MVC’s website lists the Titan upgrade for $160 which is a little steep and I don’t know for sure if it will make a 3,1 run at 5.0 GT/s. I had one of his cards before the Titan X Maxwell and did not see a difference from a usability standpoint or any speed bump in Fortnite. The 3,1 MP might stay locked. His cards show 2.5GT/s in system profiler unlike AMD’s flashed cards which show 5.,_Informational_Page).html
suggests that you may be able to get MacVidcards to flash EFI roms on it for around $180. I also saw some some threads suggesting that the Mac rom flash might require a larger EEPROM to be installed which would explain the price. Otherwise, someone likely would have posted a dump of those rom images by now.
He also does more marketing stuff on his site so hard to tell what is true or not. And his account is suspended on here. I saw some of his posts and he comes off as a prick. He also did some stuff with Netkas and so did i back in the hackintosh days with Clonetool and he’s a nice guy but I think MVC stole whatever knowledge gained and then ran off by himself which none of us did back then. So I will look for a card that can be flashed, find one that is, or just wait. I don’t want to put much more into the 2008s than I already did.
There is this new group called Bison or Bizon that sell Mac cards.
I will probably sell off my AMD card too unless I can emulate its instruction set and load kexts manually which may be possible still.
[doublepost=1536779621][/doublepost]I don’t know about you but Mojave was a footnote at today’s event. So were Macs.
No new modular Mac Pro.
No new Mac Mini.
More reason not to buy a new Mac.
I make iOS games in my spare time and even the new phones and the watch felt like, i’ve seen all this before at WWDC 2015.
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