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macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
I'm hoping they do it. If I'm being selfish, I'd like the following

  • latest, appropriate Intel chipset
  • regular (non-retina) screen at 1440x900
  • retains SD card slot
  • force touch trackpad
If they price the 8GB/256GB model at $1100, I'd be very happy. If they make the i7 version $1200, I'd be even happier.
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Original poster
Aug 11, 2016
I'm hoping they do it. If I'm being selfish, I'd like the following

  • latest, appropriate Intel chipset
  • regular (non-retina) screen at 1440x1050
  • retains SD card slot
  • force touch trackpad
If they price the 8GB/256GB model at $1100, I'd be very happy. If they make the i7 version $1200, I'd be even happier.
Exactly and I would very much like a 15 inch variant also maybe MagSafe 3. I feel the 11 inch MacBook Air will be axed.


macrumors 68020
Sep 19, 2010
I think there will be a MacBook Air 2016 (perhaps 13in model only) because Apple's product line-up needs to have an entry level everyday consumer laptop priced below $1,000. The MBPr is marketed as a pro model, so not entry level. The new MacBook is more of a niche device for people who really want portability.

Apple has updated their entry level computers before....some might remember the polycarbonate white MacBook that was restyled into the unibody white MacBook. As I mentioned on another thread, I hope they keep the MBA at the current price point and update as follows:
  • Update Processor per normal for entry level machine
  • Reduce Bezel
  • Use IPS display (not necessarily Retina)
  • Force Touch Track Pad
  • Offer Color Options
BTW - My MBA is hands-down the best computer I have ever purchased for myself. I also bought a couple of them for my kids to use at HS/College. So, I would hate to see it go. My two cents.


macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
@ftaok @Mainsail Kaby Lake or Skylake? 3.5mm headphones jack, lightning or both? What do you think?
I don't know the difference between Kaby or Sky lake. Whichever is appropriate.

Don't really care if they put Lightning or leave the minijack as I don't use them.

As long as they keep the SD card and leave the thunderbolt port on, I'm good.

I suspect that if they do update the MBA, it'll probably have the exact same ports as the current one. Maybe they'll trade one of the USB3 ports for a USB-C. Or perhaps they'll keep both USB3 ports and replace the magsafe with a USB-C ... but I do acknowledge that this is unlikely as it'll probably require a major logic board redesign. Apple probably wants to minimize changes to the logic board as much as possible to keep costs down.


macrumors 68000
Jun 17, 2012
I don't think there's going to be a new Air. I think the Air is done with the early 2016 model. I think all the new MacBook Pros are evolving into a thinner form factor (e.g. Macbook) that will render the Air obsolete. Guess we'll know for sure soon enough...


macrumors 65816
Aug 7, 2007
I agree, the MBA was the best laptop I ever had. I would like to see a 13" Retina MacBook Air, or a 13" rMB with proper USB-ports and an SD card slot.

Both are probably unlikely...


macrumors 6502a
Apr 2, 2006
West Oz
I'd like to see one more Air to fitted with the latest processor as well. The Air is such a great computer especially with the battery life on the current 13". However I would be happy at this stage just to see some Mac hardware news. I know the iphone and watch and iservices are where its at but really seems to be all we ever hear about these days.


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2010
London, UK
I believe the MBA will exist until the Retina MacBook is cheaper to fit in as the entry-level Mac... that said, I find it strange Apple did not update the MBA with Skylake processors in either early or mid 2016, it might be more than just a normal specs upgrade which is why they are just waiting for October.


macrumors regular
Dec 1, 2007
New York, NY, USA
I don't think we'll see another Air sadly. But I'd be okay with a 13" rMB with a normal full keyboard, not that flat butterfly nonsense that has no key travel. I don't know who thought that would be a good idea.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 13, 2005
I had a 13" a few years back and i really liked the form factor and the toughness of the device, more than the current macbook. And I found the screen more than adequate. I'm thinking of an Air instead of an Ipad, if they update them


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2010
London, UK
I had a 13" a few years back and i really liked the form factor and the toughness of the device, more than the current macbook. And I found the screen more than adequate. I'm thinking of an Air instead of an Ipad, if they update them

The iPad is a consumption device while a MacBook is a production one. Apple has tried to change our perception toward the iPad Pro, making it our productive tool but iOS 10 is still lacking some crucial features to make it more like a desktop class functionality.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 26, 2014
The iPad is a consumption device while a MacBook is a production one. Apple has tried to change our perception toward the iPad Pro, making it our productive tool but iOS 10 is still lacking some crucial features to make it more like a desktop class functionality.

It's professionally very productive for me thanks but not in a notebook style.


macrumors member
Jul 29, 2014
I've said it before: They're not going to update it anymore, but also they won't kill it. Same as what they did to the non-retina MBP.

They'll keep it around as the entry level MacBook, with terrible specs for 2016/2017. They'll kill it late 2017 or 2018 when people finally stop buying it.


macrumors 68020
Jan 13, 2005
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macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2015
Of course its ugly, but at least doesnt have a bezel that screams 2009.

The point is: Every major Computer Company has pretty much caught up to the MBA, even surpassed it (that bezel). I'd never seriuosly considered other options since my 2010 MBA. I was always certain my next one would be a MBA again. Now I'm not. I'm just waiting to see which of these kabylake devices has the best hackintosh support.


macrumors 6502
Sep 9, 2010
MacBook Air is dead when new MacBook Pros get a new design. I love mine. But my next machine will probably be the new 13 inch MacBook Pro.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2007
Of course its ugly, but at least doesnt have a bezel that screams 2009.

The point is: Every major Computer Company has pretty much caught up to the MBA, even surpassed it (that bezel). I'd never seriuosly considered other options since my 2010 MBA. I was always certain my next one would be a MBA again. Now I'm not. I'm just waiting to see which of these kabylake devices has the best hackintosh support.

I also must say: I used a Mac for over 12 years. Last year, I bought a cheap Lenovo and added an SSD and 16GB of RAM and I love it. Windows has really made a huge leap.

I'm still hopeful Apple can win me over again. Even the iPad seems over-priced to me. I'm a large shareholder and I want to see more out of the PC and Tablet lines from Apple.
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