Upgraded from DP9 to DP10 my iMac 10,1 using Software Update from System Preferences. The installation was rather fast. Had again the endless boot loop. Solved using the usual, booting from the USB stick with the Mojave Patcher. Open Terminal
rm -r /Volumes/Mojave/SystemLibrary/Extensions/*IOUSB*
cp -a /Volumes/macOS/SystemLibrary/Extensions/*IOUSB* /Volumes/Mojave/System/Library/Extensions/
Then close Terminal. Run Mojave Post Install tool and reinstall only USB related patches. Reboot with force cache rebuild.
Good suprise with DP10: my iSight is again working
For night Shift i applied
After unziping the downloaded file :
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine CoreBrightness
Then I installed it :
sudo cp CoreBrightness /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreBrightness.framework/Versions/A/
Night Shift started to work immediately. The only glitch is that i can only use with Custom Schedule. Trying to set it to "Sunset to Sunrise", opens a window asking location for time zone to be enabled. Opening Privacy Preferences does not solve as Time Zone & System Customisation is already checked