It has been a nightmare, I didn't notice until already in the air on a connecting flight. I'm wondering if there is some way to track it outside of mobileme because like a fool I never turn on the find my ipad feature but there should still be a way to locate it via the mac address or something.
A nightmare? You're out 800 bucks and lost a few dopey aps, someone on this site lost a puppy this weekend. A whole puppy! That's a nightmare. And when they posted about it, someone else pointed out that their wife lost a cousin to cancer and she had two little kids! That's a nightmare. You lost a toy because you aren't smart enough to check the seatback in front of you before deplane-ing. Dude, that's the first thing you do! Nightmare? Did you see lost last night? That was a ****ing nightmare! Six years of my life for that!?!