Mojave installer on my 5,1 with MVC 980 GTX (Metal capable) reported that my GPU should have Metal support to proceed with the installation... Why...?
Well...Launching installation from terminal bypassed this...
Option to skip APFS does not work.
MVC I wager stands for “MacVidCard”, as in a flashed model, right? So someone, say, with an unflashed model using nVidia’s own drivers will be **** out of luck in installing Mojave if he doesn’t have ANOTHER graphics card lying around that happens to be BOTH metal compatible AND flashed for OS X. Because you have to install the driver before the card will be recognized (and you’re able to see anything on the screen), but can’t install the driver until the OS is installed. Am I understanding this absolute ******** correctly?
Hi I am running a MacPro 3.1 with Nvidia GT 120 running very well on this old slugger just used the Legacy Nvidia updater patch in the Post Install patcher. Nvidia do not have web drivers for Mojave yet as it is in Beta of course.
Oh, wait, you can forcibly hack in GT120 drivers so that you can see what you’re doing post-install? If that’s the case, I should be able to get this working.