Oh my gods will you stop talking. Any plans for the Mac Pro have been set in stone for the last year. "AntenaGate" (apparently you can't spell either) was an issue that affected a product that outsold the Mac Pro by a factor of at LEAST 20:1, so of course Apple is going to listen and address it. Copy-paste on the iPhone, are you freaking serious?
Get over it. Apple is over the Mac Pro. I'm a professional video producer, and I get along fine with an iMac attached to 30TB of drives over eSATA and Thunderbolt so I have no problems on the storage front, and while I wish the Mac Pro were newer and faster, I have to deal with the reality that we may get ONE more refresh out of that line, then I'll need to move on to other tools.
Any "torch and pitchfork" campaign you want to launch against Apple in terms of the Mac Pro will fail. Plain and simple. Get with the real world kid.
Im sorry for my spelling ... English is not my first language.