Not trying to start a flame War here, but I cannot sugar coat it either. Apple has so undercut it's Professional users by not offering a modern customizable computer that has upgrade and expandability options like the competition on the WinPC side.
Here's an article that is basically a case study in the drip of Apple losing it's Pro users to Windows setups.
For those that would scream, "make a Hackintosh", I'd say it's dicey to base my business work on a computer that could be bricked with an Apple update that my Hakintosh doesn't support or requires going to forums to constantly read up on how to handle updates. I don't need additional unbillable work!
I'm pissed. Apple dropped the Mac Pro market with the trash can Mac that didn't offer any expandability or customization and cost way more than comparable WinPC's. I do 3D, video (with compositing and motion graphics) and print advertising so I'm a power user. Macs just seem to be behind the curve for pro users wanting desktops that are modern and expandable and customizable.
Please in response, don't flame but offer tangible information why you agree/disagree and why. let's keep this civil and productive.