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Selling non-upgradeable and many-years-outdated computers seem to be a great strategy for Apple.

Apple outperformed nearly every PC maker in 2017

Once we see the new computer, a name might become immediately apparent. For example, maybe it will be pyramid shaped and we'll call it the pMP for Pyramid Mac Pro.
That is the problem! Apple beancounters are at the top of the company again, not the visionary people that will lead them into the future with computers that are modern and versatile. VR and AR need powerful computers and Apple's are just not up to spec to run VR and AR well. Also, Apple computers suck for 3D programs and video editing of 4K and 8K. Their profits will shrink in the long run as the big bucks sales of Mac Pro computers die!
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If anything, 16 Core Threadripper 2000 series will be on par in Multithreaded environment as 18 core Intel CPU. It is not much of a difference.

IF AMD will decide that it is a good idea, to make 24 and 32 core Threadripper, then yes, it will be far superior MT performance.
Not trying to start a flame War here, but I cannot sugar coat it either. Apple has so undercut it's Professional users by not offering a modern customizable computer that has upgrade and expandability options like the competition on the WinPC side.

Here's an article that is basically a case study in the drip of Apple losing it's Pro users to Windows setups.

For those that would scream, "make a Hackintosh", I'd say it's dicey to base my business work on a computer that could be bricked with an Apple update that my Hakintosh doesn't support or requires going to forums to constantly read up on how to handle updates. I don't need additional unbillable work!

I'm pissed. Apple dropped the Mac Pro market with the trash can Mac that didn't offer any expandability or customization and cost way more than comparable WinPC's. I do 3D, video (with compositing and motion graphics) and print advertising so I'm a power user. Macs just seem to be behind the curve for pro users wanting desktops that are modern and expandable and customizable.

Please in response, don't flame but offer tangible information why you agree/disagree and why. let's keep this civil and productive.

Just be honest with yourself when looking at your requirements - can the same workloads run on a PC? If so then start taking a look at what it would take you to migrate. For example, moving Lightroom over from Mac to PC, or the other way for that matter, is very easy.

And don't listen to any of the Mac OS is better than Windows arguments, they both have strenghts and weaknesses, and it's up to you to decide which platform will best support your business.

There are plenty of good vendors out there who can support you properly and a lot of them even offer onsite support.

I run all my work on PC now and the only thing I miss is Messages and the integration between Mac and iPhone. And while WhatsApp isn't as good, it more than covers my needs. I'm not bashing the Mac here at all, I just agree with you there are much better hardware options on PC than there are on Mac.
Apple leakers police should be in alert now, a cue on my source: also leaked about apple AR/VR headset: it uses custom SOC with twice A10X A11 gpu power, and work as a remote desktop for the iPhone, an iPhone could master multiple AR/VR headset to build a sort of social holodesk with your friends.

My guess has been that the coming new Apple display "is a revolutionary" VR/AR headset.

My suggestion to all of you wondering, what Apple can do with Mac Pro.

Ask yourself, what type of CPUs Intel can manufacture, and why their 10 nm process is currently scheduled for HVM in 2020?

And what will their competition do in those 1.5 years?

Welcome back! Nothing has happened in the boring Apple world, expect several more pages in Mac Pro 7.1/2019 threads.
Cascade Lake is the same architecture as Skylake-EP. It is a Server product with 28 core CPU at the top of the range.

It is made on 14 nm process, and will offer 48 PCIe Lanes. Comes Q4 2018, because of the physical changes that allowed Intel to mitigate Spectre, Meltdown, and other problems with speculative execution.

Good enough?

Laughable. AMD's 7 nm CPUs that will come in 2019 will have 64 cores, 128 PCIe Lanes, and no vulnerability for Spectre and Meltdown, the same IPC, or slightly higher, AVX512, similar power consumption, and 100% guarantee: lower prices than Intel Server CPUs.

There is no point in going with Apple. Their software lags, all of the benefits that you could get in professional applications like Lightroom from Hardware acceleration while transcoding are available on Windows platform, and Apple most likely will give you worse computer than what you, yourself can build, for a fraction of cost of Mac Pro, guys.

At this point its game over. Being locked to one CPU vendor backfired at Apple horrendously.
At this point its game over. Being locked to one CPU vendor backfired at Apple horrendously.

Apple needs the iPhone miracle once again to gain a moment. If they're able to transfer computers to the VR/AR world smoothly, moving the whole Mac experience there, that could be the moment.
Apple needs the iPhone miracle once again to gain a moment. If they're able to transfer computers to the VR/AR world smoothly, moving the whole Mac experience there, that could be the moment.
This looks sooooo 2016.

World has moved on. Other things are gaining traction, and attention.
I would even argue that Apple not caring about the pro space spans to macOS as well. When was the last time macOS has seen updates that actually help productivity? Having new technologies added in, improved window management, better communication with contacts, making iCloud more than an after thought, focusing on it's productivity suite, enhancing and refining the UI? Lets be real, Yosemite was a color/icon update and that's really it. High Sierra looks like garbage on a 1440P monitor because the font choice isn't optimal for "low" resolutions.

I haven't had a Windows computer since 2013, and just installed 10 on a Parallels VM. Man do I gotta say, Microsoft is getting their act together and listening to what customers want. They actually improve the desktop OS, and adapt it too multiple form factors (touch, pen, kb/mouse, AR!). Bring in features like timeline, people, the Linux subsystem, etc,. After watching the last 2 days of Build 2018 and seeing that they are actually putting attention on the desktop OS, makes being loyal to macOS a little harder.

ITT someone complains about MacOS having "garbage" fonts, and then applauds Windows, an OS that is more than a decade behind Mac when it comes to something as simple as font smoothing. Hah.

That is the problem! Apple beancounters are at the top of the company again, not the visionary people that will lead them into the future with computers that are modern and versatile. VR and AR need powerful computers and Apple's are just not up to spec to run VR and AR well. Also, Apple computers suck for 3D programs and video editing of 4K and 8K. Their profits will shrink in the long run as the big bucks sales of Mac Pro computers die!

There's really no evidence that VR and AR in their current forms are going to take off.

Final Cut Pro edits 4K and 8K video better than Premiere on the same hardware, so I'm going to have to disagree with your assessment there.

And frankly, the entire idea that Apple is doomed because pro customers are unhappy is nonsense. They've been pissing off pro users for going on 7 years and there's been no contraction in any of their markets.
Want to know guys, what is My opinion how Apple can save their hardware lineup, on desktop, for professional use?

For Mac Pro - move away from Intel CPUs to AMD's Epyc CPUs.

The rest of desktop computers can stay on Intel.
That's what I've become convinced of, the more time I spend in VR, and using VR-based tools to do my work. Start of the week, I installed a 20 foot high, suspended sculpture of a tree onto a stage, which I designed at 1:1 scale, entirely in VR with Tilt Brush.

I'm not interested in Apple's new "pro" display, because I don't care about screen-based tools any more - they're redundant for me, as is a display in an iMac. I want all my tools to be VR based, and I want to spend my workday standing, and walking about, rather than sitting at a desk developing RSI & the health effects of being sedentary.

Even for my photography practice - colour accurate VR goggles, which means all outside lightsources are eliminated, would be preferable to a traditional display.

Its really a shame Apple is abandoning pros because the era of content creation is really getting going...people who work like you do, 3D printing....Apple really needs to make a "real" MacPro
The rest of desktop computers can stay on Intel.
iMacs could move to Ryzen 2XXX series APU or Ryzen 2700 + Vega 24cu (same as on the Intel-Amd APU i7-8809G ) for the iMac 5K, on the long the iMac Pro should move to Threadripper/Vega 20 if they want it to keep the "workstation" status.

While everybody knows (or suspects) Apple is co-developing a range of custom APU with AMD, maybe even with custom instruction set.
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While everybody knows (or suspects) Apple is co-developing a range of custom APU with AMD, maybe even with custom instruction set.
Really good for BootCamp, don't ya think?

I wonder if the iMP with the T2 co-processor shows that Apple is headed for custom co-processors to enhance vendor lock-in, rather than creating custom mutant CPUs.
That is the problem! Apple beancounters are at the top of the company again, not the visionary people that will lead them into the future with computers that are modern and versatile. VR and AR need powerful computers and Apple's are just not up to spec to run VR and AR well. Also, Apple computers suck for 3D programs and video editing of 4K and 8K. Their profits will shrink in the long run as the big bucks sales of Mac Pro computers die!

I know I sound like a broken record at this point but it’s the designers not the bean counters.

The bean counters would love the Mac Pro to sell a bajillion units, and if upgrades are the way to do it, so be it.

Ive doesn’t want user access and upgradability to interfere with his precious thermally unsafe designs.
While everybody knows (or suspects) Apple is co-developing a range of custom APU with AMD, maybe even with custom instruction set.

There is absolutely no reason to do a custom instruction set.

And before the “But then Apple can lock people out!” crowd chimes in the amount of trouble this would cause far, far, far outweighs the benefit of doing that, and I don’t think Apple sees not owning the instruction set as a problem.

They don’t even make a custom iPad/iPhone instruction set. Why would they go through the effort on the Mac? No sense at all.

I swear people here go back and forth between “Apple doesn’t care about the Mac” to “Apple cares so much about the Mac they’re going to invest billions in a custom instruction set!”

Make up your mind, people.

(The gist I’ve gotten recently about the Mac in general is just assume Apple is going to do the thing that would require the least effort. That would not be a custom instruction set. This is not about the Mac Pro specifically, but a custom instruction set would cause chaos far outside the Mac Pro.)
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Apple's bread and butter now is unfortunately their iPhone hardware business and the services that it relies on. Sorry MacPro guys, but you don't really need a MacPro to make iPhone games.

For video, many post houses have shifted to using Avid over Final Cut due to its collaboration tools.
For audio, Logic Pro is supported on PCs finally so you're not castrated anymore.

You simply don't need most of the Mac software to be productive anymore because there are PC counterparts to them.

I think what Apple is doing with this upcoming MacPro release is try different things to see what sticks to keep people "hopeful". Perhaps their rumored AR/VR goggles might be "exclusive" to the MacPro.
In my mostly uninformed opinion, Apple really needs a top of the heap, fully upgradable powerhouse system, and not worry about any kind of uniqueness, or having a niche specialty. Uniqueness is already there by way of macOS & the whole Apple ecosystem.

I think they are not on target at all when it comes to heavyweight workstations / desktops. A disappointing state of affairs. I’ll prolly keep my cMP ‘till death... It’s a great machine (even if some of its specs are dated). I don’t make my living with my Mac and I’m not a gamer, so ...
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Really good for BootCamp, don't ya think?

Apple likely to add security-related extension only useful on macOS, while on the long it may lock macOS to Apple-branded hardware, it do not means it cant run legacy instructions, alternate OS/vms etc.

They don’t even make a custom iPad/iPhone instruction set. Why would they go through the effort on the Mac? No sense at all.

there is no iPhonintosh nor hackiPads.
there is no iPhonintosh nor hackiPads.

As I said, this is still nonsensical. The investment required would be way way more than lost sales due to Hackintosh, and my understanding is Apple cares very little about Hackintosh.

Even if they DID care (and they don’t) they’d just switch all Macs to ARM instead of doing a new instruction set, because that would make a lot more sense.

Plus they’d have to support x86 Macs for a long time, and existing and forthcoming x86 versions would continue to function, which means that the Mac would probably be dead by the time a custom instruction set would effectively kill Hackintosh.

But again, Apple knows that people who do Hackintosh aren’t interested in Apple hardware anyway so why bother. Get rid of Hackintosh and they’re all switching to Windows anyway so what does Apple gain.

Much more likely to see them slowly squeeze Hackintosh by gradually depending more and more on custom co-processors like the iMac Pro and MacBook Pro.
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The investment required would be way way more than lost sales due to Hackintosh, and my understanding is Apple cares very little about Hackintosh.
by far much less money than what is lost due Aplle Pod...
Bu I meant it not just a lock-down measure, is to introduce a differentiation factor to the mac, as these extensions will enable features embeded or previously included into the A11 soc.
They should just release a Cheesegrater with up to date Processor/RAM,PCI Lanes and PSU and then I'm happy :p
Or maybe just make a new Logicboard/Mainboard for the cMP 5.1 :D and then open MacOS completely to support 3rd Part GPUs...
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