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And especially in this economy, bastard~!! :mad:

A bit harsh dont you think? After all, the buyer did agree originally to keep said machine, and made a claim for the amount that it would take for HIM to fix it and be happy. Then he backed out of it. And wanted to stiff the seller with a damaged machine with a pending claim with UPS that wouldnt cover the repair.

Dont get me wrong, Im not condoning the seller's actions in keeping all money. It really depends on how much he received, and what it cost to fix the machine. If there wasnt enough money to fix the machine, then I think the seller has the right to keep the remaining amount of money from the buyer to fix the machine(since the buyer started the claim with an amount only he would be satisfied with), and then any left over would be his. If the seller received enough money to repair said machine, then he should refund the buyer in full(minus ebay fees). The seller would be entitled to keep any remaining money left over from the claim.

This is how I see this as keeping things fair.

But the cause of all this was the improper packing by the seller. Air bubbles, peanuts and paper bags? Are you kidding me?

As stated before, this should have been doubled boxed, with peanuts in between all surfaces of the two boxes. The inner box should have be lined with sheets of styrofoam insulation, the kind you can get at the hardware store in 4x8 sheets thats at least 1 inch thick. This would be the easiest way to recreate the stock packaging that came with the Mac Pro.

Any events that transpired after the OP received the damaged Mac Pro is irrelevant. If the seller would have packaged the computer properly in the first place this would have never happened.
Alright. Just talked to UPS. I told them that the seller wanted me to contact them since he's out of town (sort of a lie), and they told me that the claim has been closed for a while and should have been honored. They told me to get in contact with the seller and have the seller contact them to see why he didn't receive anything. This doesn't look good.

Not at all, seller probably is just keeping the money at this point. Bad situation.
wow this thread is still alive. I was searching for a Mac Pro during the time you were searching. I distinctly remember seeing the ebay item you bought before it got sold. I bought something else on BUY NOW that time. My ebay octo shipped a week delayed and I thought it was painstaking. Imagine the energy and time you spent just to handle this hassle. I even have my 25% cashback in hand already. Props to you. Good luck.
wow this thread is still alive. I was searching for a Mac Pro during the time you were searching. I distinctly remember seeing the ebay item you bought before it got sold. I bought something else on BUY NOW that time. My ebay octo shipped a week delayed and I thought it was painstaking. Imagine the energy and time you spent just to handle this hassle. I even have my 25% cashback in hand already. Props to you. Good luck.

Thanks. :)

Any Updates????????

Not much right now, I've tried calling the seller, he hasn't answered. I'll try again later today or tomorrow and see if he answers then. If not I'll have to decide what to do next.
How about an update? Surely, you've gotten somewhere by now or the seller told you to go F*** off..
Read this, trust me... (not just a re-hash)

Ok, I know that this horse has been beaten well enough, but after reading the WHOLE thread for the first time, I see MAJOR FACTORS in this whole situation.

Let me start with a question that I'm surprised no one has asked yet... if you work (or even used to work) at MacMedia, an authorized Apple Reseller and Service Provider, then why on earth would you have not handled the repair/repair estimate with them instead of talking to some unknown clerk at an Apple store?!? I don't understand your logic in this. :confused:

Sorry if I sound harsh, as I was on your side when I started on page one, but after reading the whole story, I am now on the seller's side, even though I do feel that it was all originally on the seller's shoulders. You did in fact make a huge mess of things by not following the proper protocol through any of the process, even after you were told specifically by people here to follow these protocols to the letter.

You initiated an insurance claim based on a repair amount that pretty much came out of your head, based on DIY labor, and lied to the seller about it. ( read posts 162 and 168 ) You told the seller "repair(s)", not 'parts'. You admittedly lied to the seller about actually going to the Apple store, as well as being very misleading about the quote... You told us that you got the cost of a case, you told him you got the cost of repairs. If you had in fact initiated a repair claim with UPS, you screwed him royally, and nowhere do I see any proof that the claim filed with UPS was anything less than a repair claim. He may or may not have been able to fix your screwup.

Let's be clear and realistic in this. Businesses only care about protocols, documents, and facts in these situations, all of which are missing in this case. Look at this carefully, because his giving you a full refund now means that HE would be out the $1500+, PLUS the cost of repairs that could now come out of his pocket as a result of your lies even though he had insurance in place to protect BOTH of you. Put yourself in his shoes, because you sure didn't like it when YOU were out the $$$ with a damaged Mac any more than he does now. Had you returned it right away, or at least gotten an ACTUAL repair estimate and followed protocol, there would have been NO PROBLEM FOR EITHER OF YOU.

Apart from this, you wanted the seller to make the repairs himself, keeping the UPS claim at the DIY, made-up amount that you had given them. In other words, you wanted him to risk having an unreliable machine by doing the repairs himself, even though you weren't willing to take that risk yourself. Sorry to have to say it, but this is inconsiderate and self-centered of you.

Chalk this up to a lesson learned, and remember that you are not the only person that matters in a transaction, and that a problem does not automatically make the seller evil. He did, after all, refund you $850 after the Paypal dispute expired, (also your fault, which you admit) so I'm willing to bet he would have refunded the whole amount had you not made a mess of it.
LOLOLOL. I'm thinking of selling my Mac pro on eBay and will if craigslist isn't successful. This seller made out like a freaking bandit. How so you ask?

Sold Mac pro: 1600
Partial refund: -800
Refund from UPS: 1000
Repairs to Mac Pro: -1000
Selling Mac Pro again:1600

Net $$ to seller: 2400

Loss to poor buyer who went through this: 2400 (800 not refunded and pain & suffering)

If the seller fixes Mac himself than even more profit. :S
I really want to know how this one ended!

I will never buy anything like this from ebay after reading this. It's a minefield when something goes wrong.
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