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I can't reliably touch the top band of pixels on the device without readjusting my hand.

I can pull down the notification panel with my thumb then tap the home button, all in one go. [This is with my One X, shrouded in a relatively bulky case which adds much more than 1mm to the width (meaning it should actually be larger than a naked S III).]
I can pull down the notification panel with my thumb then tap the home button, all in one go. [This is with my One X, shrouded in a relatively bulky case which adds much more than 1mm to the width (meaning it should actually be larger than a naked S III).]

Show us a video of you doing this on a Galaxy S III WITHOUT adjusting your hand in anyway.
And I'm asking you to go through with your promise first, before taking on a challenge you've set out for me. What's the issue with that?

I post videos, and provide all support. You just wave your arms with no backing. I will post the video, yes. You post yours too. Of you using the SIII with just one hand/thumb reaching to the very top WITHOUT adjusting your hand.
I post videos, and provide all support. You just wave your arms with no backing. I will post the video, yes. You post yours too. Of you using the SIII with just one hand/thumb reaching to the very top WITHOUT adjusting your hand.

Sure, right after you do.

It's not a matter of me not wanting to provide proof, it's a matter of who claimed they would post a video first, and in this case it's you.

Using your logic, at this point, we're both just waving our arms with no backing.
I'm asking you to post video instead of hand waving with zero support for your claims.

Allow me....


Discribe reliably in your words. I can text with it one hand no problem but i use both hands often even with my Vibrant. It is a bit of a stretch with my thumb to pull down the window but it isnt a big deal. Maybe its just the way i hold it that i dont feel im going to drop it if thats what you mean. I have my pinky finger under the bottom and just reach up with my thumb. It isnt hard at all.

Im not sure what your talking about but i can use it one handed reliably for me and i am under 6' .

I hold it the same way you described, and as you can see in the video, I have no problems at all reaching the top. My guess is he either is lying or has extremely small hands.
Sure, right after you do.

It's not a matter of me not wanting to provide proof, it's a matter of who claimed they would post a video first, and in this case it's you.

Using your logic, at this point, we're both just waving our arms with no backing.

He's obviously speaking about something of which he has no first hand knowledge of. He's purely speculating...unfortunately his speculation only backs his agenda.
I'm thinking of replacing my 4S with GS 3 and played with a GS 3 in 3 Store yesterday. Apart from being slightly too large for easy one hand use, my major dislike is the screen display. I really dislike white text on black background but nobody was able to tell me if it's possible to change to black text throughout, (not just browser), like iOS. Colour inversion under Accessibility leaves you with strange looking photos which isn't good. I didn't even get as far as looking at compatibility with iCal, Address Book etc. Does anyone here know the answer to get black text on white background? I'm aware of the possible decrease in battery life but I would still prefer black text.
Not even two months owning the Note, I sold it because I love the Pebble Blue so much.
I finally made the switch as well to the Galaxy S3 from 4S
Really like the phone so far, except for cut/copy/paste and the keyboard. iPhone's keyboard is a lot easier to use...

other than that, I love the customization.
With iPhone, it was such a hassle to jailbreak and download winter board etc... it made me feel like the phone will lag with all these jailbreak apps.

both phones got strengths and weaknesses, so now when my friends asks me, I can be more neutral about the OS and the phone itself....
I find the stock ICS and JB keyboards to have better word pridiction than the iPhone too.

This, coupled with screen size, are the two main factors that's keeping me with android. I'm currently torn between getting a GS3 now or hanging on until the iPhone update later this year to see what that is like and then decide. I would love to have my phone integrated with my Air and iPad, but if the screen is just taller and the predictive text is still crap, I'm not switching to iPhone.
I use & enjoy both an iPhone 4S and a new Galaxy S III.

I've been using Android along with iOS for a few years now. I keep up with iOS because I'm a longtime Mac user. Yet I must admit when it comes to smartphones this new Galaxy S III has really made a giant leap forward in both hardware & the Andoid OS.

What many non-Android users are unaware of is that Android smartphones are stand alone computers that don't require being backed up to another computer like iPhones do. Nor are they dependent on another device to be setup or activated like iOS has been.

Android being a fully functional computer with a file system is a stand alone device that interfaces beautifully with each of my Macs. Being a completely independent device is a huge advantage for Android. And believe me I'm a die hard MacBook Pro user that has been using Apple computers since 1991.

I'd never bash an iPhone OR an Android. They each have their merits.

As far as saying "while I already have so much invested in iOS apps". Yes that's true and I know how you feel. But that's like saying I've already invested so much, I'm going to let that hold me back from progressing to an even greater experience.

Believe me, once you get a new Galaxy S III you are so happy you quickly forget what you've spent in the past.

Finally, I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy an Android, that's a personal decision. I'm not an "us vs them" type of enthusiast. I like all forms of devices & platforms.

What I am interested in is setting the record straight by sharing my knowledge in a neutral fashion so people have good information with which to make their own decision.
You nailed it. I love my apple products but for me and for what I need a phone to do I love my S3 running ICS and only see it getting further ahead.
Awkward: proves my point. Streeeeeetcccch.

You're seeing what you wanted to see. I reached the top of the screen with ease. It wasn't a stretch by any means. Do better. You were proven wrong and now you're REACHING lol. :rolleyes:


How about going to all the corners and not having your pinky at the bottom so the phone doesn't fall out of your hand from stretching your finger too high.

I can hold my phone however I want to. I've been holding ALL my smartphones the same way since before you probably even held a smartphone. Come with something better than telling someone to hold the phone in a different manner. :rolleyes:
How about going to all the corners and not having your pinky at the bottom so the phone doesn't fall out of your hand from stretching your finger too high.

I've only seen iPhone apologists try and slam other phones for being bigger. Somehow you equate bigger, better screens to be bad, because they don't fit within your Apple paradigm.

Some of us don't have little girl hands and have no issue with the S3 being used with one hand. I have no complaints and quite frankly neither do millions of others.



I can hold my phone however I want to. I've been holding ALL my smartphones the same way since before you probably even held a smartphone. Come with something better than telling someone to hold the phone in a different manner. :rolleyes:


I can hold my phone however I want to. I've been holding ALL my smartphones the same way since before you probably even held a smartphone. Come with something better than telling someone to hold the phone in a different manner. :rolleyes:
Dude, you were holding your phone wrong. Steve once tried an Android phone one handed. It was too big though and it gave his hands cramps. This is why no iphone was allowed to be bigger than 3.5"

Dude, you were holding your phone wrong. Steve once tried an Android phone one handed. It was too big though and it gave his hands cramps. This is why no iphone was allowed to be bigger than 3.5"

lmao. How silly of me to have forgotten, iPhones have a certain way they must be held lol. Thanks for reminding me. Batting1000 saw that video, and he's like "wait a minute...that guy isn't holding his phone correctly....he's holding it all wrong lol" :D
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