I'd been hopping back and forth on my MacPro between SL and Lion for the last year or so. SL on a spinning HD and Lion on a SSD. I finally just transitioned to Lion full time this week. I'm not a huge fan but after testing Lion on my MBP for a year (also on a SSD) I figured it wasn't the end of the world. It took me awhile to figure out how to restore a lot of the things Lion seemed to remove. (Hint, most of the interface stuff you liked about SL is still there, the switches to turn them on are all just buried now) My old iMac will stay on SL for as long as I own it as I still use a lot of old PPC apps.
My go to office suite is still AppleWorks. It does what I need and I love it.
My go to office suite is still AppleWorks. It does what I need and I love it.