You're right, it is
very user friendly and the way he managed to automate the whole process is truly impressive. Open sourcing the patcher is really not necessary, in my opinion. That is his project. He owns it. He can do with it whatever he pleases!
Openly documenting what the patcher does, though, would be nice. It would make troubleshooting, manual patching, and future OS patching that much easier...
I wasn't going to go into that, but yeah, it would be nice if he gave credit. Not just to me, but to you, parrotgeek1, Czo, Badruzeus, iphone2g&3gfan, and everyone else who was involved in figuring out these patches. Not just the people who actually
wrote the code, but those who figured out the methods too.
What it really comes down to is, we're all in this together. And we will be more successful if we share our knowledge & respect each other