I wish I stayed on Snowy, that was the best OS ever
It was fast, easy to use, snappy, elegant and slick.
Apple made small changes to Lion and the OS felt all bad and it became heavier to run, buggier and dull grey everywhere...
I have some dream that Mnt. Lion will be to Lion what Win7 was to Vista but I don't keep my hopes up since Mnt. Lion looks like "iOS for OSX" or something...
The only thing I am exited about are the new Safari version
Apple made small changes to Lion and the OS felt all bad and it became heavier to run, buggier and dull grey everywhere...
I have some dream that Mnt. Lion will be to Lion what Win7 was to Vista but I don't keep my hopes up since Mnt. Lion looks like "iOS for OSX" or something...
The only thing I am exited about are the new Safari version