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Sorry, this forum isn’t an echo chamber for fanboys to just regurgitate positive feedback on Apple products, it’s OK to think for yourself, you’ll be OK trust me
No, it's not, but people get tired of the same troll threads being made 10 times a day, and it's especially tiresome when people present it like their opinion is the only correct answer, which is what you did right from the thread title. Stating your own personal opinion is not "facing the facts". There are at least 15 to 20 of these for every single Apple release from the beginning of time saying that product X is not worth the upgrade because product W was good enough or product Y and Z will be better.

I do everything on my iPad Pro--some of it simple tasks like reading a book or watching a video, some of it complex like writing music or recording/editing audio. To me, iOS feels like the new way of doing these things, and macOS feels like the old clunky way. So what? Do you think posting this thread and telling me that I need to face the facts makes me want to change my workflows as if I had never thought of it before until your Macrumors rant?

To you the new iPads aren't worth it. To others they are. Those are facts YOU need to face, not me.
Sorry, this forum isn’t an echo chamber for fanboys to just regurgitate positive feedback on Apple products, it’s OK to think for yourself, you’ll be OK trust me
I have read several of your comments from last months and yes, you are a big hater troll. But, ey!, you think you are smarter and you think for yourself. Congrats man!!!
"Literally no differences" set against "let's face facts"?

If there was ever a MacRumors thread started by a troll, it's got to be this one.

What is the magical new feature with the 2018 iPad Pro?

Remind yourself that you’re not being paid to advertise for Apple
I’ve seen this movie before: I list a bunch of features and then you tell me how none of those features matter because they don’t support your opinion or are not things you personally use. It’s not a game I’m going to play with you or any other troll.
Literally no real differences besides usual spec bump, USB-C input is severely limited and with a simple lighting to USB-C dongle you can do the same thing with last years iPad Pro

But the main point is that iOS is still iOS. Extremely limited and cumbersome compared to macOS so it’s not laptop replacement by a long shot, but great at media consumption. It doesn’t matter if you have the power of a Mac Pro in an iPad if it can’t do anything

Hopefully iOS 13 actually makes the iPad a machine pro’s could realistically entertain using
Did a bully steal your lunch money again... you seem a little bitter mate. :/

Literally no real differences besides usual spec bump, USB-C input is severely limited and with a simple lighting to USB-C dongle you can do the same thing with last years iPad Pro

But the main point is that iOS is still iOS. Extremely limited and cumbersome compared to macOS so it’s not laptop replacement by a long shot, but great at media consumption. It doesn’t matter if you have the power of a Mac Pro in an iPad if it can’t do anything

Hopefully iOS 13 actually makes the iPad a machine pro’s could realistically entertain using
Also... your dead wrong, this update is the biggest and makes everything else that Apple’s updated seem like they simply dusted off old devices and are selling them as new.
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In terms of actual use, there will be zero difference between an iPad user of last year and this year
“Actual use”? Well they’re not going to be using their thumb to unlock it anymore, or have to flip it around so that their thumb is nearer the home button.

That might not be a big difference for you, it’s made a massive improvement to me on my phone so I’m looking forward to gaining that on the iPad. But either way, it’s clearly a hardware change and not a software one and so is not the “zero” you state.
“Actual use”? Well they’re not going to be using their thumb to unlock it anymore, or have to flip it around so that their thumb is nearer the home button.

That might not be a big difference for you, it’s made a massive improvement to me on my phone so I’m looking forward to gaining that on the iPad. But either way, it’s clearly a hardware change and not a software one and so is not the “zero” you state.

Meh . . Perspective . .

I might not be doing that but I never have to rotate mine since both thumbs are registered . . . I also won’t be having to pick up my ipad from a table to unlock it . .
But it’s ok . . I’ll do me and you do you.

Agree about the hardware change and that’s far from a zero - its everything in that the hardware will give iOS a chance to grow.
Meh . . Perspective . .

I might not be doing that but I never have to rotate mine since both thumbs are registered . . . I also won’t be having to pick up my ipad from a table to unlock it . .
But it’s ok . . I’ll do me and you do you.

Agree about the hardware change and that’s far from a zero - its everything in that the hardware will give iOS a chance to grow.
FaceID on iPad Pro works in all orientations. You don’t have to pick it up or flip it around for it to unlock. That would be horrible.
What is the magical new feature with the 2018 iPad Pro?

Remind yourself that you’re not being paid to advertise for Apple

S m a l l e r

For any mobile device, especially a tablet, this is one of the most important features. So yeah it's probably biggest update since the original IPad.

And if that isn't important to you, then I think we are beginning to distinguish between facts and opinions.
If you are ever interested in going iPad only, I would suggest investing in an NAS (I use the QNAP TS-251+). It allows me to run my Plex server off of it, download torrents directly to the NAS from my iPad app, schedule backups, keep all my family photo's etc. It's been a big reason why I have been able to go iOS only.

I was iOS only for a while, looked in to a QNAP, in the end I picked up a mid tier configuration Mac Mini on the second hand market for the same price. Then upgraded the HDD to an SSD, then ended up using the Mac Mini more and got dragged back in to the Mac OS ecosystem out of preference and old habits dying hard.

I would echo your sentiments though, for alot of people an iPad and a NAS are a fantastic combination.

As for this thread, smaller form factor for the 12.9, more power, better pencil. That's worth the cost to me so I'll be buying.
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But the main point is that iOS is still iOS. Extremely limited and cumbersome compared to macOS so it’s not laptop replacement by a long shot

100% troll thread, but I'll bite.

Fun facts... my retired mother replaced her laptop with an iPad 3 years ago. She sends emails, buys things online, looks at pictures of her grandchildren. Laptop = replaced.

I run a business, carry out IT admin, design and print wallpaper.. I'm ordering the new iPad Pro with no expectation or desire that it will replace my 15" MacBook Pro (or 5k iMac). Laptop (or iMac) = not replaced.

Just because it won't replace YOUR laptop, doesn't mean it won't replace everyone elses...but more importantly, why do you care?
I feel like I’m at a Trump rally with everyone calling any negative attention towards the iPad Pro, fake news, sad

Talk about an echo chamber
I agree with the OP to an extent. There are obvious differences, beautiful design, face ID, USB C, smarter pencil attachment. But I agree in terms of day to day usage, what can you do productivity wise on the new iPad that the old iPad couldnt handle?

Maybe in the future, IF app support is developed to utilize the amazing hardware in the new iPad pro to get some real apps in the OS. But youll use safari like normal, write your documents, draw your drawings, listen to your music, watch your videos the same way you would have when compared to last gens iPads. Functionality wise, it seems to be 1-1 right now, what's gained is convenience with the pencil, lighterweight, other benefits for sure. But the big picture seems to be missed. Im curious, is there any info that says the new Photoshop would not be supported on the older iPad Pros?
I feel like I’m at a Trump rally with everyone calling any negative attention towards the iPad Pro, fake news, sad

Talk about an echo chamber

Well you certainly sound like trump with the hyperbole in your first post....

You can't write something like "Literally no real differences" and expect people not to react. Especially since this is the biggest iPad update in a very long time.

Even though i agree with your points, that they didn't improve the biggest shortcomings.
Since i'm not an artist it is still just a media consumption device for me. For anything else i'm faster with my Macbook.

But i'm very happy about the change to USB-C. I hate proprietary ports.
No, it's not, but people get tired of the same troll threads being made 10 times a day, and it's especially tiresome when people present it like their opinion is the only correct answer, which is what you did right from the thread title. Stating your own personal opinion is not "facing the facts". There are at least 15 to 20 of these for every single Apple release from the beginning of time saying that product X is not worth the upgrade because product W was good enough or product Y and Z will be better.

I do everything on my iPad Pro--some of it simple tasks like reading a book or watching a video, some of it complex like writing music or recording/editing audio. To me, iOS feels like the new way of doing these things, and macOS feels like the old clunky way. So what? Do you think posting this thread and telling me that I need to face the facts makes me want to change my workflows as if I had never thought of it before until your Macrumors rant?

To you the new iPads aren't worth it. To others they are. Those are facts YOU need to face, not me.

I don’t think OP’s post is a troll thread. The first paragraph is a little extreme and there some good upgrades hardware wise but his point about iOS being the limiting factor is legitimate. The iPad is neo more powerful than a lot of PCs and even Macs but how many apps actually take advantage of that power? The fact is s mac/PC is a lot more useful for getting s wider variety of tasks done and even simple tasks (grabbing a file off a USB drive) and that’s a direct result of iOS.
The iPad for me is useless. I need a computer to store the family’s photos and as a Plex and iTunes server. The iPad can’t do these things for me.

That’s why I love the cheap iPad! It’s a great couch surfer, and that’s all I need right now.
Your thinking is just like mine the same couch surfing i also store pictures on a computer "not a Mac" yes were on the same thinking.
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