Check your credit card to see if it includes accidental damage and loss. Many do -- I have a couple that cover it for the first 90 days after purchase.
I left my iPad in a target shopping cart the other day, drove home 30 mins to find out it wasn't there. Got an email 15 mins later that said "I think I found your iPad"
There are still good people.
Why'd they be responsible for your own carelessness?
Exactly, the airline is not responsible for the loss of your personal items due to your own carelessness, nor is your insurance company. Why does everyone think that someone else should pay for their own carelessness? Take responsibility for your actions already. I'm sorry that it happened, but next time learn from your mistakes and turn on the MobileMe feature to find your iPad. Whoever found it and kept it may have wiped it clean by now.
Whoever found it and kept it may have wiped it clean by now.
Losing an iPad is one thing, but its just a material loss. My bigger fear is having some stranger having unfettered access to my private information. My email accounts (multiple), lots of private documents, photos of my family....almost everything a person would need to steal my identity.
I personally find MobileMe almost worthless but for the ability to remotely wipe my devices.
Back in December I realized while on the plane that I did not have my iPhone. Once I landed and got on my laptop, the MobileMe feature locate my iPhone and it was still at home. In the rush to leave the house I just left it in the dock. It was a tough 2 weeks without it, but it was good since I knew it was safe and sound at home.
Check your credit card to see if it includes accidental damage and loss. Many do -- I have a couple that cover it for the first 90 days after purchase.
Agreed. I also find MobileMe worthless except for its ability to sync my bookmarks across two mobile devices and two computers, to remotely lock and display a message on my devices, to locate my devices, and to wipe my devices if necessary.
Why'd they be responsible for your own carelessness?
I am creating this post in case anyone found my ipad.
I left it in the seatback pocket on Continental flight 337 from Charlotte to Newark. The serial number is GB012AUUZ39. I know this is a shot in the dark but Continental's lost and found baggage resolution is a joke.
Agreed. I also find MobileMe worthless except for its ability to sync my bookmarks across two mobile devices and two computers, to remotely lock and display a message on my devices, to locate my devices, and to wipe my devices if necessary.
Really? What do you use to keep your devices synced up with email/calendar/contacts? I've been using MobileMe for this for the last year and it's been great. Their web interface is a dog, but i never use web based email clients.
Dude seriously like you've never made a mistake?
Do you know how tiring traveling can be? Get out of your basement.
Really? What do you use to keep your devices synced up with email/calendar/contacts? I've been using MobileMe for this for the last year and it's been great. Their web interface is a dog, but i never use web based email clients.
It was sarcasm directed against the other poster (since he called MobileMe worthless and then mentioned a valuable purpose). I thought it was obvious since I listed so many uses. I use Google email/cal/contacts as an Exchange account on iPhone and iPad. But for those things that I listed, I would gladly pay double for MobileMe. Not worthless.
From repeated examples, usually with posts I am not involved in, I have found that some of the members of this forum are unable to detect sarcasm. I will use it sparingly from now on.
I find reading comprehension to be in short supply on these forums along with sarcasm.
Actually, I said "almost worthless but for the ability to wipe contents."
I find reading comprehension to be in short supply on these forums along with sarcasm.