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Blender 2.71 Release Candidate seems to work ok (launches at least) compared to 2.70 not even launching.
Anyone got tinkertool to work?

Replaced the minversion with 10.1 in plist, it then tries to launch, but immediately crashes.

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
Sandbox creation failed: Unable to get bundle identifier for container ID com.bresink.system.tinkertool: (null)

Application Specific Signatures:
Unable to get bundle identifier for container ID com.bresink.system.tinkertool: (null)

I'm getting extremely annoying random GPU Panics, which shutdown the display and won't activate it until I reboot the computer.

This is also after a clean install.

Hey all,

No one else has brought it up yet, but iPhoto is not launching for me; it's got that good old "circle with a line through it" symbol that shows up when an app is incompatible with the operating system or computer.

As far as I know, the iPhoto version is 9.5. Has anyone had success with launching the program?
Hey all,

No one else has brought it up yet, but iPhoto is not launching for me; it's got that good old "circle with a line through it" symbol that shows up when an app is incompatible with the operating system or computer.

As far as I know, the iPhoto version is 9.5. Has anyone had success with launching the program?

9.5.1 is the current version. Check the OS X MAS for an update.
Can someone check two things for me?

- Facebook chat fixed in Safari yet? YES
- Steam UIOverlay process would stop responding after about ten minutes of Civ V play causing frame rates to drop significantly. Anyone still seeing this in DP2? No, still crashes. Workaround is to disable UI overlay in steam preferences
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Has anyone lost their in-app purchases with Navigon? Happens often with new OS, but beta 2 stripped them out, and they're not restoring.

Edit: Nevermind. All the purchases are back after a simple re-start.
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anyone able to save a movie in imovie on beta 2 after launching imovie from the mac os folder? i couldnt
Nope, doesn't work yet.

Works perfectly for me on my '13 nMac Pro. It worked in DP1, you had to run the exec file within the FCPX 10.1.1 app contents. Now, just run it as usual.

Note: You MUST have the latest version, 10.1.1, older versions WILL NOT run in 10.10.

anyone able to save a movie in imovie on beta 2 after launching imovie from the mac os folder? i couldnt

Oddly I've had trouble with iMovie, it worked in DP1. Motion 5.1 won't launch, the AppKit framework version is not compatible. An update most likely won't launch until commercial release, so if you need Motion do not run 10.10 on your main system (should be a given).

Edit: I mentioned this in another thread, might be useful here.

iMovie worked fine in DP1, now I can't quit or force quit it (Activity Monitor doesn't list it once stuck in force quit).

Researching Motion 5.1 and other media app's that won't launch in 10.10, common crash reports point to AppKit missing Ozone or being incompatible. In researching I found some fixes. It seems 10.10 DP1&2 have changed permissions for some, mainly the ~/Library/ folder. To check:

- Make the User Library folder visible (if not) by selecting "Show View Options" while in your home folder. Select "Show User Library".

- Rt click on your ~/Library folder, select "Get Info"

- Check what lists for user access. If your name isn't listed, I always add mine (never hurts)

- Click on the "lock", enter your password.

- Click on the "+" sign in the bottom left corner and select your name (should be under "Administrator")

- Select "read & write" in Privilege, then "Apply to enclosed items"

This will grant read/write access to app's, necessary for installing and running many. This came up when Adobe Illustrator CC wouldn't launch, found the ~/Library/Application Support folder did not have read/write access in my account. Applying to all enclosed items should remedy that as well.

Still digging around for answers on Motion and iMovie. Based on crash logs, this may not just be a 10.10 issue as others encountered it years ago, some for FCS7. Some fixes suggest updating ProKit, checking permissions in necessary folders, moving any associated .plists from your ~/Library/Preference folder (even the main folder, although I would not recommend playing in it unless you know what you're doing), then relaunch the app (this removes any custom preferences and forces the app to generate a default preference list), etc.

If anyone else has suggestions, don't hesitate. :)
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Circus Ponies Notebook Broken in DP2

Getting ready to install the beta...

...but before I do....

What programs have stopped working once you installed Yosemite?

For me, the biggest concerns are...

1. Little Snitch
2. Parallels
3. Text Expander
4. Default Folder X
5. Fantastical
6. 1Password

Anyone else having trouble with outline items not appearing unless you select the outline cell in Circus Ponies Notebook? I'm having the problem with Yosemite DP 2 using either the previous version of Notebook (v. 3.1.9), or the current version 4.0.

My Bluetooth on MBA Mid-2012 turns off and on every 10 minutes or so, leading it to disconnect the keyboard and magic mouse, really annoying, anyone is having this issue?
Anyone else having trouble with outline items not appearing unless you select the outline cell in Circus Ponies Notebook? I'm having the problem with Yosemite DP 2 using either the previous version of Notebook (v. 3.1.9), or the current version 4.0.


Emailed developer, who sent an unreleased version of the app they said should resolve the issue, which it did.
I've got problem with icloud storage and 1password. There's no 1password data on iCloud.
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