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same difference, either way your paying at least $1000 for $600 worth of hardware. (core 2 duo, nvidia integrated and only 2 gigs of ram)

for $1000 you can get a laptop that supports dx10 and will make vista run so fast you'd have a change of heart for microsoft.

although I dislike the computers, I do like the os,

But as people on this forum generally use OS X what use would they have with hardware that supported dx10 anyway?
same difference, either way your paying at least $1000 for $600 worth of hardware. (core 2 duo, nvidia integrated and only 2 gigs of ram)

for $1000 you can get a laptop that supports dx10 and will make vista run so fast you'd have a change of heart for microsoft.

although I dislike the computers, I do like the os,

Vista lags in every computer, no matter of HW. W7 is future, Vista is past.
Well, I would have bought "Super Mini" (or a "Mini Pro") if such a beast existed, as I already had a nice monitor (for which She Who Must Be Obeyed says "thank you very much!")

I already have a traveling computer plus I need to leave something behind to record the shows I miss when traveling (EyeTV, DVArchive).

Since I had a monitor I did seriously consider a MB or MBP but it seemed silly to pay that much for a laptop that would almost never move.
I think you get more for your money. Plus I need a fixed station (away from toddlers!), a Macbook wouldn't last 5 minutes in my house!
iMac + laptop = two machines instead of one + monitor :D

In addition, the iMac is the best Mac value and design wise.
Yes, different people will have different needs. If I traveled that much I would probably want the laptop/monitor combination as well. Since I rarely travel, I sold my laptop/monitor, ordered a refurb iMac, and bought a cheap netbook for those few occasions when I need a portable. I really would have liked the 24" (I have one at work) but could not justify the price to myself. BTW, that iMac will still sell for enough to get you a refurb MBP and a used 24" monitor (not IPS though).

So - I talked to the store, and they're willing to take back the iMac (although with a 5% penalty on the price) and sell me an MBP. Good thing, since I realized we really travel a lot, even if not far. Also, as a photographer, I think I'll appreciate the mobility.

So, the question now is whether to go for the 2.4 or the 2.53... ;)
Bought a 20" iMac a few years back and my wife decided that she needed an iPod type device for her car, so she decided to get a MacBook at the same time. Who am I to discourage her............:D
from what i can see, it makes much more sense to get a macbook or macbook pro and hook it up to an external monitor of your choice. that way you get the best of both worlds, laptop portability, and desktop comfiness when you want it. again, not bashing anyone, just wondering why you chose the desktop.

Simple really, if you straight up don't need the portability at all then the power will win every time.

I can't imagine if you did need the portability you'd ever buy an iMac anyway...
I chose it because it was so drop-dead gorgeous. Seriously. I used to walk by the Apple store in the mall and see that huge 24" screen from a distance, but thought, "there's no software for Apple computers". Finally one day I walked in and played with one for a while and that was it. Open mouth; insert hook.

Oh, and the fact that it could wipe the floor with every PC I owned was an added bonus.;)

All that being said, I've been traveling a lot recently (I'm in a hotel right now), and I just got my bonus, so a refurbed 15" macbook pro is on the way.
We intended on buying either a MacBook or a MacBook Pro at Bestbuy and settled on a MacBook Pro. The guy went to get one and when he came back, it was too late. We had noticed the iMacs a minute before and decided on buying one instead. We bought two gigs of ram to go along with it to add to the one it already came with.
I was going through the same debate when wanting to buy a Mac for home use.

The iMac gives you a bit more power and takes up less space on a desk vs macbook+monitor+extra cables and costs less. To me that's worth more then the occasional use of a macbook outside the home office.

But now that the 24" led lcd is out... it sure is tempting for the next Mac purchase.

Does anyone have any data of how much more often a Macbook would fail vs an iMac??? That was my only real fear, I have a feeling a portable will break down more often then a desktop.
I just got my refurb iMac 20" yesterday to replace my Macbook + 24" monitor. I found that the 24" monitor was just too big for home use IMO. I have a 24" iMac at work and sometimes it seems to big for there even. I wonder how the glossy iMac and a matte ACD would look together (both the same 20" size)?
I had a 15" TiBook for a long time and it was getting slow for my power needs but was still a great laptop, so I got an iMac so get a larger screen/more power/more harddrive space. I got an iMac G5 at the time and kept it for 3.5 years before upgrading to my Aluminum iMac this fall. I still use the TiBook for laptop stuff, but now that is being put to the side as the iPhone does most of what I need on the go.

I'm not a "power" user (in that I use my personal computer for professional work) so the iMac fits perfectly for my needs. I'll probably keep my iMac for a long time, maybe I'll get an MBA in the next year to replace my aging/dying TiBook for travel.
from what i can see, it makes much more sense to get a macbook or macbook pro and hook it up to an external monitor of your choice. that way you get the best of both worlds, laptop portability, and desktop comfiness when you want it. again, not bashing anyone, just wondering why you chose the desktop.

well, it makes more sense for you :) (no bashing there)

for some folks, they don't need portability and they get a nice screen with a computer that is vertical and doesn't have a large footprint on a desk.

those are the main reasons why I bought an imac. Of course, then I ended up using it for work so I bought a macbook pro. For others, their computing may never leave their house/office/apt.

I haven't bought one yet, and I may not if Apple introduces a mid-range tower line with a high quality display for the same price. Nonetheless, the non-white MB and MBPs are outrageously overpriced. If you're rich, or parents are, then that isn't a factor. However, go to Dell or HP's website and look at their higher end laptops. They're hundreds of dollars cheaper with far more features. It's not an Apple "tax", it's a complete rip-off. Apple's strategy seems to be to sell as high as they can before sales start to decline. The MB line has become their most popular and they have pushed the prices up accordingly.

iMacs are a better value for the money. You can get a high end 24" 1920x1200 display, large HDD, nice video card for the same price as a low-end MBP. You can use the 24" display as a TV replacement (again, if you aren't rich with some bigger, better display) with a digital TV tuner, like EyeTV (which also lets you hook up videogame consoles). To get the same quality display as the 24" iMac, you're looking at spending another $600-$1000 (those $300 1920x1080 Acer's are not the same quality). Also, only the $2700 17" MBP have a high quality display this time. The budget MB have a terrible display, the MBP are reasonable for a laptop, but nowhere near the quality of the 24" iMac.

Also, I figure it'd be better to buy a far cheaper and more convenient Netbook if I found myself needing to do work, or type papers, on the go. I've had a laptop for 2 years now and have only taken it to work once. Even though it's 13" (PC, not MB), it is still a pain in the ass to pack up and lug around. I'm also putting it at risk of damage, not a big deal if it's $300 Netbook, but a major deal if it's a $2300 MBP. Oh, and you can install OS X on some Netbooks:D
I haven't bought one yet, and I may not if Apple introduces a mid-range tower line with a high quality display for the same price. Nonetheless, the non-white MB and MBPs are outrageously overpriced. If you're rich, or parents are, then that isn't a factor. However, go to Dell or HP's website and look at their higher end laptops. They're hundreds of dollars cheaper with far more features. It's not an Apple "tax", it's a complete rip-off. Apple's strategy seems to be to sell as high as they can before sales start to decline. The MB line has become their most popular and they have pushed the prices up accordingly.

iMacs are a better value for the money. You can get a high end 24" 1920x1200 display, large HDD, nice video card for the same price as a low-end MBP. You can use the 24" display as a TV replacement (again, if you aren't rich with some bigger, better display) with a digital TV tuner, like EyeTV (which also lets you hook up videogame consoles). To get the same quality display as the 24" iMac, you're looking at spending another $600-$1000 (those $300 1920x1080 Acer's are not the same quality). Also, only the $2700 17" MBP have a high quality display this time. The budget MB have a terrible display, the MBP are reasonable for a laptop, but nowhere near the quality of the 24" iMac.

Also, I figure it'd be better to buy a far cheaper and more convenient Netbook if I found myself needing to do work, or type papers, on the go. I've had a laptop for 2 years now and have only taken it to work once. Even though it's 13" (PC, not MB), it is still a pain in the ass to pack up and lug around. I'm also putting it at risk of damage, not a big deal if it's $300, but a major deal if it's a $2300 MBP.
That pretty much sums it up from my point of view too. I agree, the 24" iMac is probably the best buy in the Mac line right now, but for me it is just too big for home use, so I ordered a 20" that I am typing on right now. I fought with myself a long time on that one, wanting the better display of the 24" (I have one at work) but ultimately settled for the 20" at home. I have a cheap used netbook now for the very occasional road trip where I might actually need it.
Vista lags in every computer, no matter of HW. W7 is future, Vista is past.

I've been using 7 only since the public beta started. It's better than Vista and XP, but that's not saying much. OS X is far better. It's unfortunate Apple hasn't marketed it as much because I think they'd win over a lot of frustrated Windows users, or people who are just unaware of how much better OS X is. Instead, we're stuck with terrible lifestyle ads (Mac[smug, coffee-shop-lurking, wanna-be-hipster-type] vs PC[cooler, funny, retro-geek]) that do more to encourage people not to want to use a Mac.
I got my imac after a year with a crappy dell laptop, which I sold on ebay. I have never regretted having done that, and I never will. This imac is awesome. :D
First, the iMacs just exude cool.;) Second, I use my new iMac as my "family" computer (me, my wife and 2 kids-though one of my kids has her own laptop so she doesn't use the iMac at all), and therefore it works better as it doesn't need to be portable. Finally, I've got a laptop for when I need to get portable. It isn't a Mac unfortunately.

The iMac is sleek and powerful and does everything my family and I need it to do (20"-2.66 gHz-320 gb) and it cost several hundred $$ less than a MacBook or MB Pro. Me likey.

I choose an iMac because I got a deal on craigslist for a loaded aluminum 24" iMac for $900. :)

I just found a similar deal on Craig's List myself in my did you go about purchasing it? Did the seller let you play around with it first? Also, did it have an Applecare plan that they could transfer to your name?

I would love to wait for the new iMacs, but $900 for the top-of-the-line current generation would be AWFULLY hard to pass up. :eek:
I just found a similar deal on Craig's List myself in my did you go about purchasing it? Did the seller let you play around with it first? Also, did it have an Applecare plan that they could transfer to your name?

I would love to wait for the new iMacs, but $900 for the top-of-the-line current generation would be AWFULLY hard to pass up. :eek:

No-one can refuse from that kinda offer. That's over 1000$ less than Apple's price
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