I use & enjoy both an iPhone 4S and a new Galaxy S III.
I've been using Android along with iOS for a few years now. I keep up with iOS because I'm a longtime Mac user. Yet I must admit when it comes to smartphones this new Galaxy S III has really made a giant leap forward in both hardware & the Andoid OS.
What many non-Android users are unaware of is that Android smartphones are stand alone computers that don't require being backed up to another computer like iPhones do. Nor are they dependent on another device to be setup or activated like iOS has been.
Android being a fully functional computer with a file system is a stand alone device that interfaces beautifully with each of my Macs. Being a completely independent device is a huge advantage for Android. And believe me I'm a die hard MacBook Pro user that has been using Apple computers since 1991.
I'd never bash an iPhone OR an Android. They each have their merits.
As far as saying "while I already have so much invested in iOS apps". Yes that's true and I know how you feel. But that's like saying I've already invested so much, I'm going to let that hold me back from progressing to an even greater experience.
Believe me, once you get a new Galaxy S III you are so happy you quickly forget what you've spent in the past.
Finally, I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy an Android, that's a personal decision. I'm not an "us vs them" type of enthusiast. I like all forms of devices & platforms.
What I am interested in is setting the record straight by sharing my knowledge in a neutral fashion so people have good information with which to make their own decision.