Do yourself a favour and pull the trigger and get to work. If anyone is worried about these tiny margins you probably don’t love your job/hobby that much anyway…you just want a sexy machine.
Sorry but I consider that advice so trite and so misleading as to be flat wrong. As long as one's current box is still working, it makes total sense to see what an imminently expected generational upgrade (such as M1 Max MBP to M2 Max MBP) turns out be prior to buying a new box.
Although current supply issues
may change things, we normally would expect to see an MBP upgrade of some kind ~October. It would be wrong-headed thinking to unnecessarily upgrade in August instead of waiting to see what happens in two months.
There are many reasons to wait:
-a key new architecture may present; WiFi/USB/TB/DDR/whatever
-added ports (like back to 4 or more TB ports) may present
-exceptional M1 deals may present after M2 is out
-we can expect that M2 will be at least ~20% more powerful, and that is not insignificant
-M2 will be at least 18 months more future-proof than M1
Note that one can still choose to buy M1 after the M2 boxes are announced, and likely at improved pricing.
There are zero reasons not to wait.
Edit: Obviously if one's current box fails, buying what is immediately available may be one's only choice, and appropriate. E.g. my 2016 MBP struggles a bit but is still adequate. If it failed I would buy an off-the-shelf M1 MBP in a heartbeat and it would work well. But as long as it does not fail I will wait and order a new M1 or M2 MBP (and wait two months for the 64 GB RAM option) after we see what is available circa October.