Thanks for this extremely useful information! Reading up on these modes helps me make more sense of what's going on. As an example, I saw better colors with my P series monitor compared to the U, even though both were outputting YPbPr, and the P monitor was significantly cheaper. Not as good as RGB though, atleast for me!More accurately, YPbPr 422 bad. YPbPr 444 doesn't suffer from the lack of chroma detail that 422 does. That said, it does seem like everyone having issues is somehow getting kicked into 422 mode for some reason. That seems like a bad bug.
But yes, RGB is ideal.
The description of chroma compression and subsampling on various sites aligns perfectly with my experiences!
Would you know any way to determine if one is seeing YPbPr 444 or YPbPr 422? (Either in some system menu, or on the OSD)? It would help hone in on an acceptable display without subjectivity.