Terrible about the lid closing. What make of shell was it?
I’m really nervous about using a shell with my new Space Grey 14”, I heard it scratches easy and putting those shells on isn’t that gentle a process. 😳
Plastic one.
A some point, the shell itself, possibly changed its form, at least the one at the bottom.
You know, the pressure in palm area, the keystrokes, all these.
I did not realized it how and when it happened.
And this because I never pulled off this case.
When I did it to clean it, and I put my mbp in a total flat surface of the table, I could see that it cannot sit well on it.
Also the lid do not close firmly any more.
So now I very cautious. Not only about the materials, but also on how I can protect my mbp but without 'hurting' it.
I do not know what is better.
I guess, I want to believe, that good premium product sellers,
will have the tests and the quality needed, to do no harm in mbp.
I do not know what to do with palm rest cover, and hard external case (for scratches).
I really do not know any more.
No way about not using keyboard cover. Absolute necessity for me. Otherwise the keys will 'fade away' in a couple of years, with my usage, even I do care about my machines.
Should I take it off every time I close the lid of my new mbp?
I want to hear thoughts about it.