot more ways than two. But personally my basic thought process goes something like this.
Apple is one of the wealthiest companies in the world and THE wealthiest tech company. So this means basically two things:
1) We have to give them a lot of credit for knowing what's profitable.
2) What ever they choose to do, they have the resources to get it right.
The repercussions of this is that A) the cMP wasn't profitable enough for Apple's taste, B) they thought they could "think different" and create a nMP that would be better in that regard and C) the nMP is exactly what they wanted it to be in order to drive the required profit margin.
On part A, I have to think they were right. The consumer(prosumer/pro, what ever) market for the cMP was probably shrinking and in that market price competition from Dell/HP/others was probably tougher than in the desktop/laptop markets. All meaning shrinking margins and smaller numbers of sales. So then came part B and C. They probably thought they could design a sexy, workstation-ish machine, slap the Mac Pro name on it and distance themselves from some "box with slots" workstation competition. They cut back on things like RAM, simple material costs in the smaller form factor, low priced GPUs with reduced VRAM (i.e. the D300 looking like the W7000 but with have the VRAM), weak power supplies, no internal expansion capabilities, single socket only, all to save on costs. But then they actually hiked the price. It was all a clever ploy to move the iMac profit margins into the workstation market.
But now we've blown right past one upgrade possibility (with Haswell and the AMD WX100 series) so far that it makes no sense to update until the next refresh from Intel and AMD. This tells me the market for this new machine probably wasn't as good as they were hoping. If these things were exceeding expectations and the brass was happy with it, you'd think they'd want to keep it competitive and do an update, but that hasn't happened.
So who's at fault and for what part of this failure to have a truly nMP here in early 2016 or just a well updated cMP?
I lean towards the answer that the market is what the market is, so you can't blame the consumer. We all collectively make individual cost/benefit choices, ya know creating the invisible hand and all. So, yeah, its Apple's fault. They went through all these gyrations to tack the nMP away from Dell/HP workstations but the boom hit them in the head in the process and now the nMP is a ship with an unconscious helmsmen.
Maybe the poor bastard will wake up with Broadwell and what ever it is the AMD is pushing out this summer....?