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I'm gonna head down to the Apple Store when they have the new iMac in stock, which is hopefully soon. I'm gonna try and see if they'll waive the fee, but if it doesn't seem to work then I'll just suck it up and pay the $170. Personally, it will be worth it.
Marky_Mark said:
I agree with Garry - he and others like him have been well and truly stiffed by Apple, especially after all the rah-rah at the last Event. This is a major p*ss-take, rivalled only by the Centris 660av, which at three months was previously the shortest-lived Mac. That time it was just a name change but perception is everything. The Quadra moniker had a higher market 'value' than the Centris and resale values dropped through the floor. After all the hue and cry following the Centris's demise, Apple said they wouldn't do it again. Well, they just did, and this one's a biggie - a major architectural change leading to twice the performance for the same money.

This is simply insane. You're saying apple should have purposely held back better technology to accomodate people who had already gotten exactly what they paid for?

How many times must it be said - the release of new tech does not make your old tech worse! If you thought it was worth it at the time, it was, and is, a good purchase. The subsequent existance of something better does not ruin your machine's capabilities!

Besides which, the number of people who actually care that their tech is "outdated" is quite small. Most people buy computers and then pay no attention to what comes out shortly thereafter. It's only us rumor site nuts that even consider these things.
I may as well jump in while the water is warm. Bought my iMac in mid-November as well, thinking that surely the first intel iMacs would come a little bit later on down the road...and here they are...c'est la vie.
However, I caught a break-I purchased mine from Amazon and because of the xmas holidays, they extended the normal 30 day return period to 60 days which means I have until Jan. 31 to return mine. Trouble is the restocking fee...from what I can can gather per Amazon's site, it appears to be 15% (it's hard to say as it's not really clear on this...if anybody knows for sure, pls. give a shout). Too, I'll be giving up a $150.00 rebate (luckily I had not yet cut out the UPC code from the box). On the plus side, you do get iLife '06. What to do...
CanadaRAM said:
Right then. Apple should have put the entire rest of the world on hold because Garry bought his machine. Six weeks wasn't long enough obviously. How long should Apple wait then?

Face it mate: Apple loses more potential customers to competitors each day they delay a new model than they will lose 'loyal' Apple customers who get their knickers in a knot over their loss of 'king of the hill' status on their new purchases.

Put yourself in his shoes for just a moment and read that back to yourself.

If you just bought a 2 litre 4 cylinder car and then six weeks later the manufacturer shoe-horned a four litre supercharged V8 in there that doubled the acceleration and halved the fuel consumption for the same price you paid you'd feel pretty cheated, wouldn't you? What's that you say? Don't be so silly, that kinda thing doesn't happen?
QCassidy352 said:
This is simply insane. You're saying apple should have purposely held back better technology to accomodate people who had already gotten exactly what they paid for?

No, but I do think they should've not released the final version of the PPC iMac thereby giving the market the impression that it would be valid for a while before the next jump. Apple have mislead the public by saying they'd release Intel macs mid-year so that interval was taken by many in good faith. Like it or not, those who trusted Apple and bought the latest PPC iMac have good reason to feel cheated.
I do agree with the fact that one can't expect a company to stop what is probably it's best business plan, however the increase in power of this iMac in just a few short months is tough. They doubled the power and is probably stronger than their lowest end PM G5 and equal or slight notch below to the 2.3. The iMac was not suffering any sales, so it wouldn't increase any sales dramatically by upgrading it as it's already doing amazingly well. The iBook and Powerbook lines on the other hand were in a bigger need for upgrades. I think they would have made a big splash as well with an Intel iBook and a revamped mini(DVR). Powerbook update is fine, but something were left out like FW800, No DL burning....Lack of native pro app support for a pro laptop.
I'm amazed how so many people will worship anything Apple does, including poor customer service policies. In my opinion, Apple's return policies should be a lot more generous considering that they want to lure more switchers and otherwise provide a better computing experience.

I would advise you to eat restocking fee an buy a new Intel iMac - to me it makes sense to by a next generation Apple technology rather than cherish old for the nostalgia sake, especially since you just bought the PowerPC iMac.
Marky_Mark said:
Like it or not, those who trusted Apple and bought the latest PPC iMac have good reason to feel cheated.

Why? I'm just a longtime lurker, but I just had to jump in. The Rev Cs are a kick ass value, one of the best machines in terms of price/performance that Apple ever made. The fact that there are new iMacs now that are better does not suddenly make the Rev Cs suck. Granted I may be a little biased here because I've been in the market since October. I was waiting for the stealth Mini upgrade to be announced, then the Rev C iMacs came out, was saving up for one and JUST got the money last week, but decided to wait for the Stevenote just in case. But frankly I would not have cared had I bought one anyway, because I'm upgrading from an ancient G3 iMac and anything would have been a 1000% improvement.

I'm just not understanding why people are being so emo about this, other than the obvious sour grapes over not being able to brag about having the latest greatest Apple toy. I bought a 333Mhz iMac G3 like a month before the DVs came out and loved my machine just as much as I did the day I got it.
luthien said:
I'm just not understanding why people are being so emo about this, other than the obvious sour grapes over not being able to brag about having the latest greatest Apple toy. I bought a 333Mhz iMac G3 like a month before the DVs came out and loved my machine just as much as I did the day I got it.

You can't possibly tell me that if you bought an iMac G5 last Saturday (spending $1800), you would not be upset that 4 days later theres a new one - for the same price - with a much better graphics card, next gen dual core processor, and iLife 06; and you will be penalized $170 just to exchange it.

I'm just not understanding why people think we shouldn't have a right to be upset.
Marky_Mark said:
Put yourself in his shoes for just a moment and read that back to yourself.
Put youself in Apple's shoes for a moment and read your replies back....

For everyone who says "Apple shoudn't have [--x--], because [---y--]", tell me... what was their alternative? Huh?

Apple misled nobody. Apple [@^#$@%ed] nobody. "Apple promised to not upgrade machines for [x] number of months?" In your dreams, and nowhere else.

You got exactly what you bargained for, whenever it is that you bought it. No more, no less. If you didn't open the box and start using the machine, then you can send it back within 14 days for a full refund. If you opened the box and started using it, you can send it back for a 10% restocking fee. Here is the policy direct from the Applestore site:

"Return Policy

If you are not satisfied with your Apple purchase of a product, please call 1-800-676-2775 for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) request within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the product. Configure-to-order, personalized or other customized product may not be returned for refund or exchange under any circumstances unless DOA. If the item is returned unopened in the original box, we will exchange it or offer you a refund based on your original method of payment. The product must be returned to the Apple warehouse within 10 business days of the issuance of the RMA. All products must be packed in the original, unmarked packaging including any accessories, manuals, documentation and registration that shipped with the product. A 10% open box fee will be assessed on any opened hardware or accessory. You may be asked to provide a major credit card for Apple to assess the 10% open box restocking fee."

That's what you agreed to. Apple agreed to supply you the machine you ordered. EOFS.
Steve you just need to decide if the $170 dollars is worth it to you personally to get the Intel Mac.

Keep in mind several things:
1. Like others have said, there is a chance the Rev A Intel iMac may have some bugs in it.
2. You need to decide whether to return your current iMac soon.....and it may need to be before the store gets the Intel iMacs in (ask if they have a waiting list).
savar said:
Dang, I was about to say "how long until people complain they just bought a G5", and you beat me to it.

If it was worth it when you bought it, then you got a good deal.

Thanks Steve Jobs for releasing the x86 iMac now when I purchased my rev B in May 2005. ;)

How is that for complaining? :p

People never believe in rumors, and usually the last minute ones are accurate. Stupid of those who knew MWSF was around the corner. ;) :rolleyes:
mac-er said:
2. You need to decide whether to return your current iMac soon.....and it may need to be before the store gets the Intel iMacs in (ask if they have a waiting list).

Are they that high in demand at the moment? Any idea how many each store usually gets in stock?
i think it's worth swithcing it for the latest iMac

The new Apps alone is worth the trade... well worth the $170 restocking few... new iLife, faster processor, updated everything.

If you can hold out til Feb, it would be worth the wait. Hopefully u have a back up system though, can u last 3 wks without a Mac? lol
Steve1496 said:
Sorry, I don't mean to be bitchy...but I do think it's understandable to be upset about my situation.
Ummm NO!!! You paid for, and got, exactly what you wanted, right!?!??! You are a loser, dude, who feels the NEED to have the absolute best. The system you ordered is SWEET!! Don't forget about the Rev A potential problems associated with those Intels, man! I suggest that you enjoy the beautiful Apple you ordered for years to come, as I intend to do!!!
You have every right to want to return your iMac - DON'T listen to the people that are telling you that you should just shut up and like it - what you have got is a fantastic machine but what you can get is 2-3 times as fast (in benchmarks anyway) and has a better video card
kwajaln said:
Ummm NO!!! You paid for, and got, exactly what you wanted, right!?!??! You are a loser, dude, who feels the NEED to have the absolute best. The system you ordered is SWEET!! Don't forget about the Rev A potential problems associated with those Intels, man! I suggest that you enjoy the beautiful Apple you ordered for years to come, as I intend to do!!!

You're the loser - He is feeling shafted because he has a slower computer for the same money - the imac was only just updated a few weeks ago.

Calling people a loser for wanting the best value for money is wrong - keep your insults to your self or find another forum to do it on (insult people that is)
BakedBeans said:
He is feeling shafted because he has a slower computer for the same money - the imac was only just updated a few weeks ago.

But is this not how it always works??

I hate people that complain about this and that. He bought his computer and he thought it was good when he got it. Just becasue they made a bigger, better, faster one does not mean that his all of the sudden went POS and became obselete. I can sat with certainty that he will be able to use hos current computer for YEARS to come. I have the Rev B iMac and i love it. It is easier to upgrade then the Rec C but it does not include the isight, or front row. I dont much care. When the new ones came out i was like d*** i wish i had that, but after that i finally realized that just becasue something new came out it does not make mine worthless. i LOVE my current iMac and would NOT...I repeat would NOT trade it for an intel mac. The one i have now runs just fine as it is.

It was also his fault for getting rid of all his computer and then not having one right before a stevenote. Come on we all know anything can happen at these thing. Should have known better.

Also, it seems as if apple is really trying to push the iMac (and i dont blame them). It is a great deal and one of the macs that i see getting frequent updates...Get use to it cause it is probably going to happen like that from now on.

I guess what you have to decide it wether or not the restocking fee is worth it. For me no as i bought a Rev B in August and it stil does everything i need it to do. For you that is your decition to make. I prefer to have stuff native (or in this case universal binary) and some of the applications i use are not so they MIGHT...MIGHT run under rosseta but who knows without actually testing them. I will stick with PPC for about a year and a half i might consider getting a new one.

It's your decision to make, but stop complaining about how apple shafted you.
I would keep the PPC imac and say screw it to the Intel one until rev b or c
sure it may be 2x faster than the PPC but how fast is it when it is emulating PPC and the games you want to play on it , or the apps you want to use?
there has to be some slow down with Rosetta...:rolleyes:
CanadaRAM, did your parents not hug you enough when you were a child?

You seem a very angry man. The original poster just asked a question, and you're going nutso.

If you don't like the thread, then go somewhere else.
Now you say you're lonely
You cried the long night through
Well, you can cry me a river
Cry me a river I cried a river over you
Now you say you're sorry
For being so untrue
Well, you can cry me a river
Cry me a river
I cried a river over you
You drove me,
Nearly drove me out of my head
While you never shed a tear
I remember all that you said
Told me love was too plebeian
Told me you were through with me and
Now you say you love me
Well, just to prove you do
Cry me a river Cry me a river
I cried a river over you
You drove me
Nearly drove me out of my head
While you never shed a tear
I remember all that you said
Told me love was to plebeian
Told me you were through with me...
And now you say you love me
Well, just to prove that you do...
Come on! come on!
Cry me a river...
Cry me a river...
I cried a river over you
I cried a river over you...
Marky_Mark said:
Put yourself in his shoes for just a moment and read that back to yourself.

If you just bought a 2 litre 4 cylinder car and then six weeks later the manufacturer shoe-horned a four litre supercharged V8 in there that doubled the acceleration and halved the fuel consumption for the same price you paid you'd feel pretty cheated, wouldn't you? What's that you say? Don't be so silly, that kinda thing doesn't happen?

You are hungry and buy a sandwich to eat today. Next week the store have a special offer and you can get 2 sandwiches for the price of one. And they have more pickle. You feel a bit pissed that you only got one sandwich last week and could have 2 now but you would have starved to death in the mean time.

Basically at any point in time you should buy a product on it's current merits. If it is what you want (and you can afford it) you buy it. If there is a fantastic new product tomorrow that does not alter the decision in any way.
From Apple's own Dictionary app:

noun, forward or onward movement toward a destination.
verb, move forward or onward in space or time.

I am jealous of my neighbour for he has greater possessions. This angers me. :(
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