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Vista lags in every computer, no matter of HW. W7 is future, Vista is past.

This just isn't true, why do people make things up like this?

I use Vista 64 and OSX. Both are great, and Vista 64 runs way faster than OSX, and faster than any other OS I've ever used. Vista 64 flies in fact. OSX feels much "clunkier" in comparison. I'm hoping new hardware and snow leopard fix this.
This just isn't true, why do people make things up like this?

I use Vista 64 and OSX. Both are great, and Vista 64 runs way faster than OSX, and faster than any other OS I've ever used. Vista 64 flies in fact. OSX feels much "clunkier" in comparison. I'm hoping new hardware and snow leopard fix this.

Not to start an argument, but vista is quite slow compared to os x in my opinion. The graphics are really nice, but the graphics slow vista down to much.

The release of snow leopard should defiantly speed up mac os x. I can't wait. os x is already fast and just thinking of something faster is awesome.

I got an imac because I think you can do more with them than a pc. You are getting top of the line quality computers for a nice price. I also chose an imac over a mac book, because when I travel I am always on the go. I have no need for a computer. It would be nice for the plane trips and sitting at the airport, but that is the only time I need one.
This just isn't true, why do people make things up like this?

I use Vista 64 and OSX. Both are great, and Vista 64 runs way faster than OSX, and faster than any other OS I've ever used. Vista 64 flies in fact. OSX feels much "clunkier" in comparison. I'm hoping new hardware and snow leopard fix this.

Vista isn't that bad. I personally don't like the windows window manager (say that ten times fast :p) though; the way Aqua works just seems a bit more fluid to me. I think that both OSs would benefit greatly from optimization.
That is pretty hard. I like how vista looks and how you can customize your homepage a little more than a mac. You do need a lot of ram though. My friends computer runs vista and it's crashed more than 3 times. At least it still runs.
I chose an iMac because I was totally obsessed with the look and the "all-in-one" factor - I was just sick of having a computer that consisted of the screen and the rest of the hardware in two (or more) separate pieces...not to mention the amount of cables. However, as much as I love my iMac, I wouldn't buy another one. This isn't the fault of the iMac itself, it's the fact that, getting into teriary education, a notebook suits my needs much, much more. Right now, in fact, I use my iPod touch for music and internet ten times more than I use the iMac, due to the portability. The new-look notebooks really look like portable iMacs, with the aluminum and the bezel and such. A few months ago, for me, it was iMac > anything. Now, due to changing circumstances, I'd get a notebook over any other desktop.
I have both. If you can afford both, I think that's the way to go -- I like having a dedicated desktop machine on my desk, and I don't like hooking up tons of wires each time and running through startup to have a quasi-desktop.

That given, I did sell my Mac Pro, I gave my mom my iMac (I still use it sometimes), so my MAIN machine here now is my MacBook Pro hooked to a 23" Cinema Display.

I have 4GB of RAM on the MBP and run my display at a nice 1920x1200 with the nVidia 8600 built-in card, BUT there are still some drawbacks.

My MacBook Pro sports a tiny Mac Mini sized 160GB 2.5" 5400rpm hard drive. This thing can really choke, and a fullsized 500GB or 750GB 7200rpm HD, or even an SSD when they are available would be much better. The hard drive on the MacBook Pro is the one thing I don't like. Laptop drives will still be slower and smaller unless you have a screamer-SSD, even given that -- size will still be smaller (128GB or 256GB).

It does get hot sometimes, if you are running a render or something really processor-intensive. An iMac, even, would handle this much better.

Another thing, I burned my battery up (it shows an "X" now and will not charge), because I left my MacBook Pro on sleep, while I was on vacation for 3 weeks. The machine woke from sleep and crashed, and depleted my battery, really messed it up. Now I have to get a $150 new battery for the unit.

You don't have much power, so if you want to hook up more than 3 USB devices you need external Power. The iMac supplies this power already.


Those are basically my issues and holdups using a MacBook Pro as a desktop replacement. I will say it does work pretty well, and the performance is not bad. It still isn't as fast as a true Desktop such as an iMac would be...the iMacs are fast, and snappy, do not doubt their power. The Real desktop size/speed hard drive makes a huge leap in speed performance on the unit versus a laptop drive.

Also, I have been extremely happy with this 2.4GHz 15" Santa Rosa MacBook Pro, and think it is the best laptop I have ever owned (I've owned about 30 PowerBooks over the past 15 years). It's really Powerful and the screen is great, it's bright and crisp. Everything is snappy on the machine, but an iMac is still faster for some things. I like that power on my desk at home and would like to get an iMac soon, or possibly an SSD Mac Mini if they do come out. More likely the iMac.
When I bought my iMac, I had a perfectly useful PowerBook G4 that I used on the road. I wanted a big screen and a fast machine. I also wanted to ability to have a second, large monitor hooked up to it. Getting an iMac just made sense for my purposes.
When I bought my iMac, I had a perfectly useful PowerBook G4 that I used on the road. I wanted a big screen and a fast machine. I also wanted to ability to have a second, large monitor hooked up to it. Getting an iMac just made sense for my purposes.

That is exactly my situation. I use a 12" G4 PB for class and for general portability. I'll probably replace it at some point with an Air. I wanted something large and powerful at home that I could use with two monitors. 24" iMac and 24" Samsung monitor works great for computing time at home. When I travel, I don't need much more than a browser and a keyboard.
That is exactly my situation. I use a 12" G4 PB for class and for general portability. I'll probably replace it at some point with an Air. I wanted something large and powerful at home that I could use with two monitors. 24" iMac and 24" Samsung monitor works great for computing time at home. When I travel, I don't need much more than a browser and a keyboard.

Yep, I replaced my PowerBook a year later with the white MacBook, but ended up giving that to my wife (to replace her old iBook G4) and buying one of the refurb Rev A MacBook Air instead. Love it and it's perfect for my situation.
from what i can see, it makes much more sense to get a macbook or macbook pro and hook it up to an external monitor of your choice. that way you get the best of both worlds, laptop portability, and desktop comfiness when you want it. again, not bashing anyone, just wondering why you chose the desktop.

One word. Simplicity.
i'm about to get a new mac.

my mbp died. due to a drop. $1200 to fix.

so my budget is 1200.

Imac used 850.
New soon to be updated imac. around 1200-1700.

MBP. the battery dies. that has to be replaced ON YOU. Not apple. You.

Imac no battery. Larger HD. Used to be faster but my mbp was faster, 2.4
I think the most ideal way to go about the whole 'what to have' thing is:
Have an iMac for where you live - nice and stationary, powerful and ready for anything.
Have an iPhone/iTouch for on the go - it is like an extremely portable Mac I reckon :D (and they seem to have some kind of hidden power ...)
After six years with 12" laptops i wanted a larger screen and a computer that didn't fry my genitals or hands. The Mini was way too underpowered, the Mac Pro had the expandability i wanted, but more processor power than i needed and above all a bit too expensive. So an iMac was the best choice. I am still dreaming of a Mac Midi.
My current iMac is my first mac.

To be honest, I bought purely for aesthetics. I'm a windows user.

I saw it on the advert, it looked bloody gorgeous...and so I bought it.
I already had a MacBook, but needed more power and better graphics. Rather than buy a second laptop and a new screen, I got the iMac which worked out much cheaper and in my opinion, better looking.

It's probably one of the best value all-in-ones on the market, others are either drastically underpowered or drastically overpriced by comparison, not to mention not as nice aesthetically. The iMac is best suited to my needs too, the Mac Pro would have been overkill and as mentioned previously a MacBook Pro would have been pointless.
Well, I used to have a Powerbook when I was in school and I needed to be mobile with a fully functional computer (dorm rooms, libraries, labs, home during vacations, etc).

I'm out of school now, and no longer have a need to be that mobile with a high powered laptop, so I really like the iMac for being more powerful, having a nice all-in-one design, a larger screen, and quite honestly, more bang for the buck.

To be mobile just for internet/surfing and extremely basic tasks, I have an HP Mini netbook. Just to lounge around the house with and chat to friends on IM, it works fine. Plus, as it's only ~300 dollars, if I lose it/break it in transit, it's not like I'm losing all the money it would have cost to have a MacBook or MacBook Air.
Just purchased a second hand iMac 20" base config Nov 2008 rev. Mint condition though so really happy. As powerful as my maxed out Aluminium Macbook so am happy with the amount of juice. I do not game anymore due to lack of time.

Just wanted *something* as I was killing my HP notebook as I was running it as a desktop :p

Although now surrounded by displays; HP, Macbook, iMac and a external monitor :rolleyes:
It's All or Nothing

For me, I like having my laptop for travel, work, and generally surfing in my jammies but when it's all said and done I want the beautiful looking desktop with the nice large screen (I'm not getting any younger and my eyes need a break from the laptop) and the convenience to just sit down and work. I bought a MacBook Pro 3 years ago (my first Mac) and its been a great machine AND still is. Now I'm ready to replace my desktop PC and when the new iMacs come out it's a no brainer for me!

I though about just adding the cinema display but I like my machines to play 2 different roles. The iMac/desktop for finances, picture editing, and Web site work while the MacBook Pro travels to work and goes on vacation. I think if you can afford both they're a great combination! :D
I bought one for the misses since it's perfect for the general consumer that is using it for even some mid ranged gaming like Sims 2.

It's perfect for her and her small office, and with a maxed out iMac 24" or 20" it'll last for YEARS.

And besides the Mac Mini, what other average --> midrange user Mac is there?
Why an iMac?

I could not afford a Mac Pro so got a refurbished G5 iMac about 4 yrs ago. I like the all in one features. It is a work horse and is in the kitchen. We have a 13" MacBook that is rarely used. We plan to buy a quad core iMac when they come out that has OS 10.6. Still can't afford a Mac Pro.
It's my first Mac- was ready to switch to an entry-level Mac mini but the £400 one didn't have a DVD burner, I wanted more RAM and I wanted an Apple keyboard- that all added up to about £640-ish at the time.

Then my monitor started to go iffy and the monitor I had in mind, coupled with an external drive to boost my storage took me to about £850 so I plumped for the entry-level iMac. It came with the mouse and keyboard, 20" display built-in, iSight, microphone, DVD-burner and 250GB HDD.

I was concerned about the entry-level model not being quick enough or that 6 months down the line I'd regret not saving a little longer- but it still does everything I need and then some.

I never get tired of people asking- Where's the big box then? :)
This just isn't true, why do people make things up like this?

I use Vista 64 and OSX. Both are great, and Vista 64 runs way faster than OSX, and faster than any other OS I've ever used. Vista 64 flies in fact. OSX feels much "clunkier" in comparison. I'm hoping new hardware and snow leopard fix this.

I run Vista on a partition on my iMac using Boot Camp and it does indeed run nice and smooth.

However, Leopard is clunkier in comparison?

As Churchill would say, "Oh no, no, no, no".
I don´t have an iMac yet, but I´m leaning towards buying one very soon. The reason to go for an iMac is just the lack of a decent desktop. Mac Mini is underpowered, Mac Pro too expensive and I don't need a notebook. So that leaves the iMac, pretty much. I happen to have a nice monitor, but I'll just have to settle with a dual-screen setup I guess.
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