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It has been a nightmare, I didn't notice until already in the air on a connecting flight. I'm wondering if there is some way to track it outside of mobileme because like a fool I never turn on the find my ipad feature but there should still be a way to locate it via the mac address or something.

A nightmare? You're out 800 bucks and lost a few dopey aps, someone on this site lost a puppy this weekend. A whole puppy! That's a nightmare. And when they posted about it, someone else pointed out that their wife lost a cousin to cancer and she had two little kids! That's a nightmare. You lost a toy because you aren't smart enough to check the seatback in front of you before deplane-ing. Dude, that's the first thing you do! Nightmare? Did you see lost last night? That was a ****ing nightmare! Six years of my life for that!?!
:( Hope ya get your iPad back. For years now, I've travelled almost full-time and have left my fair share of goodies here and there. Chargers in hotel room outlets, clothes in hotel room closets, etc, etc. Even some valuables in a hotel room safe! Most have been returned some sort of way, but a really painful one was a brand new 80 gig iPod Classic a couple years back. I'd landed in Vancouver and had just exited the gate when I remembered the Classic in the seatback. :eek:

I immediately told Air Canada's gate people and they went into the plane to retrieve it. Came out a couple of minutes later to say that it was nowhere to be found. Hmmm. Well, it had my full contact info on the back, so I was hopeful that a good samaritan had just picked it up. No such luck. Subsequent contact with AC was an epic exercise in frustration, so eventually I chalked it up as a lesson learned and lost a bit more faith in humanity.

On the other hand, two weeks ago in Denver I found an iPhone. Our company does consumer ride & drive events and someone had left the phone in one of our vehicles. It was unlocked, so I called their most recent contacts till one answered and the happy owner was back within an hour to claim his beloved iPhone.

It takes very little effort to do the right thing, and it just feels so good. Shame that some choose to trade that sorta karma for short term financial gain. They're really missing out.
It takes very little effort to do the right thing, and it just feels so good. Shame that some choose to trade that sorta karma for short term financial gain. They're really missing out.

I hear you. Just saved a grocery store cashier's job last week. She was supposed to give me $120 cash back and tried to give me $220. I politely pointed out her mistake, gave her back the extra hundred dollar bill and went on my way. She was very thankful and it made me feel good.

Can't say I would've done that 15 years ago though.
I hear you. Just saved a grocery store cashier's job last week. She was supposed to give me $120 cash back and tried to give me $220. I politely pointed out her mistake, gave her back the extra hundred dollar bill and went on my way. She was very thankful and it made me feel good.

Can't say I would've done that 15 years ago though.

Was she cute?
A nightmare? You're out 800 bucks and lost a few dopey aps, someone on this site lost a puppy this weekend. A whole puppy! That's a nightmare. And when they posted about it, someone else pointed out that their wife lost a cousin to cancer and she had two little kids! That's a nightmare. You lost a toy because you aren't smart enough to check the seatback in front of you before deplane-ing. Dude, that's the first thing you do! Nightmare? Did you see lost last night? That was a ****ing nightmare! Six years of my life for that!?!

Dude, get a life. The iPad is not something I can afford to lose, plus all of my private info in it. And for your information, I took the trip because I was visiting my grandmother who I was told was on her deathbed, and while I was gone my dog got parvovirus, so get off your high horse, in the hustle and shuffle of traveling it is easy to make mistakes, and don't act like you have never made a mistake.

I still have heard no word back from the airlines and the plane stayed in Newark overnight and then went to Houston the next day, I have checked lost and found at both to no avail. I have also contacted Apple and they weren't any help, they said that they cannot check if the ipad has been reregistered on iTunes. So now just seeing if renters insurance will cover it.
If you bought it with your credit card, check to see if the card you used has a loss-or-damage coverage feature. I buy everything with my Amex card for that reason-- 90 days' coverage!

Good luck. A friend just had his iPad stolen in Budapest's airport early in a multi-week travel extravaganza. Poor guy.

Hope yours turns up, but get a claim in to your credit card company straightaway if there's coverage.
Dude, get a life. The iPad is not something I can afford to lose, plus all of my private info in it. And for your information, I took the trip because I was visiting my grandmother who I was told was on her deathbed, and while I was gone my dog got parvovirus, so get off your high horse, in the hustle and shuffle of traveling it is easy to make mistakes, and don't act like you have never made a mistake.

Dude, get a sense of humor! I stuck my sd card into my superdrive slot yesterday so, trust me, I make mistakes. I also make jokes about them; the lost comment should have been your clue. Sorry about your dog.
Tried the Airline first

My Colleague just left his macbook Pro (intel core duo) @ the gate charging station yesterday. and they located and found it.

I think it could be on the way back for him now!
A nightmare? You're out 800 bucks and lost a few dopey aps, someone on this site lost a puppy this weekend. A whole puppy! That's a nightmare. And when they posted about it, someone else pointed out that their wife lost a cousin to cancer and she had two little kids! That's a nightmare. You lost a toy because you aren't smart enough to check the seatback in front of you before deplane-ing. Dude, that's the first thing you do! Nightmare? Did you see lost last night? That was a ****ing nightmare! Six years of my life for that!?!

Now that was funny! Thx
Dude, get a life. The iPad is not something I can afford to lose, plus all of my private info in it. And for your information, I took the trip because I was visiting my grandmother who I was told was on her deathbed, and while I was gone my dog got parvovirus, so get off your high horse, in the hustle and shuffle of traveling it is easy to make mistakes, and don't act like you have never made a mistake.

I still have heard no word back from the airlines and the plane stayed in Newark overnight and then went to Houston the next day, I have checked lost and found at both to no avail. I have also contacted Apple and they weren't any help, they said that they cannot check if the ipad has been reregistered on iTunes. So now just seeing if renters insurance will cover it.

For several pages, people have been asking "Where is the OP?" and "Did you get it back yet?" and when you do come back, the post you pick to respond to is, well, not somebody who cares about you or your plight. Perhaps what drew you to that post is you want more beating up because you feel bad about leaving your iPad on that plane. You got all the beating up you deserved the day it happened. Any more beating up you receive in this thread is useless. Get a grip on the positive and ignore the negative. Did you notice that post mentioned a TV show that had nothing to do with the OT? Perhaps some posts are best ignored.

I hope you do get it back. I have lost quite a few items traveling, luckily none as valuable as an iPad. Take the constructive suggestions and ignore the rest of this thread. You don't deserve it. Even if you do eventually get it back, the loss of your iPad was punishment enough. Unfortunately, depending on who found it, there may be more punishment to come if you don't take certain precautions...

As for personal info, I suggest changing passwords for email accounts you had set up on the iPad. Change your iTunes password as well for good measure. I know it seems to prompt for password frequently but perhaps not often enough when your device is lost. It is conceivable somebody could figure out your passwords from your iPad or at least read your email in parallel with your other devices. Change the passwords right away so the guy with the iPad only has access to whatever you had downloaded locally. I limit my email to 200 messages on my iThings, which is often less than a few days' worth.
Hope you get it back.

I almost left mine on an airport seat a few weeks ago. I walked 6 feet away and my brain goes: something is not under my arm... After that I put it in my bag when I move from place to place.

I remember that and thought of immediately the first (and last!) time I set my iPad on a stack of papers. It would be pretty easy to lose because it's so flat, especially if you live with someone else who might not be as aware of it as you are.

My sister is a flight attendant and she HIGHLY recommends travelers use a brightly colored case, even if it might not be your first choice because you are
much more likely to notice it. It also helps them see left items, like phones, etc., when they do their walk-through.

Might have to paint my case hot pink.

apple considers it theft... ask the guy who found the "Lost" iPhone....

You've mistaken Apple for California law.
clearly you haven't read the whole story nor do you know the laws in US, specifically in California.

C'Mon people????? I need a face palm pic right now. IT WAS A Joke!!!!

Of course it is not theft. Hence the humor in what apple is doing....

If I had to explain that one........ Jeez, the iPad forum is a drag..
Found a wi-fi model on a flight from MSP to NYC. I actually thought it was mine and was so confused because I thought mine was in my backpack and didn't remember putting it in the seat back pocket, but it had the same apple case. Opened it and realized that the pic was different and that it was a wi-fi and not my 3G. I found it mid-flight, so I went into the address book and emailed both "Mom" and "Dad." Within 10 minutes I received an email from dad. Lol he gave me his fedex account number and I had it overnighted to him so he could surprise his son with it the next day.

Funny story. Also found an iPhone in a cab later that week. Found it because it was ringing from the floor of the cab. The dude was calling it from his GF's phone. We were about 40 blocks up town already, and it was 2:30 am. So dude found out what bar I was heading to and met us there. He got a round of patron shots for me and my friends when he got there! Haha ended up partying till about 5:30am with him.

I have had the same thing happen with my phone and happened to have a nice guy return it to me. Moral of the story, there are still good people out there. I actually love finding stuff and returning it. Makes people really happy. I hope someone great finds yours and gets it back to you! Best of luck!
If it is not returned should I consider it theft, sort of like what Apple did with the prototype lost iphone? I ask because I am sure USAA covers theft.

Theft? Am I missing something? You left it unattended in a public place, and you want to try to blame someone else? How about asking USAA or Apple if they have some sort of Dumb A$$ insurance, if so you will qualify.
Dude, get a life. The iPad is not something I can afford to lose, plus all of my private info in it. And for your information, I took the trip because I was visiting my grandmother who I was told was on her deathbed, and while I was gone my dog got parvovirus, so get off your high horse, in the hustle and shuffle of traveling it is easy to make mistakes, and don't act like you have never made a mistake.

I still have heard no word back from the airlines and the plane stayed in Newark overnight and then went to Houston the next day, I have checked lost and found at both to no avail. I have also contacted Apple and they weren't any help, they said that they cannot check if the ipad has been reregistered on iTunes. So now just seeing if renters insurance will cover it.

If it remained over night, someone with whatever cabin service company they use is enjoying it at home.
My heart sank when i read the thread title. Good luck to you reuniting with your iPad.
I just wanted to say I have nothing but empathy for the OP. I accidently left my $700 prescription sunglasses on a seat in the mall today since I was distracted by my iPad and wife.

Luckily a decent person had picked them up, held them aside and waited for me to return. My heart was pumping for a few moments though. Losing something valuable really sucks and anyone who doesn't return items is a thief.
Found a wi-fi model on a flight from MSP to NYC. I actually thought it was mine and was so confused because I thought mine was in my backpack and didn't remember putting it in the seat back pocket, but it had the same apple case. Opened it and realized that the pic was different and that it was a wi-fi and not my 3G. I found it mid-flight, so I went into the address book and emailed both "Mom" and "Dad." Within 10 minutes I received an email from dad. Lol he gave me his fedex account number and I had it overnighted to him so he could surprise his son with it the next day.

Funny story. Also found an iPhone in a cab later that week. Found it because it was ringing from the floor of the cab. The dude was calling it from his GF's phone. We were about 40 blocks up town already, and it was 2:30 am. So dude found out what bar I was heading to and met us there. He got a round of patron shots for me and my friends when he got there! Haha ended up partying till about 5:30am with him.

I have had the same thing happen with my phone and happened to have a nice guy return it to me. Moral of the story, there are still good people out there. I actually love finding stuff and returning it. Makes people really happy. I hope someone great finds yours and gets it back to you! Best of luck!

That was really awesome of you, it made me warm and fuzzy to read your story :)
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