Those should give you pretty good idea what to do assuming you have basic knowledge how to edit plist files. There is information of that buried somewhere in this thread too. Anyway check the warnings and make backup just in case before doing anything!!! I never had myself any issues even with deleting those mentioned plist files but still in it is a good idea to have backups and understanding about possible risks and that you do it at your own risk!!!
Yooooo. This advice was
on point. You freaking rock.
So I've been wrestling with some oddities using a Samsung G9 (native 5120x144) with new 14" MB, set to 3840x1080.
The issue has been that, running at that resolution, certain elements have been pixelated. Not pixelated as in, "clearly this isn't HiDPI," but pixelated as in… some sort of… weird display issue. For example, text was perfectly fine, just things like the red close button on windows, and icons in Finder windows, something was clearly going awry with rendering.
I set up BetterDummy and have been running it… decently well. It's finicky but works. Introduces cursor lag for sure. But yeah, ya know, icons and stuff, everything seemed ok.
Still, it seemed weird that I'd have to run this to solve the problem, so I uninstalled BetterDummy to mess around. And lots of messing around later, I found something out:
- Occasionally, it seemed like I could "trick" the OS into properly drawing all these components.
- From there, I found that it seemed like this was related to switching between 60hz and 120hz (that is, 60hz would display fine, but then the pixelation would happen when switching to 120hz… going
back again to 60hz would then
maintain the pixelation.)
- From
there, I found that the workaround for at least getting things looking good at 60hz, was to turn HDR on, then turn HDR off. Voila, everything looking good.
- However, this would all go out the window the second I switched to 120hz.
finally (get to the point, me), I came across your posts. I set my display up how I needed it, 120hz and all. Then, I made the changes to both plists, saved, and rebooted.
And so, right now, I'm running at my desired resolution, at 120hz, and
everything is crispy, no pixelation. I'm so happy!
I really cannot convey my thanks enough. Now I can do things like let my screensaver run, let the computer sleep, etc, without it freaking out, as was the case with BetterDummy (which is a perfectly great application but seemed like overkill for me needs, ya know)
Boy do I really, really, really hope Apple addresses whatever the hell is going on here. -___-
On a more directly related note… besides changing the plist files, any tricks to making sure these changes stick? In my testing all this out, of course I found that fiddling with display settings would knock the plist changes around. Is the idea here to just leave them be when satisfied, and manually change them again if they get lost on a reboot or OS update? (That is, don't do anything drastic like change their permissions?