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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2017
I bought my MacBook Pro 2016 with Touch Bar about 5 months ago and suddenly it has a crack on the lcd. The MacBook Pro was sitting on a desk under my supervision and nothing was on top or around the laptop. There was also nothing stuck in between. There is no sign of external damage as proved by the Manager at the Apple Store and yet he still wants me to pay to get the display replaced. The manager at the store told me it was caused by pressure but yet there was nothing inside the laptop that could have damaged it. Also no one but I had access to the laptop. Customer service and the Apple Store representatives were very rude about the issue and kept trying to blame me for the damage. The last representative I talked to with customer service was especially rude. The first time I called Customer Service I was told to get a second opinion from another Apple Store in my area. When I went to another Location I kept being told that the First Apple Store already ruled it as accidental damage. The lady at the store didn’t even inspect my laptop and kept saying it was Accidental Damage. How can I get a second opinion without the lady even looking at it? I also cannot accept this was accidental damage because the damage was not done by me. I believe it was a manufacturing defect as a laptop’s lcd cannot break randomly because there are absolutely no signs of external damage anywhere. The support representative kept telling me that I did the damage. I am very frustrated with the customer service along with the service representatives at Apple. I have never had an issue like this with my MacBook Air, which I had for 3 and a Half years. I have only had this laptop for 5 months and already the lcd broke with me doing anything.

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Also I do not understand why the entire display needs to be replaced when the Apple Store representative told me that only the lcd broke. If it was just the LCD I wouldn’t have to pay such a hefty price. I also do not understand how this can be classified as accidental damage even though I did nothing to provoke it. I need to know if Apple can waive the price of the repair because I am a student and also because it was definitely not accidental damage because there is no way for me to cause the damage.
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macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
I just don't understand how this could've happened, When I closed it there was nothing on my table nor was there anything there when I opened the laptop stuck inside.

I wonder if it was one of those things that grows over time. I had a rock hit my car windshield. When I stopped there was just a tiny mark I could barely feel with my fingernail. A day later that tiny mark had grown to a 8 inch long crack. So now I have to replace the windshield, for $2000 because of the HUD.


macrumors G4
There is a definite point of origin. It looks like something was trapped when the lid was closed.

I tend to agree, the tolerances on the new MBP and the rMB are extremely close. So even a very small object can potentially result in such damage. From the pictures it does rather look like a very small point of pressure was applied with the cracks propagating outwards.

On my own rMb even the keys if dirty leave imprints on the display, unfortunately it's a factor of the chassis being so thin. Apple has literally removed all free space to help achieve the profile they want. Apple look to have made their position fairly clear, you can of course look to elevate in hope for a lower cost of repair.



macrumors 65816
My advice, forget about how it happened, and proceed with the fix. There are companies that will eventually replace just the glass and internal LCD for much cheaper than the whole part replacement, but we haven't yet found good sources for quality replacement parts of the 2016+ MBP screens. If you have a PSP (Premium Service Provider) use them whether it's an Apple Store or other.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
First of all...your laptop is filthy and dusty.

Secondly, something impacted that screen. There is CLEARLY an impact zone with radiating breaks around it.

This didn't happen all by itself. Let's be logical. Whether or not you "know" how it happened is not relevant. It's not Apple's problem as it's certainly not their fault.

Get it fixed and move on.



macrumors 68020
Sep 11, 2016
I think you are going to have to foot the repair bill.. Apple support has went in the dumpster the past few years.. This is Tim Cook$ Apple now and it's all about nickel and diming every last cent out of the customer they can get..

In years past, Apple probably would have done a one time courtesy repair for you..


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
...I had a rock hit my car windshield. When I stopped there was just a tiny mark I could barely feel with my fingernail....So now I have to replace the windshield, for $2000 because of the HUD.
Insurance almost always covers windshield replacements. Unless the $2,000 is your deductible.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
That looks like it's had some force impacted upon it to do that. Your description was kind of hard to read, are you saying it just spontaneously appeared, or you opened it and it appeared, or you left it and it was there, or what?

If something was under the display when it was closed then it'd have to have been closed quite forcefully to do that. Otherwise my bet is it looks like it's been shot with a BB, or at least something of similar size has impacted it. Either way there's nothing about the manufacturing process that would cause it so Apple is not to blame here (And proving otherwise would require specialist forensic investigation...). I'm not calling you a liar or anything, but trying to blame Apple will not get you anywhere but upset and angry.

I'm just as curious as to what caused this as I'm sure you are. If you're genuinely positive that you haven't closed the lid on something like the power cable, then have a look around the room. It could be something fairly innocuous such as a screw been thrown at it from a fan. But again it looks like a fairly forceful impact such as a BB gun.

Also as a point, you could have applied weight to the closed lid which would result in damage similar to that without there being any visible marks on the actual lid. Such as someone sitting on it.

Of course the username, the fact you registered yesterday, and had nicely prepared images also lead me to think other possibilities...
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macrumors 6502
May 30, 2017
Here we can say YOU are right and Apple is wrong. lol. If the official statement is that you are the only one that's liable, suck it up, boy :)


macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2014
I bought my MacBook Pro 2016 with Touch Bar about 5 months ago and suddenly it has a crack on the lcd. The MacBook Pro was sitting on a desk under my supervision and nothing was on top or around the laptop. There was also nothing stuck in between. There is no sign of external damage as proved by the Manager at the Apple Store and yet he still wants me to pay to get the display replaced. The manager at the store told me it was caused by pressure but yet there was nothing inside the laptop that could have damaged it. Also no one but I had access to the laptop. Customer service and the Apple Store representatives were very rude about the issue and kept trying to blame me for the damage. The last representative I talked to with customer service was especially rude. The first time I called Customer Service I was told to get a second opinion from another Apple Store in my area. When I went to another Location I kept being told that the First Apple Store already ruled it as accidental damage. The lady at the store didn’t even inspect my laptop and kept saying it was Accidental Damage. How can I get a second opinion without the lady even looking at it? I also cannot accept this was accidental damage because the damage was not done by me. I believe it was a manufacturing defect as a laptop’s lcd cannot break randomly because there are absolutely no signs of external damage anywhere. The support representative kept telling me that I did the damage. I am very frustrated with the customer service along with the service representatives at Apple. I have never had an issue like this with my MacBook Air, which I had for 3 and a Half years. I have only had this laptop for 5 months and already the lcd broke with me doing anything.

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Also I do not understand why the entire display needs to be replaced when the Apple Store representative told me that only the lcd broke. If it was just the LCD I wouldn’t have to pay such a hefty price. I also do not understand how this can be classified as accidental damage even though I did nothing to provoke it. I need to know if Apple can waive the price of the repair because I am a student and also because it was definitely not accidental damage because there is no way for me to cause the damage.


I actually purchased a macbook pro (2016 15" w/TB) and I noticed my screen had lines running through after 10 days. It turned out that the LCD screen was broken even though I NEVER moved it... I dont think I even shut it either! I lied to apple saying that I just started really using it that day and they replaced it no questions asked. I was afraid they would too say that it was accidental damage, meanwhile I didn't do anything! It could of been built defective like that.


macrumors 65816
Oct 2, 2011
It may not be your fault, but it's not Apple's fault either. So they really have no obligation to fix your screen for free.

Chalk up this experience as part of the cost of ownership, suck it up, and pay for the repair.
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macrumors 6502
May 30, 2017
Come on, let's be honest. Here on earth, we, humans, know that glass breaking cannot happen by itself.. Maybe you went on other planet over the weekend and THERE you got the problem. :)

Regardless, Apple doesn't cover but on Earth...
[doublepost=1497294892][/doublepost]This is more suitable for this thread.

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macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
Come on, let's be honest. Here on earth, we, humans, know that glass breaking cannot happen by itself.. Maybe you went on other planet over the weekend and THERE you got the problem. :)

Regardless, Apple doesn't cover but on Earth...
[doublepost=1497294892][/doublepost]This is more suitable for this thread.


Pretty funny thread. It's a drag when something gets damaged and you don't know how. Found a scratch on one of my cars the other day. I have NO idea how it happened, but it sure didn't scratch itself.

Did someone just suggest that Apple would have made a "courtesy" repair at one time for a CRACKED screen???? Holy bejesus. I have family at Apple and not only would that never happen, but you can lose your job for arranging such a repair without charge.

I love how some people desperately look for ways to bash Apple, even in a thread like this.

What lives some people must lead!



macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2016
LA, California
I've had instances of AppleCare representatives authorising "courtesy" repairs for customers for clear damage, including one instance where a customer received three replacement top cases and eventually a whole unit MacBook Pro replacement under warranty because they initially weren't aware and later wouldn't believe that spraying Windex directly into a keyboard wasn't the correct way to clean it. Not to mention the constant abuse from the customer every time that machine came in for repairs.

I sure hope an AppleCare rep lost their job over that one.

If people hear that someone gets a repair they shouldn't then everyone will expect it. Apple has fired people over this. I know of someone who lost their job just for swapping out a iPad instead of arranging a standard repair.
For the most part Apple is pretty strict with their policies and it's unfair to expect them to do more than what is called upon by a warranty you agreed to.

End of story.

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