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hey has anyone figured out the mac os x mojave system update patcher yet.

testing is worthless if you cannot update to the latest version and dosdudes patcher only installs dp9 not 10 so how do we update to dp10 on unsupported platform please
Is your ssd/hdd formatted HFS or APFS as macOS Mojave requires your ssd/hdd to be formatted APFS to receive updates through the software update even though the app developers still use HFS as they know APFS is buggy
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hey has anyone figured out the mac os x mojave system update patcher yet.

testing is worthless if you cannot update to the latest version and dosdudes patcher only installs dp9 not 10 so how do we update to dp10 on unsupported platform please

What @TimothyR734 said.
Also, @dosdude1's patcher does download DP10, build 18A384a, installer version 14.0.21. Make sure that you are using @dosdude1's macOS Mojave Patcher version 1.2.0, not version 1.1.2. V1.2.0 came out about a week and a half ago, so make sure to download that one and replace v1.1.2 of the patcher. I, and many, have confirmed that the patcher downloads and installs DP10.
Is your ssd/hdd formatted HFS or APFS as macOS Mojave requires your ssd/hdd to be formatted APFS to receive updates through the software update even though the app developers still use HFS as they know APFS is buggy

Apple requiring APFS for OS updates? That sucks. Meh.
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What @TimothyR734 said.
Also, @dosdude1's patcher does download DP10, build 18A384a, installer version 14.0.21. Make sure that you are using @dosdude1's macOS Mojave Patcher version 1.2.0, not version 1.1.2. V1.2.0 came out about a week and a half ago, so make sure to download that one and replace v1.1.2 of the patcher. I, and many, have confirmed that the patcher downloads and installs DP10.
Hi do you have the link to download the patcher version 1.2.0? Thank you.
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Hi do you have the link to download the patcher version 1.2.0? Thank you.
It is on the very first page of the thread OP
Apple requiring APFS for OS updates? That sucks. Meh.
yes I have my iMac 9,1 both hdd's formatted APFS since beta 2 all received the updates from the software update on my MacBook 5,2 its is formatted HFS no updates when a new beta comes out

While the environment variable that @TimothyR734 suggested no longer works (since, like, Snow Leopard or something, I think), searching about it found me another interesting environment variable: CI_PRINT_TREE. Not sure if there will be any useful information in there, and I know you are exploring an alternate path of "hybrid" light/dark mode now, but perhaps this is interesting too. For finding the root cause and fixing that, rather than this (admittedly impressive) workaround.
Sure. Which Core framework is that gem from? I'll look into it.
This is interesting regarding the Light Mode glitches.
Yes, definitely no longer referenced in AppKit.
Agree about your dynamic wallpaper format explanations, but on Yosemite/ElCapitan the Terminal commands to enable dark mode were:

For Yosemite:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleInterfaceTheme Dark

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleInterfaceTheme Light

for El Capitan:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist _HIEnableThemeSwitchHotKey -bool true

some blogs reported that even a keyboard shortcut could switch between dark/standard mode:
CMD + alt (option) + CTRL + T
but to me this didn't worked.

Anyway we should wait for pkouame's "hybrid light mode" patch release.
Mojave Theming has been a major overhaul. Many of the old Yosemite/ElCapitan/Sierra/HighSierra settings no longer apply.
No beta today so it seems like we're nearing the end of the cycle.
Yeah. I think tomorrow is it.
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@dosdude1 without reading all 6800+ posts here, just letting you know that the installer worked on my 2011 macmini 5,2. Is it perfect? No, colors are not consistent with colors on a supported mac but that doesn't surprise me at all. Also for some reason orange and blue are swapped in my icons. Probably a few others but trying to keep this from being a tome. So far the few non apple apps I use seem to be functioning well. The one app I have found that isn't working well is apples Map app. It opens but no map shows up, nothing but a black screen. iCloud working well, mail working but I don't normally use mail.
One glitch I see is when moving a window, I get multiple outlines of the window while moving, but give the system a few seconds and a mouse click and they clear up. Wifi working great, but haven't tried my VPN yet. Networking to my other macs is flawless.
Considering what it probably took to even make this work, WELL DONE!!!
@dosdude1 without reading all 6800+ posts here, just letting you know that the installer worked on my 2011 macmini 5,2. Is it perfect? No, colors are not consistent with colors on a supported mac but that doesn't surprise me at all. Also for some reason orange and blue are swapped in my icons.
One glitch I see is when moving a window, I get multiple outlines of the window while moving, but give the system a few seconds and a mouse click and they clear up.
Considering what it probably took to even make this work, WELL DONE!!!

If you deselect Legacy Video before Patch you won't get "trails" when moving windows & ResXtreme might help you with orange/blue you're getting with your icons. Change your bit depth.
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Installed CUDA. Sadly NVIDiA system pref pane complains it does not match the Apple driver. The Kext loads.

Looks like the CUDA framework is looking for a specific Resman version. Will try changing that out with what the pref pane is seeing.

Cuda-Z fails on CUDA check.

Yes, you have to find the right CUDA version for your Nvidia GPU, follow this table:

But first I guess you need to uninstall the CUDA, probably if you installed a recent version, you won't able to revert to previous one, only uninstalling manually CUDA from Terminal:

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/CUDA.kext
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.nvidia.CUDASoftwareUpdate.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/CUDA\ Preferences.prefPane
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/StartupItems/CUDA
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/cuda

To use CUDA-Z you need a CUDA driver higher than 6.0 version , and most important it must be the right one for you GPU correctly detected into the CUDA prefpane.
the link went to a Windows site... and CPU-Z software is an .exe file. Any OSX equivalent? I will check on Google anyway.

This is a Mac CPU-Z equivalent:
But now that I am up and running, how do i go back and deselect "Legacy Video"?
Will try resxtreme tomorrow when I can.

To avoid trails and inverted colors, move out (backup and delete) only the bold kext from your Mojave only this kext and restart: /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000.kext
It is on the very first page of the thread OP
yes I have my iMac 9,1 both hdd's formatted APFS since beta 2 all received the updates from the software update on my MacBook 5,2 its is formatted HFS no updates when a new beta comes out
Thank You Timothy
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Yes, you have to find the right CUDA version for your Nvidia GPU, follow this table:

But first I guess you need to uninstall the CUDA, probably if you installed a recent version, you won't able to revert to previous one, only uninstalling manually CUDA from Terminal:

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/CUDA.kext
sudo rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.nvidia.CUDASoftwareUpdate.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/CUDA\ Preferences.prefPane
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/StartupItems/CUDA
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/cuda

To use CUDA-Z you need a CUDA driver higher than 6.0 version , and most important it must be the right one for you GPU correctly detected into the CUDA prefpane.

This is a Mac CPU-Z equivalent:

To avoid trails and inverted colors, move out (backup and delete) only the bold kext from your Mojave only this kext and restart: /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000.kext

Maccpuid would be useless for this as it is for Intel cpus not multi-vendor GPUs. There really aren't any equivalents of GPU-z for macOS as the market is too small to attract interest. There isn't even a linux work-alike. Keep in mind that GPU-z is using the upstream flash utilities like nvflash to obtain the rom images.
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Maccpuid would be useless for this as it is for Intel cpus not multi-vendor GPUs. There really aren't any equivalents of GPU-z for macOS as the market is too small to attract interest. There isn't even a linux work-alike. Keep in mind that GPU-z is using the upstream flash utilities like nvflash to obtain the rom images.

Asked for a CPU-Z equivalent not GPU-Z, anyway on other forums there are linux utilities that could work to dump a Video ROM from macOS, but they are a bit risky to use on a EFI/SMC oriented hardware, cause need access into some logic board ACPI tables/features.

Of course, CUDA-Z is only for Nvidia GPUs, while the Windows cmd.exe based GPU-Z is good for all the multi-vendor GPUs.
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Sure. Which Core framework is that gem from? I'll look into it.
Yes, definitely no longer referenced in AppKit.
Mojave Theming has been a major overhaul. Many of the old Yosemite/ElCapitan/Sierra/HighSierra settings no longer apply.
Yeah. I think tomorrow is it.

CoreImage. It spits out a bunch of info if I do something like
export CI_PRINT_TREE=1

But I don't really know how to parse it.

It's mentioned in a few places online:

Might not be that useful, it doesn't seem to print out much relevant information when I run my Swift transparency test file. Perhaps you'll see something interesting, though.
To avoid trails and inverted colors, move out (backup and delete) only the bold kext from your Mojave only this kext and restart: /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000.kext
BINGO!!! Colors fixed and trails fixed!!!!
I am constantly amazed at the amount of knowledge available here. How do you folks learn all this stuff?
From a few tests I ran, it appears on a Mac Pro 3,1 2008 my unflashed Kepler Titan is runs at 2.5 GT/s. The fans do kick in when the GPU Is taxed like when playing Fortnite. This appears to be the only limitation on 3,1. 4,1 and 5,2 should negotiate at 5 GT/s when called upon.

The speed from everyday use however is super responsive. I ran some tests with Metal and it sky rockets compared to OpenGL.

I mostly run Xcode, Photoshop and Illustrator at 4k and probably don’t need the speed bump.

I may sell my AMD 7xxx card and put that towards another GTX card that’s flashable. I would like to know if it’s worth it on the 3,1. Holding off on getting a 4,1 or 5,1, the prices on those is getting higher than they are worth mostly due to Mojave.

I tried looking around for a Titan Mac ROM and flash instructions but could not find one. I may try to emulate the boot ROM or see if I have the GeForce card in a x16 slot will allow both cards to run up to 5 GT/s

The 3,1 is a weird animal compared to the 4,1 and 5,1 when it comes to speed, EFI and slot configurations / customization. The newer macs let you direct the channels. 3,1 cannot. EFI is more up to date on the 4,1 and 5,1. And 4,1 and 5,1 appear not to have speed limits on PC Cards. Drivers over ride the behavior. I thought the 3,1 would to but I don't think it can with its current EFI.

Still the present state I have with Metal, Mojave is very impressive and further improvements is icing on the cake. I have 4k working great. multiple displays. no artifacts on screen. Shell screen save runs with hick ups.

I did some practice with kextload and kextutil and may also go back to my AMD 7xxx card and see if I can emulate SSE4.2? I forget if its 4.1 or 4.2 that needs to be emulated.

I may flash my card if I am confident it won’t brick it.

I did flash my 3,1 for APFS and will use that then the GM comes out.

Have a PCIe OWC 1TB SSD on another x16 slot and it cooks.
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From a few tests I ran, it appears on a Mac Pro 3,1 2008 my unflashed Kepler Titan is runs at 2.5 GT/s. The fans do kick in when the GPU Is taxed like when playing Fortnite. This appears to be the only limitation on 3,1. 4,1 and 5,2 should negotiate at 5 GT/s when called upon.

The speed from everyday use however is super responsive. I ran some tests with Metal and it sky rockets compared to OpenGL.

I mostly run Xcode, Photoshop and Illustrator at 4k and probably don’t need the speed bump.

I may sell my AMD 7xxx card and put that towards another GTX card that’s flashable. I would like to know if it’s worth it on the 3,1. Holding off on getting a 4,1 or 5,1, the prices on those is getting higher than they are worth mostly due to Mojave.

I tried looking around for a Titan Mac ROM and flash instructions but could not find one. I may try to emulate the boot ROM or see if I have the GeForce card in a x16 slot will allow both cards to run up to 5 GT/s

The 3,1 is a weird animal compared to the 4,1 and 5,1 when it comes to speed, EFI and slot configurations / customization. The newer macs let you direct the channels. 3,1 cannot. EFI is more up to date on the 4,1 and 5,1. And 4,1 and 5,1 appear not to have speed limits on PC Cards. Drivers over ride the behavior. I thought the 3,1 would to but I don't think it can with its current EFI.

Still the present state I have with Metal, Mojave is very impressive and further improvements is icing on the cake. I have 4k working great. multiple displays. no artifacts on screen. Shell screen save runs with hick ups.

I did some practice with kextload and kextutil and may also go back to my AMD 7xxx card and see if I can emulate SSE4.2? I forget if its 4.1 or 4.2 that needs to be emulated.

I may flash my card if I am confident it won’t brick it.

I did flash my 3,1 for APFS and will use that then the GM comes out.

Have a PCIe OWC 1TB SSD on another x16 slot and it cooks.,_Informational_Page).html

suggests that you may be able to get MacVidcards to flash EFI roms on it for around $180. I also saw some some threads suggesting that the Mac rom flash might require a larger EEPROM to be installed which would explain the price. Otherwise, someone likely would have posted a dump of those rom images by now.
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A wee bit bigger update this time :)


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