Thank you so much for these tests. It helps me immensely as the most of the YouTube people are all idiots regarding their testing.
It looks like my new 16 w 32 gpu will rival or best my 7.1 w 5700 gpu. Damn.
I'm usually shooting red komodo these days.
I've been trancoding to prores 4444 though because it feels like the macs like that better. Maybe I should shoot Ari and have it prores in camera. But my DP is all about red. Meh... everytime I bring it up he talks me out of it. Lol. Probably because he owns all the red cameras and he bills for the rental.
It looks like my new 16 w 32 gpu will rival or best my 7.1 w 5700 gpu. Damn.
I'm usually shooting red komodo these days.
I've been trancoding to prores 4444 though because it feels like the macs like that better. Maybe I should shoot Ari and have it prores in camera. But my DP is all about red. Meh... everytime I bring it up he talks me out of it. Lol. Probably because he owns all the red cameras and he bills for the rental.