I am now having an issue where I fully charge my MacBook Pro, but when I open it after a charge it says what it did before I charged it. I downloaded an app that tells me amperage as well as charge and this is what it said:
Charge Percent: 34%
Current Charge: 4896 mAh
Max Charge: 4941 mAh
(I know you can do it with System Report but this is simpler in my opinion)
It is not giving me that issue now, but a restart fixes it. Is this an issue with the patch or is this just my MacBook Pro? I ran a diagnostics test by booting it up and pressing the "D" key and it said that there are no hardware issues, so I wonder if it is just a minor glitch with Mojave?
You can safely disregard the charge percentage and just look at the current charge compared to your maximum charge capacity.