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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
I can confirm the patcher tool does NOT work correctly with the MacBook 4,1. I have both a black and a white one. The installer USB made from your tool boot to a prohibited sign on both of mine. I had to manually add the Mac identifier and model information to the Platformsupport.plist on the USB drive itself. I also replaced the prelinkedkernel with the file provided earlier in this thread. Once those were done, the USB installer WILL boot and has mouse and keyboard support, as well as working USB. Went through the entire installation process, rebooted to the installer USB, ran the patch command, everything completed with no errors. However, upon booting to the hard drive, no mouse/keyboard/USB working. Replaced the USB kexts on the hard drive with the ones from earlier in the thread and got kb/mouse/usb back. Still no Webcam/Audio/Wifi. Patch updater did not fix any of those items. Manually installed the BM4321 fix, now have Wifi working, still no Audio/Bluetooth/Webcam. Closer for sure, but definitely not as easy as it should or could be. Ran Geekbench just to test and got a score of 1582 Single / 2710 Multi Core. This is with 6gb and a 2TB ssd, 2.4Ghz C2D
Just to clarify, I have no test machine and as such I cannot guarantee any functionality. You can help me by running the patch command from the installer on the drive with the correct model selected and verbose mode. Take pictures of all the output and I'll look at it. Btw, the Patch Updater doesn't exist on my patcher since I install all patches from the installer. I may add this functionality in the future but there's no guarantee it will ever be available. If you have used dosdude1's patcher then I suggest you run the unpatch tool and reinstall before using mine.
I found that using this recipe with the HighSierra kexts work...

cd HighSierraBT
sudo cp -R IOBluetoothFamily.kext /System/Library/Extensions
sudo cp -R IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext /System/Library/Extensions
cd /System/Library/Extensions
sudo chown -R root:wheel IOBluetoothFamily.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 IOBluetoothFamily.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext
sudo kextcache -I /

which now produces the following in system profiler...

Apple Bluetooth Software Version: 6.0.10f1
Hardware, Features, and Settings:
Name: Mac Pro
Address: 30-35-AD-DE-17-EB
Bluetooth Low Energy Supported: Yes
Handoff Supported: Yes
Instant Hot Spot Supported: Yes
Manufacturer: Broadcom
Transport: USB
Chipset: 20702B0
Firmware Version: v144 c9292
Bluetooth Power: On
Discoverable: Off
Connectable: Yes
Auto Seek Pointing: On
Remote wake: On
Vendor ID: 0x05AC
Product ID: 0x828F
HCI Version: 4.0 (0x6)
HCI Revision: 0x244C
LMP Version: 4.0 (0x6)
LMP Subversion: 0x4190
Device Type (Major): Computer
Device Type (Complete): Mac Desktop
Composite Class Of Device: 0x380104
Device Class (Major): 0x01
Device Class (Minor): 0x01
Service Class: 0x1C0
Auto Seek Keyboard: On

I am able to pair a bluetooth mouse and use AirDrop to copy files to my iPhone 6s. I still haven't seen evidence of Connectivity working. On my MacBook Pro 14,1, I find that playing Periscope videos causes a icon to appear in the corner under Safari under Mojave. That hasn't shown up yet despite the fact that the General preferences shows 'Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices'. Perhaps this is a side effect of using the HS BT kexts but it seems odd that Airdrop works fine and everything indicates that macOS thinks Handoff should be functional.
I have just compared your BT system info to mine. Although we are using different cards they are almost identical - both using same chipset. So it looks like you have your BT up and running correctly by replacing the 2 BT kexts. I have had my WiFi combo card since El Capitan and handoff has worked well since then with no problems right up to High Sierra. In fact all the MacOS prior to Mojave just worked OOB. With Mojave I have to replace some kexts to get the card recognised correctly even though it should be recognised as a Mojave supported Airport BT4.0 card - this is the behaviour that many have come across but have yet to find why this happens. So I expect using the HS kexts is not the problem as they work well in my mp3.1. Handoff can be a bit quirky and it would be worth signing out of iCloud and then signing in again. I only use handoff/continuity with mail, safari, notes and pages but all seem fine. I can input photos directly into documents using my iPhone and if my iPad or iPhone are on a safari page I will get the link on the Mac as soon as they move into range. Try to see if safari or mail handoff correctly.
I can confirm the patcher tool does NOT work correctly with the MacBook 4,1. I have both a black and a white one. The installer USB made from your tool boot to a prohibited sign on both of mine. I had to manually add the Mac identifier and model information to the Platformsupport.plist on the USB drive itself. I also replaced the prelinkedkernel with the file provided earlier in this thread. Once those were done, the USB installer WILL boot and has mouse and keyboard support, as well as working USB. Went through the entire installation process, rebooted to the installer USB, ran the patch command, everything completed with no errors. However, upon booting to the hard drive, no mouse/keyboard/USB working. Replaced the USB kexts on the hard drive with the ones from earlier in the thread and got kb/mouse/usb back. Still no Webcam/Audio/Wifi. Patch updater did not fix any of those items. Manually installed the BM4321 fix, now have Wifi working, still no Audio/Bluetooth/Webcam. Closer for sure, but definitely not as easy as it should or could be. Ran Geekbench just to test and got a score of 1582 Single / 2710 Multi Core. This is with 6gb and a 2TB ssd, 2.4Ghz C2D
You can also get back audio with the two kexts from the "original" bundle...
But yes, there is nothing "automated" here and far from no-hassle for standard users.
Julian to the rescue! ;-)

I assume that Siri is crashing without the patch, right? (Might be only testable as soon as you regain audio!).
btw the Geekbench (4? I assume) scores look pretty ok and similar to what I get here on a 2,4GHz MB4,1 (1482 single, 2556 multi core).
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I think with that MBA 2013 Airport card you bought, can use directly the stock Mojave 10.14.x "IO80211Family.kext" and the 2 "IOBluetooth kext", without replacing with HS ones, you have a Mojave supported Airport combo BT 4.0 card, should work OOB.

Agree, but after my many tests I have "discovered" that is not at all required to set "chown/chmod" when replacing Frameworks or PrivateFrameworks, so a copy/paste for them simply will work.

The only required step, if patched, is to re-sign their binary with Xcode command line tools.
I'd extend this observation also to the binary usr files, prelinkedkernel, kernel and so on.

Instead the K(ernel)Ext(ensions) require permissions fixing when replaced.

The Bluetooth 4.0 portion of the card is invisible to the system under stock patched Mojave. Nothing shows up in the System Profiler under Bluetooth and the Bluetooth system preference panel is thus missing as well. Only replacing those two BT kext from HS exposed the Bluetooth on the new card.

Regarding Handoff, I can confirm that it works fine under patched High Sierra with this MacBook Air 2013 card installed in a MacPro 3,1.
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Hey everyone,
i just get my MB4,1 nearly working with 10.14.3

I installed the OS with a supported maschine and make it acessable over Screensharing.
Now lets boot into the patched installer by Julian and patch the system with manuel selecting the Model.
Affer replacing the prelinked kernel with larsvonhier's one, the System will boot without USB/Touchpad/Keyboard Support. I used the Screensharing over the ethernet connection to repair permissions and rebuild kextcache with the kextutility and add all the kext uploaded by larsvonhier.
After reboot and one more permissions repairing. The Mouse/Keyboard/USB Porta should work !!!
Now we have find out how exactly fix the graphics and BT/WiFi issues.
I can confirm the patcher tool does NOT work correctly with the MacBook 4,1. I have both a black and a white one. The installer USB made from your tool boot to a prohibited sign on both of mine. I had to manually add the Mac identifier and model information to the Platformsupport.plist on the USB drive itself. I also replaced the prelinkedkernel with the file provided earlier in this thread. Once those were done, the USB installer WILL boot and has mouse and keyboard support, as well as working USB. Went through the entire installation process, rebooted to the installer USB, ran the patch command, everything completed with no errors. However, upon booting to the hard drive, no mouse/keyboard/USB working. Replaced the USB kexts on the hard drive with the ones from earlier in the thread and got kb/mouse/usb back. Still no Webcam/Audio/Wifi. Patch updater did not fix any of those items. Manually installed the BM4321 fix, now have Wifi working, still no Audio/Bluetooth/Webcam. Closer for sure, but definitely not as easy as it should or could be. Ran Geekbench just to test and got a score of 1582 Single / 2710 Multi Core. This is with 6gb and a 2TB ssd, 2.4Ghz C2D

You can also get back audio with the two kexts from the "original" bundle...
But yes, there is nothing "automated" here and far from no-hassle for standard users.
Julian to the rescue! ;-)

I assume that Siri is crashing without the patch, right? (Might be only testable as soon as you regain audio!).
btw the Geekbench (4? I assume) scores look pretty ok and similar to what I get here on a 2,4GHz MB4,1 (1482 single, 2556 multi core).

Ouff; that seems like quite a plug and replace, patch and fiddle game. I have Mojave installed on my MB 4,1 *technically*. Where does one get the USB Kext as well as the two Kext from the "original" bundle and where to they go?

On a side note: to me, it honestly sounds like an additional 3 lines of code in a script – 5 to get the installer booting on 4,1 natively. (@0403979 to the rescue indeed!)
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Ouff; that seems like quite a plug and replace, patch and fiddle game. I have Mojave installed on my MB 4,1 *technically*. Where does one get the USB Kext as well as the two Kext from the "original" bundle and where to they go?

On a side note: to me, it honestly sounds like an additional 3 lines of code in a script – 5 to get the installer booting on 4,1 natively. (@0403979 to the rescue indeed!)
It should be easier to get the installer working but I am not done with that. As for the patching afterwards. If someone could send me photos of that being ran with the 4,1 model selected and in verbose mode then I could probably find out why it’s not working. Unfortunately I can only verify if the files are being copied on my Mac but not the actual fonctionnality since I have a 7,1 and not a 4,1. I’m going to sleep right now so I’ll be unconscious for the next 8 hours. I’ll read any and all replies when I’m awake. Goodnight.
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I finally made some progress in puzzling the issue with Bluetooth 4.0 and Handoff support with a newly installed 802.11AC BCM94360CS2. Reinstalling patched Mojave didn't expose the presence of the Bluetooth 4.0 card until I regressed the BT kexts. However, a clean install of patched Mojave on a spare drive immediately saw the Bluetooth 4.0 support and Handoff worked. Oddly, a clean install with migration from the 'problem' volume with non-functional Handoff support, sees the Bluetooth 4.0 support but Handoff doesn't work. So there seems to be issues with simply upgrading to the new card on a volume that had been installed without Bluetooth 4.0 support during the original install.
It is the best tool if you wanna create a bootable copy of your system. At least to my knowledge. I use both, TM and CCC. TM for usual backups and CCC if I wanna transfer an OS to a new machine or change a drive. Restoring is much faster that way.
I find SuperDuper to be better in comparison to CCC.
I finally made some progress in puzzling the issue with Bluetooth 4.0 and Handoff support with a newly installed 802.11AC BCM94360CS2. Reinstalling patched Mojave didn't expose the presence of the Bluetooth 4.0 card until I regressed the BT kexts. However, a clean install of patched Mojave on a spare drive immediately saw the Bluetooth 4.0 support and Handoff worked. Oddly, a clean install with migration from the 'problem' volume with non-functional Handoff support, sees the Bluetooth 4.0 support but Handoff doesn't work. So there seems to be issues with simply upgrading to the new card on a volume that had been installed without Bluetooth 4.0 support during the original install.

When you write "Reinstalling patched Mojave" in reality you are installing a clean original un-patched Mojave, Mojave becomes patched only when dosdude1's Post Install (or manually patches) are applied. Replacing anything with a previous kext/framework is considered a patch, so simply in your case they work with stock kext un-patched (OOB).

Next time for those who replaced the Airport BT4 card, just need to de-select Wifi and avoid BT patch, cause on a combo Airport card for HandOff and other services, I guess, even the "IO80211Family.kext" is related in someway with the Bluetooth one. The dosdude1 autoupdater or any other patch-updater cannot detect if on an older machine (pre-2011) the Airport combo BT 4.0 was replaced by the owner, I guess they just check the hardware id and offer a Wifi/BT patch according to that machine model.
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well I am very new to Mac only had my MacBook Pro for a week. it is a mid 2010 model I used your program to install Mojave it went very well thanks to the thread starter for this wonderful guide.
Hello everyone! I'm dosdude2 =) dosdude1 alternative!
Oh, show me your "warez" that I cannot withstand ;-)
Perhaps a SSE4 emulator in kernelspace for Mojave on MPro 1,1 and 2,1.
Or x3100 OpenGL support for 64bit?
Or at least backlight control for MB 4,1.
Then perhaps you´re "MS DOS Manfred" or "DOS Gisele" ?
Ouff; that seems like quite a plug and replace, patch and fiddle game. I have Mojave installed on my MB 4,1 *technically*. Where does one get the USB Kext as well as the two Kext from the "original" bundle and where to they go?
see #11511 and page#1 for link to Siri patch (scroll doooooown ;-)
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When you write "Reinstalling patched Mojave" in reality you are installing a clean original un-patched Mojave, Mojave becomes patched only when dosdude1's Post Install (or manually patches) are applied. Replacing anything with a previous kext/framework is considered a patch, so simply in your case they work with stock kext un-patched (OOB).

Next time for those who replaced the Airport BT4 card, just need to de-select Wifi and avoid BT patch, cause on a combo Airport card for HandOff and other services, I guess, even the "IO80211Family.kext" is related in someway with the Bluetooth one. The dosdude1 autoupdater or any other patch-updater cannot detect if on an older machine (pre-2011) the Airport combo BT 4.0 was replaced by the owner, I guess they just check the hardware id and offer a Wifi/BT patch according to that machine model.

No, I always re-apply the patches after reinstalling Mojave so your wrong on that point. To recap, my observations are that a machine which has been upgraded from the stock Bluetooth 2.0 to a Bluetooth 4.0 card apparently can have issues that aren't resolvable by fully reinstalling patched Mojave. Apparently somewhere in the preferences something can foul the process. The evidence for this was...

1) After upgrading a MacPro 3,1 to the Airport BT4 card, the Bluetooth panel no longer appeared in System Preferences and there were no Bluetooth devices reported in the System Profiler.
2) Reinstalling patched Mojave over this problem installation did not resolve the problem.
3) Both clean installs patched HS or patched Mojave showed working BT 4.0 with Handoff and AirDrop.
4) Repeating step 3 with migration from the problem patched Mojave volume caused Handoff to stop working while AirDrop remained functional.

So the bottom line is, if you are having problems with a BCM94360 series Airport card, you may need to purge out the system preferences by cleaning installing.

Note in all cases above, there were no legacy HS BT kext involved.
No, I always re-apply the patches after reinstalling Mojave so your wrong on that point. To recap, my observations are that a machine which has been upgraded from the stock Bluetooth 2.0 to a Bluetooth 4.0 card apparently can have issues that aren't resolvable by fully reinstalling patched Mojave. Apparently somewhere in the preferences something can foul the process. The evidence for this was...

1) After upgrading a MacPro 3,1 to the Airport BT4 card, the Bluetooth panel no longer appeared in System Preferences and there were no Bluetooth devices reported in the System Profiler.
2) Reinstalling patched Mojave over this problem installation did not resolve the problem.
3) Both clean installs patched HS or patched Mojave showed working BT 4.0 with Handoff and AirDrop.
4) Repeating step 3 with migration from the problem patched Mojave volume caused Handoff to stop working while AirDrop remained functional.

So the bottom line is, if you are having problems with a BCM94360 series Airport card, you may need to purge out the system preferences by cleaning installing.

Note in all cases above, there were no legacy HS BT kext involved.

MacPro 3,1 natively supported until 10.11.x , so that's explain misunderstandings, probably I referred to 10.13.x natively supported machines, my mistake.
MacPro 3,1 natively supported until 10.11.x , so that's explain misunderstandings, probably I referred to 10.13.x natively supported machines, my mistake.

My main point is that people have reported problems here with BCM94360 series Airport cards. My observations suggest that those folks should always try a clean install of patched Mojave with a fresh user account before resorting to legacy BT modules. It would be interesting to know which specific preferences are fouling the hardware upgrade progress.
My main point is that people have reported problems here with BCM94360 series Airport cards. My observations suggest that those folks should always try a clean install of patched Mojave with a fresh user account before resorting to legacy BT modules. It would be interesting to know which specific preferences are fouling the hardware upgrade progress.

As far I know there is no preference that fouls the hardware, to make the "Bluetooth icon" appear in System Preferences these come in play:



The blues one are mainly required to be embedded into the prelinkedkernel (kextcache).
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My main point is that people have reported problems here with BCM94360 series Airport cards. My observations suggest that those folks should always try a clean install of patched Mojave with a fresh user account before resorting to legacy BT modules. It would be interesting to know which specific preferences are fouling the hardware upgrade progress.
I do not think it is as simple as that and there is something about Mojave and BT that has not yet been fully determined. I have always used a spare ssd to clean install first to see what happens before I apply the update to my main drive. This is an absolutely virgin copy of Mojave with no migration albeit the patched version using dosdude1’s patcher. In my case the clean install does not correctly identify the BT card. I do not use the Wi-Fi patch. Replacing the BT kexts has got it working correctly each time. I then do the same for my main drive.
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May I ask to add in OP, just for variety and to have a 3x4 matrix view, the Xserve and Blackbook png/icons ?

I'd make the third row shifting the MacPro and all the metal cases.

I guess Xserve later machines are supported by dosdude1's patcher and Blackbook with Penryn CPU is capable to run Mojave with Larsvonhier fixes.


  • xserve-icon.png
    61.9 KB · Views: 235
  • macbook-black-icon.png
    24.4 KB · Views: 220
May I ask to add in OP, just for variety and to have a 3x4 matrix view, the Xserve and Blackbook png/icons ?

I'd make the third row shifting the MacPro and all the metal cases.

I guess Xserve later machines are supported by dosdude1's patcher and Blackbook with Penryn CPU is capable to run Mojave with Larsvonhier fixes.
Unfortunately only 10 images can be added to the OP. I think the current list is a good representation of actual users of this patcher. There are some that aren’t included such as those that you sent but their usage is very rare and thus they are put at the bottom of the list. This is a community managed post however. So if anyone disagrees with me, they are welcome to make any changes they want. These changes will of course be reviewed by the community as well.
Unfortunately only 10 images can be added to the OP. I think the current list is a good representation of actual users of this patcher. There are some that aren’t included such as those that you sent but their usage is very rare and thus they are put at the bottom of the list. This is a community managed post however. So if anyone disagrees with me, they are welcome to make any changes they want. These changes will of course be reviewed by the community as well.

Since from a mobile portrait-view they are being scaled as matrix 5x2 that means 2 in a row can be combined in one png, in this way we'd have 5 pictures (2 in a row) and other 5 spares images available to be used, but I agree with the part those machines are rarely used.
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Since from a mobile portrait-view they are being scaled as matrix 5x2 that means 2 in a row can be combined in one png, in this way we'd have 5 pictures (2 in a row) and other 5 spares images available to be used, but I agree with the part those machines are rarely used.
I didn’t think of combining them. If we were to do that I think it would be better to combine two. Although, older phones will have smaller images then.
It feels even a bit faster and snappier than on El Cap. Perhaps while transitioning out of OpenGL (to Metal) usage, Apple optimized things under the hood?

I can play 720p MP4 with Quicktime without frame drops.
VLC does not work (blank screen or hidden window, sound only).
IINA plays i.e. MKV files but with half frame rate or so.
What´s really great is HTML5 video (youtube i.e.) and even Amazon Prime (with Opera browser) works very well!

Nice. I watched the video you posted as well, and things do seem snappier. VLC and Maps never worked with Yosemite or El Cap on the 4,1 either. I use Movist on those installs and it works great. I haven't tested mkv files, though.

I'm going to be attempting an install today. For your installs, you just clone a working supported Mojave install, replace the prelinked kernel with yours, replace the kexts, rebuild the kext cache, and go? Or are there steps I'm missing?
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