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I bought myself the latest revision Powerbook there in November. I didn't really give much thought to January - everything I'd read/heard back in November said Powerbook will be one of the last yadda yadda.

I'll admit to having being a bit gutted yesterday. A bit, but not a that much. I went home and my Powerbook was there as nice as always.

If I had the choice now between telling myself to wait until January or to buy buy buy in November? November, of course. Lose out on 3 months of OS-X bliss? I think not. Everything I've read about the Powerbook and Apple hardware in general tells me this thing will last for years. I can live with that. I still have my 1GHz laptop from 2000 (Powerbook sits on it :p). I still have my 233-PII from '96/'97. I hadn't intended every getting a laptop against after my Dell 1GHz thing (I thought them sorta pointless-for me) but I went for the Powerbook anyway and am pleased.

Maybe Apple will slowly shift into more regular updates and then the upgrade fever can relax a bit - if it wasn't usually so irregular would we care so much? Some would, but not everyone. If this were a Dell laptop (bad example but hush) would we care or even notice if an upgrade happened 2/3 months after we purchased? ... I'm ranting/waffling at this stage. *coughs*
I would keep the G5, personally. I would not want the potential problems from a Rev A Intel, plus the software problems that you may run into (emulation). Apple must be thinking the same way, since theys till sell both machines, and even at the same price! If they didn't think that there was a market for the iMac G5, then why are they still selling it? I have a refurb G5 Rev B and am perfectly happy with it.
speaking of the apps

speaking of the apps,

isn't it the apple policy to give a free upgrade of say ilife 06 to the people who pretty much bought within a week or something.

what has this been like in the past?
Marky_Mark said:
Put yourself in his shoes for just a moment and read that back to yourself.

If you just bought a 2 litre 4 cylinder car and then six weeks later the manufacturer shoe-horned a four litre supercharged V8 in there that doubled the acceleration and halved the fuel consumption for the same price you paid you'd feel pretty cheated, wouldn't you? What's that you say? Don't be so silly, that kinda thing doesn't happen?

Yeah but you should add that the motoring press has been speculating that the v8 would fit in the car and it wasn't beyond the realms of possibility that that particular model might get it.

Honestly just pay the $170. Buying any mac from when the intel announcement was made right up until now was always a bit risky if you must have the very latest tech.
-Garry- said:
I know I've got what I paid for, and I knew MWSF was a couple of months away but I figured that iMacs had just had their update. The problem I have is that, back in October, Apple KNEW they would be bringing out Intel iMacs in January and yet still continued to promote the iMac G5 as the latest and greatest. Just two months later they're marketing the new Intel iMac as being 2-3x faster, for the same price! Who wouldn't feel unhappy? Plus, the resale value of my iMac has just plummetted, in my opinion, prematurely.

You know what, SCREW APPLE!!! They are touting this latest Rev A iMac as the latest greatest, 2-3 times faster, best desktop for the money. But I have an insider at Apple saying they are working on a new Rev B iMac right now and that it will be released with in sometime in June 2006. It's gonna be twice as fast as Rev A.
bodeh6 said:
You know what, SCREW APPLE!!! They are touting this latest Rev A iMac as the latest greatest, 2-3 times faster, best desktop for the money. But I have an insider at Apple saying they are working on a new Rev B iMac right now and that it will be released with in sometime in June 2006. It's gonna be twice as fast as Rev A.

And in december 2006 a machine 2 times faster than that will come out.

If this stuff bothers anyone they should just stop buying any computers really. It's just the way it is.
tivoboy said:
speaking of the apps,

isn't it the apple policy to give a free upgrade of say ilife 06 to the people who pretty much bought within a week or something.

what has this been like in the past?

If you a new Mac on or after the 10th of january you get a free upgrade. Otherwise full price.

iLife Up-To-Date
tivoboy said:
speaking of the apps,

isn't it the apple policy to give a free upgrade of say ilife 06 to the people who pretty much bought within a week or something.

what has this been like in the past?

I would like to know that as well. I was pretty upset yesterday when the announcement came out, as I bought my first Mac (iMac G5) on December 20. That is, until I went home and did some video editing on it last night. I remember now why I bought it. Yeah, it may have rendered the video faster, but I do that at night anyway, so I wouldn't really notice. My daughter pitched the box with the trash on Monday, so there's no way I can return it now. I would, however, benefit from the iLife '06 upgrade.
tivoboy said:
isn't it the apple policy to give a free upgrade of say ilife 06 to the people who pretty much bought within a week or something.

what has this been like in the past?

The cutoff is 'you get an upgrade if you buy once the product is announced'. The Apple Up To Date scheme operates if you bought a Mac yesterday; not before.

I do have sympathy for the iMac owners since no-one really expected another upgrade so fast and the rest of the offer hasn't changed. Part of me wonders whether the increase in iMac sales last year led to inventory shortages of the case components so they had to bring forward the new 'Intel iSight' case and put a G5 into it? I'd be narked too but there's nothing you can do if you're not willing to take the cash restocking hit; don't dwell on it too much otherwise it will taint your experience with your Mac.
just call customer support and complain and tell them you're angry, don't hang up till they offer to waive the fee for you.

you may need to demand to speak to a supervisor.

customer service will do things like this for you if you sound upset enough.
Steve1496 said:
I'm just not understanding why people think we shouldn't have a right to be upset.

Disappointed would be a better word.

the problem is that no matter when they announce the new computer there will have been someone who bought one the day before who's going to be upset or disappointed. There's no avoiding, regardless of what they do. Even if they announce that it won't be available for 2 months, people will have bought the day before that, and then be "upset" that they either are stuck with their old one or have to wait two months to get the new one. There's just no avoiding it.
1. Pay the restocking fee -- and get a store credit/gift card.

2. This card can now be used online -- but the new Intel iMac there.

$170 is not bad for a 2x speed boost.
After going back and forth for two days, I had decided to pack my new 2.1 ghz iMac G5 up and send it back and eat a 15% restocking fee plus lose my $150.00 rebate, but as I started to pack everything up, I realized it really just wasn't worth the trouble to me in the long run...especially considering I would be losing a total of $405.00 in the process. I have a really great machine that is truthfully fast enough for my needs. And all things considered, I would rather skip the whole transition process and spare myself potential headaches.
I'm happy I didn't buy a Rev. C iMac. They were so shiny and I wanted one so badly. But I held out and now we have Intel iMacs. :eek:
danny_w said:
Remember all of the problems with the Rev A iMac G5? I would just stick with what you've got until at least Rev B comes out.

I'm in a similar position as the poster. I'm also a bit worried that a new chip like this could have problems at first. I'm wondering whether I should wait.

What were the problems with the Rev A iMac G5? Were these software problems? Hardware problems? Where people able to get free upgrades, or were people stuck with the faulty computer??

Thanks. Kds.
kds said:
I'm in a similar position as the poster. I'm also a bit worried that a new chip like this could have problems at first. I'm wondering whether I should wait.

What were the problems with the Rev A iMac G5? Were these software problems? Hardware problems? Where people able to get free upgrades, or were people stuck with the faulty computer??

Thanks. Kds.
You can probably find several thread on this, but as I recall the most prevelant were logic board (backplane) problems and fan/heat problems. Some people had to replace the backplane several times.
Yea, you have every right to be mad... but not at Apple. If you need to be angry, then be angry at yourself. It's your fault for not waiting. Unless, you are a complete n00b to the mac scene, then you knew Apple was releasing new intel computers across the line and you knew MWSF was very close. You should have waited or you should be happy with what you have.

You can't blame Steve Jobs or Apple for releasing new products at any time. It is what they do. Yeah, I can see buying a new imac in November or Early December but I can't see why you would feel shafted. You still have a G5 iMac that's a fantastic computer and your computer is still the same price on Apple created the product you love and now you're angry at them for making a product you love more.
I don't see what the big issue is here. People complaining about their iMac G5's because it doesn't have an Intel Chip, yet they are forgetting the fact that currently there are some programs that have difficulties running on the intel without universal binaries that you actually have to purchase ontop of the program- plus the rest of the stuff is being emulated using Rosetta which is going to kill the power to about 60-80%.

Sure, the new iMac G5's are faster, strong and better. But with the current software on the market, they aren't even close to their actual potential, it will be a few months before we really start to see the performance boost that comes with the new MacTels.

Basically if you bought a Rev C in the last couple weeks you have a fully functional PowerPC while we have a Crippled Intel until more of the transition has gone through.
Exchange tips

Alright, so after reading this forum I felt inspired by the esprit de corp of the posters and followed in suit by taking my newly purchased imac g5 down to the local mac store.

Honestly, I thought I was screwed. My purchase receipt said that my latest return date was Jan. 10, and I read this thread late on Jan. 10. But determined to a least try, I called the Mac store the next day.

With some bit of luck a manager answered the phone and said that she'd let me return my imac g5 that day even though i was one day past the return date.

Here's where it got good... I took my 3 year old daughter down with me, she happened to be dressed up in her princess dress up clothes, and coached her to tell everyone at the apple store that it was her birthday (which was in fact not a lie). It worked like a charm... the manager put her password in the register to not only let me return the imac as discussed, but also offered without my asking, to waive the restocking fee. So fellow imac g5 remorsers, if you have the luck I was able to drum up you may be able to return your imac even if your return date has expired recently, and possibly without having to pay the restocking fee.
danny_w said:
You can probably find several thread on this, but as I recall the most prevelant were logic board (backplane) problems and fan/heat problems. Some people had to replace the backplane several times.
Raises hand.

Three. Times. :mad:

I hate the iMac. Finally got it called DOA and got my money back. Apple Tech support was a nightmare.

Sorry for the mini-rant. :)
This past November I thought about making the switch to Mac.

I posted that I was thinking about making the switch and received many helpful replies. Many of which stated I should wait until after MWSF.

So I decided to wait as long as I could, not so much because of MWSF, but because I really should use the money for other things (just bought my first house.)

Well, on December 11th my Gateway crashed, and on December 12th I bought an imac 17" G5.

I don't regret making the purchase.

Anything is better than a Gateway!

Sure, it would be nice to have a faster processor, and the new Apps, but I am VERY happy with my imac G5.

It is simply a load of my mind, knowing I don't have to worry about virus, spyware, and the uncertainty of an unstable OS.

But I do understand the OP problem, but, be happy you have a Mac!!
rafistoleur said:
Alright, so after reading this forum I felt inspired by the esprit de corp of the posters and followed in suit by taking my newly purchased imac g5 down to the local mac store.

Honestly, I thought I was screwed. My purchase receipt said that my latest return date was Jan. 10, and I read this thread late on Jan. 10. But determined to a least try, I called the Mac store the next day.

With some bit of luck a manager answered the phone and said that she'd let me return my imac g5 that day even though i was one day past the return date.

Here's where it got good... I took my 3 year old daughter down with me, she happened to be dressed up in her princess dress up clothes, and coached her to tell everyone at the apple store that it was her birthday (which was in fact not a lie). It worked like a charm... the manager put her password in the register to not only let me return the imac as discussed, but also offered without my asking, to waive the restocking fee. So fellow imac g5 remorsers, if you have the luck I was able to drum up you may be able to return your imac even if your return date has expired recently, and possibly without having to pay the restocking fee.

Yeah, I figure I'll give it a try with persuading the manager to waive the fee. If that doesn't work I'll have $180 on hand.
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