I don't think Apple has traditionally attracted hobbyists/gamers, not with the old cheesegrater or the trashcan. I think if you go Xeon they aren't interested, and that's a fine decision that works out for both parties. Who wants those customers anyway?
And before i go too deep/negative, I want to say the XDR monitor can easily be argued as an amazing unique value, beating out much more expensive displays in a lot of ways. Plus they don't have to do a monitor, I can run MacOS on any monitor I choose. This is a bonus specialist product.
But I have a concern that they've gone "too pro" in terms of pricing on the Mac Pro itself. I think having to compare this stuff to companies who sell bespoke tech to Hollywood studios, it's a bad look, and not what Apple has traditionally been about. To me they've always offered price points that were not cheap, but when you look at the quality and the refinement, it was worth paying that extra amount.
Let me go back to the start of this post.
- $2200 base price Xeon cheese grater 12 years ago
- $3000 base price Xeon dual GPUs, 12GB, 256GB storage trashcan 5 years ago.
For their time, those were both well spec'd, expensive machines. A beloved custom tower, with unique features and modularity inside, and less beloved, but still very custom/unique, expensive to design and develop trashcan.
Fast forward to today, this new tower is very similar in a lot of ways. For it's time it has a reasonable Xeon chip, 32GB ECC and a 256GB SSD. It ups it's power delivery, cooling, and materials. It has some bespoke double PCI slots. The holes on it are now 3D. It has a T2 security chip, stainless frame. It offers upgradability with space inside. Great product.
I get the need for Apple to increase the price increase again, especially with inflation, currency fluctuations, intel maybe charging more than they used to, extra bespoke things inside.
But just I don't get the doubling of the price in 5 years, or the trebling in 12 years. It would be hard to find another example of a product line for it's time going up that much. Not even $1000 iphones with multiple cameras and face scanners and OLED displays are 3 times the price they were 12 years ago, and they have probably had more of a quantum shift in specs and technology.
You can explain to me about the process of drilling those 3d holes, the stainless steel, or the time that wen't into R&D, stuff that maybe had more time and money poured into it than for the previous cheese-grater or trashcan, but three times the price in 12 years for what's roughly a comparable experience? I can get to $4000, maybe $5000, but $6000 is just a bridge much too far. Like a "we don't want your custom, we have our target audience who will pay this, go buy an iMac"
So don't buy it right? Well, I want a Mac without a monitor. Are my only options a Mac Mini that runs super hot and doesn't really turbo, or $6000?
*Edited because i said "4 times the price they were", meant "3 times"