Acmemade are making one for the new 15", but it's not out until February. Wish they'd hurry, I love my old one!
Where did you get it? did you get it?
Just received my Tomtoc sleeve and it fits perfectly for the 15" mbp.
I can't figure out InCase's product planning. They now show "new" sleeves for the 2016 MBP, but the details on that listing say they fit BOTH the new MBP and the older retina MBP. Which are two completely different sizes. It appears to me that they are passing off the old sleeve as a close-enough size for the new 2016 MBP. What's the deal? Are they going to make an actual sleeve for the new pros or what.
Originally had an iBlason Frosted Black case on but it took less than a day for me to dislike how bulky and heavy it made the 15" MBP feel. I went with a black carbon fiber skin from Slickwraps instead.
For my sleeve, I'm using a Booq Viper from a few years ago. Seems to be the perfect fit for the 2016 MBP (15"). I also received a Brenthaven Elliot sleeve but find it a little bulky.
Why not?After two months of being out, what is the definite word for FORM FITTING cases for the 15"?
I know the incase icon is definitely not an option for form fitting. How about the incase slim fit? Any acme made?
Rather not go with the Pack Smooch ones.
Do the metal buttons or closures on the Pack & Smooch interfere with the electronics of the Macbook?I bought this Pack & Smooch years ago for the first MBA 13", Glad I hung onto it. I will be traveling with it today.
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very nice, regarding the skin, is it easy to remove? and when you do remove it, does it leave any residual on the laptop? i know you havent yet obviously, just wonder if you had experience from them.
I bought the WaterField in portrait. The foam padding is so when it's in a bag it has some cushion for when you set your bag down. It was probably great when MacBooks were an inch thick but with how thin they are now, that thin strip of foam slides around. Not sure it would actually work. It's an okay sleeve for what it is--scratch resistance, but is a real pain to put the laptop in and out of.Haven't seen any posts here about them, but I got my RadTech RadSleeve and it's a perfect fit for the 13", Love it. However all it offers is dust and scratch protection, but then again I take care of my things so I like putting a thin laptop in a thin case. My only wish was that they gave option to slide in portrait mode instead of landscape only. Not a big deal. The Waterfield sleeves allow selection but have an annoying foam padding at one end of the inside, which seems completely pointless, but they refuse to not put it in there.
I bought the WaterField in portrait. The foam padding is so when it's in a bag it has some cushion for when you set your bag down. It was probably great when MacBooks were an inch thick but with how thin they are now, that thin strip of foam slides around. Not sure it would actually work. It's an okay sleeve for what it is--scratch resistance, but is a real pain to put the laptop in and out of.
Incase is showing a photo of the new 2016 Macbook Pro as their banner photo, so does the slim sleeve fit the new one? They have "New" listed above the products so it must be for the new 2016 models.
edit: Oh I see, they are saying it works for both 2015 & 2016 so if that's the case it's going to be too big for the 2016 version.
Do the metal buttons or closures on the Pack & Smooch interfere with the electronics of the Macbook?