Going thinner and with a 2.5" hard drive is not really the direction tht was necessary for what was already a thermally constrained "desktop" computer. This is not good, no matter which way one spins it. I am tired of listening to my rMBP's impression of a hair dryer. No matter how amazing and magical the special fans are, apple still has not managed to beat the laws of thermal dynamics. Fact of the matter is that the MBP halts to turtle speed under sustained CPU/GPU load. This is the way the iMac is going now too. I am not normally one of the posters that throws their hands up in the air and predicts doom and gloom, but this form over function obsession that Steve Jobs left behind is now getting stupid. The iMac did not need to be thinner. It does not need slow and small capacity 2.5" drives. This is meant to be a bloody desktop.