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I wish I stayed on Snowy, that was the best OS ever :) It was fast, easy to use, snappy, elegant and slick.

Apple made small changes to Lion and the OS felt all bad and it became heavier to run, buggier and dull grey everywhere...

I have some dream that Mnt. Lion will be to Lion what Win7 was to Vista but I don't keep my hopes up since Mnt. Lion looks like "iOS for OSX" or something...

The only thing I am exited about are the new Safari version
Lion > Snow Leopard.

I agree. I upgraded my Mac Pro tower to Lion and loved every minute of it. Not to mention, contrary to popular belief Mission Control is perfectly fine for multitasking. I wasn't hindered one bit and I'd bet I do a lot more multitasking than most users.

Sadly Wacoms drivers for Lion are garbage and it was making using ZBrush, Photoshop and Corel Painter difficult so I had to go back to Snow Leopard.
Lion > Snow Leopard.

There are so many things that are better in Snow Leopard. If something isn't stable in Lion, you lose virtually nothing going back to Snow Leopard. Hopefully mountain lion will be better.
SL for me too

If ML dumbs down Lion as much as Lion dumbed down SL, I'll stick Ubuntu on my Mac Pro when incompatibilities become troublesome.

Apple is no longer a computer company anyways; aiaiai-devices and content consumption is their chosen path. Supporting content creators is not a big enough market by comparison.
Why is going backwards a good thing?

Why is abandoning fully functional hardware and software in the name of being current a good thing?
Loin would kill my Adobe suite and force a repurchase of it for about £1200 - 3000. It would kill 3 Palm PDAs (a T5, a T3 and a Tungsten E) all of which work just fine for their chosen roles. The only really viable replacement in the Loin ecosystem would be 3 iPod Touch or iPhone 4S minimum cost £300. I have several large AppleWorks based databases, about 30 man hours each to convert and proof in another application.
It isn't about going backwards it's about the cost of not being able to access the past.
Forcing obsolescence on working equipment and creating pointless expense is the issue.
You can stick shiny if it comes with too high a cost to embrace.
I agree. I upgraded my Mac Pro tower to Lion and loved every minute of it. Not to mention, contrary to popular belief Mission Control is perfectly fine for multitasking. I wasn't hindered one bit and I'd bet I do a lot more multitasking than most users.

Sadly Wacoms drivers for Lion are garbage and it was making using ZBrush, Photoshop and Corel Painter difficult so I had to go back to Snow Leopard.

I agree. I upgraded my Mac Pro tower to Lion and loved every minute of it. Not to mention, contrary to popular belief Mission Control is perfectly fine for multitasking. I wasn't hindered one bit and I'd bet I do a lot more multitasking than most users.

Sadly Wacoms drivers for Lion are garbage and it was making using ZBrush, Photoshop and Corel Painter difficult so I had to go back to Snow Leopard.

Awesome stuff. You love Lion but because of 3rd party bugs you needed to downgrade. Doesn't that just bolster the "10.6 is better" argument?
Awesome stuff. You love Lion but because of 3rd party bugs you needed to downgrade. Doesn't that just bolster the "10.6 is better" argument?

No. Lion has a newer OpenGL stack, better multitasking (no limit on the amount of Windows in Mission Control), better integration features (iCloud), and an overall updated look to the OS. There are a slew of other things but those are what stand out to me.

Its not Apple's fault Wacom isn't up to date with their drivers. They're buggy on Windows 7 too but I don't blame Microsoft, its all Wacom.
No. Lion has a newer OpenGL stack, better multitasking (no limit on the amount of Windows in Mission Control), better integration features (iCloud), and an overall updated look to the OS. There are a slew of other things but those are what stand out to me.

Its not Apple's fault Wacom isn't up to date with their drivers. They're buggy on Windows 7 too but I don't blame Microsoft, its all Wacom.

Shouldn't it read "no limit to the lost windows in mission control"? I absolutely hate multitasking in Lion. Only left to right desktops? Not an improvement.
The updated "look" is not a concern of mine as I mod the crap out of my OS and have better buttons and widgets than Apple ever created. In fact they appear to have stolen artists mods in the look of Lion. These artists have had this look for years prior.

So for giggles what was your Cinebench OpenGL scores under 10.7? Just wondering. OpenGL has always sucked hard on OS X. Even though it is a selling point. Much like Java in the early 10.1 days.
Why is abandoning fully functional hardware and software in the name of being current a good thing?
Loin would kill my Adobe suite and force a repurchase of it for about £1200 - 3000. It would kill 3 Palm PDAs (a T5, a T3 and a Tungsten E) all of which work just fine for their chosen roles. The only really viable replacement in the Loin ecosystem would be 3 iPod Touch or iPhone 4S minimum cost £300. I have several large AppleWorks based databases, about 30 man hours each to convert and proof in another application.
It isn't about going backwards it's about the cost of not being able to access the past.
Forcing obsolescence on working equipment and creating pointless expense is the issue.
You can stick shiny if it comes with too high a cost to embrace.

Time marches on. Stuff gets old. Palm PDAs? Really??? Hard to have sympathy. Palm PDAs were deader than dead five years ago. No one says you have to go to the latest. If you don't want to make the changes to stay current, then don't. Just don't expect sympathy.
I haven't used Lion long enough to make a sound judgement, but I'm still on SL and I love it.

I'm just sad that Apple is beginning to coerce people to upgrade beyond Lion with their lack of SL support in Apple-made software like iPhoto and Aperture for starters.

For me, I just don't the iOS-ification of the Mac OS.
Moved 2010 MBP to Lion out of curiosity. Turns out most of negative things people say about it on the Internet are true. It even takes about 2-3 times longer to boot compared to 10.6, wtf?

Broken Internet sharing, UI changes, no Rosetta, iOS-ification, messed up Finder side-bar, general sluggishness, random bugs, etc. The only thing I liked was

So I decided to keep my 2011 iMac on Snow until I run into serious compatibility issues. So far iCloud has been the only inconvenience and don't get me started on that ( :mad: ).

I will install Mountain L on MBP, again out of curiosity, but probably not on my main Mac.
Time marches on. Stuff gets old. Palm PDAs? Really??? Hard to have sympathy. Palm PDAs were deader than dead five years ago. No one says you have to go to the latest. If you don't want to make the changes to stay current, then don't. Just don't expect sympathy.
Did I expect sympathy from a consumerist society with more credit options than sense?
Nope, I only supplied my reason for not adopting Loin, expense.
Ok, ignore the fact that I can't pull a couple of grand out of my ass for an Adobe suite.
My point is that all my legacy stuff still works as intended. Palm PDAs may be old but they are stable, secure and a testament to the robust design of the hardware that they still keep trucking long after shiny crap half their age gave up.
I know businesses that are still run on XP because their Enterprise software isn't Vista or 7 compatible, the expense of tearing down their whole business model to move to a newer OS would be bankrupting.
In a world of recession and thrift, telling someone they have to throw away working tech because it is 5 years old is fatuous at best, moronic at worst.
"Oh noes! My car is 9 years old but never misses a beat and sails thru its MOT every year, better spend money I haven't got on replacing it right now." err..... No.
It ain't broke, I'm not fixing it.
When the corporation who stands to make the most profit out of forced obsolescence is doing the telling, it makes the argument seem even more corrupt.
Apple can sit on their huge pile of cash a bit longer before I have to upgrade to newer Macs and force my hand to move on.
You are right, I don't need to and I don't need your sympathy either.
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Lion > Snow Leopard.
Let me fix that for you......

Lion < Snow Leopard

I kept Snow Leopard on my 08 Mac Pro. I already have iOS on my phone & pad, don't need it on my desktop machine.

Its quick, doesn't tax my aging 8800GT card, has SPACES which I use all the time, etc...

The ONLY downside is that I need to switch to iCloud by midnite tonite and figure out how to make my mail, contacts, and calendar to work.
FWIW 10.8 is better performance wise. Temps lower by 5-10ºC. Very snappy animations. I will most just skip 10.7 entirely. 2nd cats seem to win these days. Just like the HW rev's. I think my biggest gripe is really in the GPU usage and fluidity because swiping feels real nice on 10.8 dp4.
Would you have rather preferred that they completely prevented you from disabling said disagreeable animations?

I will still take customizability with crappy defaults over a lack of customizability any day. <shrug />

I would have preferred a checkbox for "Disable Superfluous Animations" yes. Or do it like MS and rate based on what your HW can actually do. It is becoming glaringly obvious they either dropped the ball on optimizing 10.7 or they made a conscious effort to release a bogged down OS to drive HW sales. Thing is 10.8 is not near as janky. But that's the business. Bog down or just prematurely release rev 1. Know users will buy. Never apologize. It is only happening to the user who is complaining. Then fix the issues in new entire version to sell and reap acclaim. Perfect.
FWIW 10.8 is better performance wise. Temps lower by 5-10ºC. Very snappy animations. I will most just skip 10.7 entirely. 2nd cats seem to win these days. Just like the HW rev's. I think my biggest gripe is really in the GPU usage and fluidity because swiping feels real nice on 10.8 dp4.

that's what I was going to say - I installed 10.2 on an old computer and it was almost unusable. when you make major changes to an OS early versions are all is the worst.
that's what I was going to say - I installed 10.2 on an old computer and it was almost unusable. when you make major changes to an OS early versions are all is the worst.

10.2? What did you install it on? A beige G3? But yes, 10.3 was much faster.
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