I have strongly considered making the patcher's code public. The main thing I'm worried about, though, if I were to release it, is that somebody will take it, modify it for malicious purposes, and try to distribute it. It does, of course, make modifications to system files. Secondly, I don't like the idea of having untested or unnecessary patches added to it. For example, somebody earlier in this thread mentioned something about adding a "Mid 2010 MacBook Pro GPU Fix" patch to my tool for whatever reason. What obviously was not known by this person is that this "Mid-2010 MacBook Pro GPU issue" is a hardware issue, and that it's not actually an issue with the GPU itself. The actual cause is a failing capacitor on the GPU framebuffer power rail. Lastly, yes, documentation of all the patches included with the tool would be a good idea. I will more than likely write some sort of detailed documentation for it once I have a bit more free time. I'm currently at college, so my time is somewhat limited. Also, I get upwards of around 30 emails asking about some aspect of the patcher every day. I do try to respond to every one of them, which takes quite a bit of time.