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If you use Apple Mail then upgrading to Lion is definitely worth it for conversations view alone. I love that feature and it has totally saved me time. All the other "features" are debatable (I like them but understand why other's don't).
10.2? What did you install it on? A beige G3? But yes, 10.3 was much faster.

actually 10.2 came on a light grey g4 my neighbor gave to me. I put 10.3 on it and gave it to a freind. Think i had to install dvd player separately. we have come a long way


  • Lion-Snow+Leopard.jpg
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I bought a refurbed mp 5,1 in oct 2011 it came with lion, it crashed and spluttered its way with random crashes and I couldn't get QuickTime pro 7 to work, so I deleted lion junk and sacked snow leopard on from my Mbp backup....

I now.have a RELIABLE mac!!!
^^^ Tattle-tale go home:mad: Or go back to Apple Discussions where they give a crap about that stuff.
^^^ Tattle-tale go home:mad: Or go back to Apple Discussions where they give a crap about that stuff.

I'm just saying it shouldn't be recommended as the "fix" - and is against forum rules from one senior member to another.

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I'm just saying it shouldn't be recommended as the "fix" - and is against forum rules from one senior member to another.

From the forum rules:

Sorry jbg. Bad morning. Your level head is appreciated.
I get too punk rock for my own good unfortunately.
I've upgraded to Lion on my Mac Pro, and generally speaking, I'm happy. My full review of the OS is here:

A couple thoughts:

- I perceive Lion as being somewhat snappier feeling. This may or may not be true, but all that matters in the user experience is if it feels true to me.

- I use Launchpad pretty heavily, and like it. On the other hand, I have almost no use for Mission Control. But I didn't have much use for Spaces either.

- The new version of Mail is really quite nice - I dig the three-column layout.

- The improvements to were worth the price alone.
I really got used to the improvements in Lion, so I stuck with it on my Mac Pro.

Some incredibly frustrating things were my old AppleScripts didn't work with Lion even though they worked just fine in Snow Leopard. Argh. hate that. I converted them to Automator services and now I'm fine with Lion.
As a keyboard junkie Launchpad takes too many clicks.
cmmd-n, cmmd-shift-a, type app name, viola'.
cmmd-spacebar, spotlight search in split seconds.
Instead of launch launchpad, scroll endlessly opposite the way you want because you have a mouse and can't have a mixture of natural and "normal" scrolling and eventually find your app amidst the other "not-so-apps" that also get listed like all my Waves plugins, etc.
Lion was an improvement over SL - Mail iCal, Mission Control and trackpad gestures all made it worthwhile for me. Only thing I miss in SL (and don't know why it was removed) was the Finder icon slider which allowed you to change the size of icons in a Finder window manually...
I'm on Lion. Looks cleaner, Gpu works harder. Launchpad is an arm wrestle to set up, had to use a third party app to sort it out. Trying to keep an open mind, but iOs coming to the desktop feels like the tail is wagging the dog.
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As a keyboard junkie Launchpad takes too many clicks.
cmmd-n, cmmd-shift-a, type app name, viola'.
cmmd-spacebar, spotlight search in split seconds.
Instead of launch launchpad, scroll endlessly opposite the way you want because you have a mouse and can't have a mixture of natural and "normal" scrolling and eventually find your app amidst the other "not-so-apps" that also get listed like all my Waves plugins, etc.

That sounds like something I would do. I pretty much tear apart any application with a programmable ui and map as much as possible to hotkeys. I truly abhor seeing large amounts of my screen space lost to ui elements. Sometimes it can be 30+ key combinations for a given application, although I try to preserve the original mappings whenever possible while adding any that are missing. Extra tabs and pull down menus distract me.
That sounds like something I would do. I pretty much tear apart any application with a programmable ui and map as much as possible to hotkeys. I truly abhor seeing large amounts of my screen space lost to ui elements. Sometimes it can be 30+ key combinations for a given application, although I try to preserve the original mappings whenever possible while adding any that are missing. Extra tabs and pull down menus distract me.

I have a lot of photoshop hotkeys, tend to stay away from others in fear the will conflict.
I put Launchpad in a hot corner, lower left side. used this third party preference pane to clear out unwanted apps.

I used automator to create apps to open folders, then added them to launchpad
Lauchpad Icons move randomly. If it were not for chaosspace (has a backup and restore function), Launchpad would be totally jumbled and unusable... I hate to be the snarky disgruntled consumer, but really apple? There are huge threads in the apple support blogs about this
The things I liked about Snow Leopard have literally disappeared into the past. Sure I miss a few things but Lion is the current reality (for a couple more weeks).

Just about every thing I didn't like about Lion has been tamed by Terminal commands, Lion Tweaks and OnyX. Some of Lion's features like deeper window shadows and fully-adjustable windows are now essential to me.

I do keep a fully-updated Snow Leopard 10.6.8 drive in case of whatever and to use my primitive monitor calibration software with.

In a couple of weeks we can start weeding the crap out of yet another new OS. What could be more fun? Understand that one user's "crap" is another's handy Facebook link so when I say "weeding" I really mean customizing.
personally, snow leopard is better for me, BUT, i MUST have the iPad gestures in lion! its just a must for me. i don't think i have used the back arrow/ forward arrow EVER in lion.
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